Up- Hill Flashcards
Heaven, the process is difficult.
Repeated metaphorical path motif symbolises the simplicity of going down hill.
AO3- Bunnyan’s ‘Pilgram’s Progress’- allegorical.
Questioner- Worried, childlike naveity.
Answerer- Comforting (God?).
Call and response structure emulates Church.
Compare with SAOFTFOHT
- ‘Does the road wind up-hill all the way?”
- Answers. ‘ My friend’
- ’ Will the day’s journey take the whole long day?’
- Childlike vocab. The euphenisms and metaphors deal with taboo topics such as death.
- Subdues the questioner’s worries. Hypophoric structure. Sisterhood.
- Equates to life, metaphor tired of the prospect of life.
- ’ slow dark hours begin’.
- ‘you cannot miss that inn’
- Euphemistic reference to death. Metaphor of eternity and the hours of temptation sent by God.
- Biblical the ‘inn’ as the refuge for Mary and Joseph. Doubles High Gate as the refuge for fallen woman.
- ‘Shall I meet other wayfarers at night?’
- ‘Then must I knock, or call’
- Community, sisterhood, no isolated female.
- No locked door at a Church, threshold image created through the door, subvert religion or succumb to it.
1.’ Yea, beds for all who come’
Balanced dialogue throughout the poem.
AO3- 19th century Britain was a religious place, 16million people attended Church weekly. The fear of secularisation prominent in the Victorian era.
1. Heavenly reference demonstrates equality, gentle notion of social reform. New Testament voice.
AO5- ‘Rossetti does not preach she prays’- maybe she is praying alongside the reader/ questioner- stewardship.