Untitled Deck Flashcards
What is a macule?
A flat, red/brown/tan lesion usually <0.5cm in size (e.g., freckle, petechiae).
What is a papule?
An elevated, solid lesion that is 0.5cm in size (e.g., mole, wart, lipoma).
What is a pustule?
An elevated, superficial lesion filled with purulent fluid (e.g., acne).
What is a wheal?
A firm, edematous lesion with an irregular shape that usually lasts only a few hours (e.g., bug bites, hives).
What is a plaque?
An elevated, circumscribed, superficial lesion greater than 0.5cm in size (e.g., psoriasis).
What is a vesicle?
A circumscribed lesion filled with serous fluid (e.g., chicken pox, 2nd degree burn).
What is a bulla?
A vesicle that is greater than 0.5cm in size.
What are secondary skin lesions?
Lesions that occur due to changes in primary lesions.
What is atrophy in the context of skin lesions?
Depression in the skin from thinning of the dermis/epidermis, commonly associated with topical corticosteroid creams.
What is excoriation?
A lesion where some dermis is missing, possibly from abrasion.
What is a fissure?
A linear crack or break from the epidermis to the dermis (e.g., tinea pedis).
What is a scale?
Excess dead epidermal cells (e.g., psoriasis).
What is a scar?
An abnormal formation of connective tissue from a healed wound.
What is an ulcer?
A loss of dermis/epidermis that creates a crater-like pressure ulcer, which heals with a scar.
What is a crust?
Dried serum and cellular debris.