Untitled 1 Flashcards
Apply foundational knowledge, critical thinking skills and clinical decision making to a simulated or real clinical scenario
CBL - Pneumonia / Cough - Tutorial 1Case-Based Instruction/Learning
Calculate the alveolar pO2 (pAO2) using the simplified alveolar-air equation, and use this to calculate the alveolar-arterial oxygen gradient (A-a DO2)
Introduction to Gas Exchange and HypoxemiaLecture
Compare the histology of normal airways (bronchi and bronchioles) to asthmatic airways and describe the basic histopathological changes associated with asthma
Upper and Lower Airways - LabLaboratory
Define oxygen partial pressure, % hemoglobin saturation, oxygen content and oxygen delivery as they pertain to arterial blood
Ventilation, Control of Breathing and Blood Gas Transport - Part 1Lecture
Define pneumonia
Management of Lower Respiratory DiseasesDiscussion, Large Group (more than 12);Demonstration;Conference;Case-Based Instruction/Learning
Define pneumonia and describe its etiology and pathology
CBL - Pneumonia / Cough - Tutorial 1Case-Based Instruction/Learning
Define risk factors for community-acquired pneumonia
CBL - Pneumonia / Cough - Tutorial 1Case-Based Instruction/Learning
Define the key anatomic components of the ventilatory pump
Ventilation, Control of Breathing and Blood Gas Transport - Part 1Lecture
Define the terms empiric and targeted antimicrobial therapy, broad-spectrum and narrow spectrum therapy
Introduction to AntibioticsLecture
Demonstrate professional behaviour particularly in regards to appropriate response to feedback, appearance, communication, confidentiality, boundaries, honesty and respect in clinical and non-clinical learning environments
CBL - Pneumonia / Cough - Tutorial 1Case-Based Instruction/Learning
Describe an approach to antibiotic treatment in bacterial pneumonia
CBL - Pneumonia / Cough - Tutorial 1Case-Based Instruction/Learning
Describe an approach to the management of pneumonia
Management of Lower Respiratory DiseasesDiscussion, Large Group (more than 12);Demonstration;Conference;Case-Based Instruction/Learning
Describe both the beneficial and detrimental relationship between microbes and their human hosts
Introduction to Infectious DiseasesLecture
Describe clinical features by history and examination of a patient with pneumonia
CBL - Pneumonia / Cough - Tutorial 1Case-Based Instruction/Learning
Describe how a hypothesis driven history and physical findings can support different diagnoses
Clinical Decision Making - Pneumonia / CoughDiscussion, Large Group (more than 12)
Describe how the shape of the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve influences the uptake and delivery of oxygen
Ventilation, Control of Breathing and Blood Gas Transport - Part 1Lecture
Describe how the unique structure of mycobacteria influences its diagnosis and management
Lower Respiratory Infections - Part 2Lecture
Describe how to investigate and confirm the diagnosis of pneumonia
CBL - Pneumonia / Cough - Tutorial 1Case-Based Instruction/Learning
Describe the ‘Host-Bug-Drug’ triad
Introduction to AntibioticsLecture
Describe the anatomy of the pleural cavities, in particular the clinical relevance of the division between visceral and parietal pleura and the costodiaphragmatic recess
Anatomy of the Thorax - Pleural Cavities, Thoracic Walls and LungsLecture
Describe the basic histopathological changes associated with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and relate those changes to problems with gas exchange
Upper and Lower Airways - LabLaboratory
Describe the basic neural control of alveolar ventilation
Ventilation, Control of Breathing and Blood Gas Transport - Part 1Lecture
Describe the basic structure of viruses
Lower Respiratory Infections - Part 2Lecture
Describe the bifurcation of the trachea and how the airway branches into the lungs
Dissection of Thoracic Walls, Pleural Cavities and LungsLaboratory
Describe the clinical presentation of pneumonia
Management of Lower Respiratory DiseasesDiscussion, Large Group (more than 12);Demonstration;Conference;Case-Based Instruction/Learning
Describe the complications of pneumonia
Pathology of PneumoniaLecture
Describe the components, divisions and extent of the pleural cavities and the mediastinum
Dissection of Thoracic Walls, Pleural Cavities and LungsLaboratory
Describe the course of an intercostal nerve bundle and relate this to the clinical approach of inserting chest drains
Dissection of Thoracic Walls, Pleural Cavities and LungsLaboratory
Describe the definition and classification of pneumonia
Pathology of PneumoniaLecture
Describe the epidemiology of pneumonia
CBL - Pneumonia / Cough - Tutorial 1Case-Based Instruction/Learning
Describe the histological features of the larynx, trachea, bronchi, and bronchioles
Upper and Lower Airways - LabLaboratory
Describe the histological organization of respiratory bronchioles, pulmonary alveoli and the alveolar septa
Upper and Lower Airways - LabLaboratory
Describe the histological organization of the respiratory bronchioles and pulmonary alveoli
Upper and Lower AirwaysLecture
Describe the histology of the respiratory epithelium and relate its structure to function
Upper and Lower AirwaysLecture
Describe the histology of the respiratory epithelium characteristic of the conducting airways, and relate this structure to function
Upper and Lower Airways - LabLaboratory
Describe the important epidemiological aspects of pneumonia
Management of Lower Respiratory DiseasesDiscussion, Large Group (more than 12);Demonstration;Conference;Case-Based Instruction/Learning
Describe the laboratory diagnosis of various types of pneumonia
Management of Lower Respiratory DiseasesDiscussion, Large Group (more than 12);Demonstration;Conference;Case-Based Instruction/Learning
Describe the major anatomical divisions of the mediastinum
Anatomy of the Thorax - Pleural Cavities, Thoracic Walls and LungsLecture
Describe the major categories of microbes that cause disease in humans
Introduction to Infectious DiseasesLecture
Describe the mechanism of action and clinical uses of Tetracyclines, Macrolides and Fluoroquinolones
Introduction to AntibioticsLecture
Describe the mechanism of action, clinical uses and major bacterial resistance mechanisms of the B-lactam class
Introduction to AntibioticsLecture
Describe the mechanisms of CO2 transport in arterial blood
Ventilation, Control of Breathing and Blood Gas Transport - Part 1Lecture
Describe the microbiological tests that assist in the diagnosis and management of pneumonia, including the sensitivity and specificity of each
Lower Respiratory Infections - Part 1Lecture
Describe the most common causes of immune system failure
Introduction to Infectious DiseasesLecture
Describe the pathogenesis of pneumonia
Management of Lower Respiratory DiseasesDiscussion, Large Group (more than 12);Demonstration;Conference;Case-Based Instruction/Learning
Describe the pathology of tuberculosis
Pathology of PneumoniaLecture
Describe the pathophysiology of pulmonary tuberculosis
Lower Respiratory Infections - Part 2Lecture
Describe the pathophysiology of respiratory virus infection using influenza and adenovirus as examples
Lower Respiratory Infections - Part 2Lecture
Describe the patient’s presenting problem
Clinical Decision Making - Pneumonia / CoughDiscussion, Large Group (more than 12)
Describe the process of normal inspiration and expiration, particularly with reference to changes in intra-pleural and intra-alveolar pressures
Ventilation, Control of Breathing and Blood Gas Transport - Part 1Lecture
Describe the prognosis of pneumonia
CBL - Pneumonia / Cough - Tutorial 1Case-Based Instruction/Learning
Describe the role of alveolar surface tension forces in atelectasis (i.e. alveolar collapse) and the role of pulmonary surfactant in preventing this
Ventilation, Control of Breathing and Blood Gas Transport - Part 1Lecture
Describe the steps of viral replication
Lower Respiratory Infections - Part 2Lecture
Describe the varying radiological appearance of pneumonia
Management of Lower Respiratory DiseasesDiscussion, Large Group (more than 12);Demonstration;Conference;Case-Based Instruction/Learning
Determine the cardiothoracic ratio and discuss its clinical significance
Imaging of the Normal ThoraxLecture
Discuss approaches to palliative care of a patient with pneumonia
Management of Lower Respiratory DiseasesDiscussion, Large Group (more than 12);Demonstration;Conference;Case-Based Instruction/Learning
Discuss end of life issues
CBL - Pneumonia / Cough - Tutorial 1Case-Based Instruction/Learning
Discuss the advantages of a longitudinal relationship with a primary care provider, with particular focus on chronic disease management and advance care planning
CBL - Pneumonia / Cough - Tutorial 1Case-Based Instruction/Learning
Discuss the clinical importance of the origin and course of the phrenic nerves
Dissection of Thoracic Walls, Pleural Cavities and LungsLaboratory
Discuss the clinical importance of the pleural cavities rising above the level of the first rib
Anatomy of the Thorax - Pleural Cavities, Thoracic Walls and LungsLecture
Distinguish between lobar and bronchopneumonia
Pathology of PneumoniaLecture
Distinguish between the following terms: minute, alveolar and dead space ventilation; and anatomic, alveolar and physiologic dead space
Introduction to Gas Exchange and HypoxemiaLecture
Draw an oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve showing the relationships between PaO2 and hemoglobin saturation
Ventilation, Control of Breathing and Blood Gas Transport - Part 1Lecture
Evaluate technical factors required for an adequate interpretation of a chest radiograph, including penetration, inspiration and rotation
Imaging of the Normal ThoraxLecture
Explain the local and systemic complications of pneumonia
CBL - Pneumonia / Cough - Tutorial 1Case-Based Instruction/Learning
Explain the location of the intercostal nerve bundle as it relates to intercostal nerve blocks and the insertion of chest drains
Anatomy of the Thorax - Pleural Cavities, Thoracic Walls and LungsLecture
Explain the mechanisms of each of the five causes of hypoxemia
Introduction to Gas Exchange and HypoxemiaLecture
Explain the role of the peripheral and central chemoreceptors in the responses to hypoxemia, hypercapnia and acidosis
Ventilation, Control of Breathing and Blood Gas Transport - Part 1Lecture
Identify static lung volumes and capacities on a spirogram and describe how the balance between the elastic recoil of the lungs and the chest wall determines the functional residual capacity (FRC)
Ventilation, Control of Breathing and Blood Gas Transport - Part 1Lecture
Identify the bifurcation of the trachea and the vertebral level at which this occurs
Anatomy of the Thorax - Pleural Cavities, Thoracic Walls and LungsLecture
Identify the main anatomical features of the right and left lungs
Dissection of Thoracic Walls, Pleural Cavities and LungsLaboratory
Identify the main anatomical features of the thorax on a frontal chest radiograph, including the lungs, the mediastinum, the upper abdomen, the pleural margins, bony landmarks and soft tissue shadows
Imaging of the Normal ThoraxLecture
Identify the major anatomical features of the left and right lungs
Anatomy of the Thorax - Pleural Cavities, Thoracic Walls and LungsLecture
List and classify the common organisms causing pneumonia
Management of Lower Respiratory DiseasesDiscussion, Large Group (more than 12);Demonstration;Conference;Case-Based Instruction/Learning
List the antibiotics that are commonly used in the treatment of resistant bacteria
Introduction to AntibioticsLecture
List the common causes of pneumonia by etiological agent, host demographics and site of acquisition
Pathology of PneumoniaLecture
List the complications of pneumonia and outline their clinical correlations
Management of Lower Respiratory DiseasesDiscussion, Large Group (more than 12);Demonstration;Conference;Case-Based Instruction/Learning
List the different bacterial organisms that cause pneumonia in normal and compromised hosts
Lower Respiratory Infections - Part 1Lecture
List the key steps microbes must perform to cause disease in humans
Introduction to Infectious DiseasesLecture
List the major bacterial targets and classes of antibiotics
Introduction to AntibioticsLecture
List the major defenses humans have evolved or created against infection including the immune system, antimicrobials, vaccines and hygiene
Introduction to Infectious DiseasesLecture
List the natural flora of the respiratory tract and the pathogenesis of common bacterial pneumonias
Lower Respiratory Infections - Part 1Lecture
List the predisposing causes of pneumonia
Pathology of PneumoniaLecture
List the structures that pass to and from a lung via the hilus, and describe the relationship of the phrenic and vagus nerves to the hilus
Anatomy of the Thorax - Pleural Cavities, Thoracic Walls and LungsLecture
Name the factors that affect diffusive transport of a gas from alveolar air to pulmonary capillary blood and discuss how these relate to the diffusing capacity of the lungs
Introduction to Gas Exchange and HypoxemiaLecture
Practice the above using a CBL case
Clinical Decision Making - Pneumonia / CoughDiscussion, Large Group (more than 12)
Recognize the cells in the structure of the alveolus
Pathology of PneumoniaLecture
Recognize the classic signs and symptoms of infection
Introduction to Infectious DiseasesLecture
Relate the anatomy of the thorax to frontal and lateral chest radiographs
Dissection of Thoracic Walls, Pleural Cavities and LungsLaboratory
Relate the superior extent of the pleural cavities as they rise above the first rib to a careful clinical approach when inserting needles into this region
Dissection of Thoracic Walls, Pleural Cavities and LungsLaboratory
Relate the ultra-structural features of the alveolar-capillary barrier to its function in gas exchange
Upper and Lower Airways - LabLaboratory
State and justify an appropriate antimicrobial agent and duration of therapy for both community acquired and nosocomial pneumonia based on host
Lower Respiratory Infections - Part 1Lecture
State the partial pressures of O2 and CO2 in the alveoli, mixed venous and arterial blood in normal individuals
Introduction to Gas Exchange and HypoxemiaLecture
Use the CDM grid to help organize your thinking about making a diagnosis
Clinical Decision Making - Pneumonia / CoughDiscussion, Large Group (more than 12)
Using the alveolar ventilation equation, discuss the factors that determine the partial pressure of CO2 in the alveoli and define the terms hyperventilation and hypoventilation
Introduction to Gas Exchange and HypoxemiaLecture