Unti 10 - Ethics Flashcards
What is the purpose of marriage for Catholics?
The purposes of sacramental marriage are known as the marks, or the external signs of marriage.
Loving - having a relationship of love and faithfulness.
Lifelong - having the lifelong support and comfort of each other.
Exclusive - being committed to only one marriage.
Fruitful - having the opportunity to procreate, have their own children, and the opportunity to bring up a Christian family. Infertile couples are not excluded from this.
Catholic teachings about marriage
Catholics believe marriage is a gift from God with these main elements:
• Marriage unites a couple in faithful and mutual love.
• Marriage opens a couple to the giving of new life.
• Marriage is a way to respond to God’s call of holiness.
• Marriage calls the couple to be a sign of Christ’s love in the world.
• The vows are the sacrament and the couple enters into a covenant, while the signing of the register at the end of the service is the legal marriage. The legal contract can be ended, but the covenant can not.
• The sacrament of marriage can only be between a man and a woman.
Marriage in society
• Civil marriages are considered important events by many as they make a public declaration of two peoples love and commitment.
• Other Christian’s may consider marriage a religious ceremony and conduct it in a church, but may not see it as a sacrament.
• Humanists campaign for humanist weddings to be recognised as legal. Currently couples must also have a civil ceremony.
Different views on marriage
• Same sex couples can marry in England, Wales and Scotland since 2014. Before this they were only allowed a civil partnership. The Catholic Church does not permit same sex marriages but other Christian churches may grant permission if they choose.
• Not all couples wish to marry. Some same-sex couples may choose a civil partnership or to cohabit. However legal rights of cohabiting couples are not the same as those in a civil partnership or marriage.
• Cohabiting couples are the fastest growing family type in the UK. The Catholic Church see cohabitation as a temptation to have premarital sex.
What is the Catholic teaching on sex?
Sexual relations are:
• Unitive
• Marital
• Procreative
Churches teaching on pre-marital sex?
This is sex before marriage. The church believes that sex is a gift from God to be enjoyed by a married couple to unify them as one and create children, so couples should abstain until married.
Churches teaching on cohabitation?
This is when a couple lives together before marriage. Usually they are also in a sexual relationship. The church teaches it can encourage pre-marital sex.
Churches teaching on same-sex?
This is sex between two men or two women. The Catholic Church teaches that to be homosexual is not a sin, however, homosexual relationships are.
Churches teaching on extra-Marital?
This is adultery - sex outside of marriage with a person who is not your husband or wife. This breaks the promises of matrimony, and would be grounds for a civil divorce. A sacramental marriage cannot be dissolved and a divorced couple would still be married in the eyes of the Catholic Church.
Different attitudes towards relationships?
• Family life has changed in the UK since the 1960s. Previously people were expected to wait until marriage to have sex, be married in a church by the age of 25, live as a nuclear family and not get divorced.
• Many people in the UK do not wait until marriage to have sex.
• 47.5% percent of babies in the UK are born to unmarried parents indicating how many couples cohabit.
• Same sex marriage has been legal in England, Wales and Scotland since 2014.
Non-religious views about sex?
• People should behave morally but should have freedom within the limits of morality.
• Sexual relationships between 2 consenting adults are acceptable whatever their form. This should be a carefully thought through decision - what contraception should be used and couples should be faithful.
Catholic views on sex?
• Catholics would not agree sex before marriage is acceptable.
• The Church teaches all forms of artificial contraception are wrong.
• Catholics agree couples should be faithful.
• The church does not recognise same sex marriages.
Catholic Church’s understanding of the importance of family?
• The family is the principal place where the child is educated in morals.
• The family is a ‘communion of love’ where children can grow in security and care.
• Family Life is seen as a vocation for Catholics and something that is to be continued.
Purpose of the family
• Lifelong relationships of love and faithfulness
• Support and comfort of each other
• To procreate and have children.
• To bring up a Christian family who receive the sacraments
• To be a sign of Christs love in the world.
Differences between Catholic, human and atheist beliefs on family?
• Families are the consequences of a loving marital union.
• Catholics take their beliefs from the teachings of God.
Different types of families
• Nuclear family - 2 parents and their children.
• Extended family - including grandparents, aunts, uncles living together.
• Single parent
• Same-sex parents
• Blended - a couple where one or both have children from previous relationships