UNOC 2022 - UNEP - UNEA Flashcards
By whom was this hosted?
Kenya and Portugal
Who represented India?
Dr . Jitendra Singh
Where was it held?
Lisbon , portugal
UNOC comes under?
United Nation Environment Programme
"”Scaling up ocean based activity for SDGs 14 , stocktaking, partnership,solution””
What is the area known for protection of all marine thing in that area?
Marine Protection Area
How many MPA are in India?
Which country has the max MPA?
Hong KOng , china
WHich is the biggest MPA in India?
Andaman And Nicobar
Which is the biggest MPA in world?
Ross-Sea Region , Argentina
When is the WORLD OCEAN DAY celebrated?
8th June
Which mission was done in India regardding Blue Economy mission?
Deep Ocean Sea Mission
* launched by MoES
* on 2018
What was the name of the vechile whioch was made under Deep Sea Ocean?
manned Subermesile vechile
made bi NIOT and ISRO
DOCM has permission to do commercial exploration under?
ISA: International SeaBed Authority
* in 1994
* HQ : Kingston , Argentina
What is the length of Indian Coastline?
India will be __ country to do DOCM which similar to other country
What is the name of India’s First manned ocean mission?
Samudrayaan Mission
What is the name of the vechile that will be sent under Samudrayaan Mission?
made by NIOT and MoES
What is the full form of NIOT?
National Institute of Ocean Technology
* 1993
* HQ : Chennai, Tamil Nadu
* Head : Dr. Gidugu Ramadas
WHo sets the global environmental agenda, promotes the sustainable development within the United Nations system, and serves as an authoritative advocate for global environment protection.
When was UNEP formed?
5th June 1972
Where is the HQ?
Nairobi , kenya
Who is the governing body of the UN Environment Programme.?
United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA)
WHich is the world’s highest-level decision-making body on the environment.?
* was created in June 2012, during the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, also referred to as RIO+20.
WHo is Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme?
Inger Anderson