units 3 and 4 Flashcards
What does the vertical and horizontal axis mean on a population pyramid?
Vertical: age
Horizontal: percent
Population pyramid
A graph that shows the distribution of ages across a population, between males and females
Rule of 70
process where you divide 70 by the population growth rate to estimate how many years it will take for the country’s population to double
Family immigrants
allows Canadians residents to reunite with their families. Must be sponsored by a relative in Canada. Sponsor is responsible for that individual financially for 3-10 years. These risks made it harder to sponsor families. Family immigrants have reduced.
Provincial migration
the movement from one province or territory to another involving a change in usual place of residence.
Canada accepts how many immigrants?
Canada accepts 3 types of immigrants economic, family and refugees
Immigration rate
the number of new Canadians who came here in one year per 1000 people of Canada’s population
Emigration rate
number of people per 1000 people of Canada’s population who leave the country.
Net migration rate
difference between people immigrating to a country and people emigrating from the same country.
Immigration point system
Need a minimum score of 67 points. Applicants are based on aspects, such as education, English, experience, age, and adaptability.
Pier 21
Halifax, Nova Scotia. Principal reception center’s for immigrants. Large, self-contained immigrants at major ports.
Push factors
something that makes people want to leave a place or escape from a particular situation
Pull factors
something that attracts people to a place or a activity.
Birth rate
the number of live births per thousand of population per year
Death rate
the number of deaths per thousand of population per year