Units 1-2 Flashcards
defining parts of renaissance
- individualism
- humanism
- more secular thought
- classicism
- civic humanism: wealthy should have place in politics + helping others
why was the printing press important to the renaissance
spread writings and ideas of renaissance to more ppl;
spread renaissance to north
Northern Humanism
- more religious concern
- encourages ppl to read classical texts and bible
- reforms of church
Why did the renaissance start in Italy
- geography: location in Mediterranean gives access to trade ports + resources
- Medici fam: Florence rulers w/ banking wealth
- patrons of arts: merchants want to look good
renaissance art
- The dome: rejection of really fancy Gothic architecture
- Chiaroscuro: use of light and dark
- geometric perspective
- naturalism
- Michelangelo: David (glorified)
- Rafael: school of Athens(Classicism)
- causes of the reformation
- humanism critiquing society
- printing press: ppl can interpret institutions on their own
- Black death: when affects clergy, shows they are common ppl
- Pietism: direct individual relationship w/ god
- SImony: selling church offices
- indulgences: sales to get your out of purgatory
What was an example of ppl like Luther before Luther
Hus and Wycliffe: criticize Church + tell ppl to read Bible on their own
- killed as heritics
Martin Luther + 95 theses
- German
- 95 theses posted on church of wittenberg outlining problems with church
- 95 these spread by 95 theses
sola fidei, sola scriptura
Pope + Luther + Diet of worms
- pope Leo asks Luther to unsay his beliefs
-Luther says no and confronted by HREmporer at Diet of Worms - support of Fredrick of Saxony, German prince, to hide him after banned
Why did protestantism spread so effectively?
- Luther pretty conservative: easier for ppl to accept (German peasants revolt)
- Luther not concerned w/ politics: German princes like him for balance of power
- HRE too weak to combat
Shmalkaldic War
Charles 5th v. Protestants
loses and signs peace of Augsburg: letting rulers of each state to choose btwn Luther or Catholic
English Reformation: Henry 8th + descendents
- wants to annul marriage
Church says no, he denounces them + makes him head of church of England (Act of Supremacy) - Bloody Mary viiolently tries to consolidate power + be catholic
- Elizabeth restores anglicanism
Catholic Counter reformation
-Index of prohibited books: censorship of other beliefs
- papal inquisition: found heritics + executed
- council of Trent for 18 years to improve Church’s problems
- baroque art to show the glory of the church
- Jesuits (Ignatius of Loyala) missionary to convert
Portugal exploration
- land not good for farming
- Henry the Navigator conquests Africa part
- Dias sails to tip of Africa
- Da Gama reaches India
Spanish exploration
- Spain inspired by Portugal exploration
- want to find route to India for gold and spices
- Christopher columbus
- want to convert whole world to christianity
- Magellan circumnavigates globe
- Cortes conquereds Aztecs, Pizarro captures Incas
- lack of immunity to Euro disease made them die a lot and easy to conquer
Spain + Portugal plantations + economy effects
- in the new world, encomienda system: forced labor of indigenous
- population not enought, bring African slaves
- justify cruelty with spreading christ
- quinine lets British stay in new world w/out malaria
- columbian exchange: transfer of everything from new to old world + disease
- mercantilism: build up as much bullion as possible
New monarchs
- establishing monopoly made from taxes
- building military
- doing justice
- determining religion of subjects
New Monarchs: Spain
- Ferdinand + Isabella: marriage shows unifying Spain + consolidating monarchical power
- reconquista: expelling Jews and Muslims from state for religious unity
Thirty years war
price rev
- will cause commercial revolution
- more silver + gold + population makes prices rise, inflation makes commerce grow
- people start commercializing agriculture w/ enclosure mvmt
- lack of jobs for agriculture workers will make them move to cities
Commercial Revolution
period of econ expansion, colonialism, mercantilism, more
France: calvinism
lots of wars that leade to Edict of Nantes: gives freedom of religion to huguenots