Absolutism to Sci Rev Flashcards
French Absolutism
- Louis 14th has to deal with nobility revolts (Fronde)
- Divine right of kings
- Palace of Versailles for glory + control of nobles
- revokes edict of Nantes to consolidate power
Jean-Baptiste Colbert
economic advisor of Louis 14th
- mercantilism
- expands french empire
Louis wars + war of Spanish succession
- peasants have to pay taxes of war costs
- Treaty of Utrecht puts Bourbon on Spanish throne but one monarch can’t rule France and spain
English rev: James 6th
-divine right
- only king could call parliament + calls for help to raise taxes
English rev: Charles 1st
- puts parliament members he disagrees w/ in jail
- Petition of right makes Charles have to give parliament more power(no raise taxes)
- Charles dissolves parliament
- Scots revolt of puritans makes him call (short) parliament for help
- calls long parliament to halp pay sum lost in Scots war, parliament makes him get rid of things like Court of star chanber (stop opposition)
English Rev: cromwell
Cromwell leads army of Puritans to defeat monarchy + execute king
- commonwealth very strict and people don’t like it
English rev: Charles 2nd then James 2nd
- put into power after ppl sick of cromwell
- gives Catholics more rights( way to achieve more royal absolutism)
- ppl don’t like him; get WIlliam of Orange and Mary to invade England (Glorious rev)
compromises that had to be made by William and Mary
- Bill of Rights: monarchs cant do things w/out parliaments consent
- have to uphold Protestantism
- act of toleration: freedom of religion for other types but not Catholic
- Act of Union: England and Scotland unite, form Great Britain
Dutch (the Netherlands) dominance
- replaces Spain as econ power: Peace of Westphalia closes sea routes
- access to Baltic for trade
- tech advancements
- bank of Amsterdam: Dutch East India company (joint stocks)
- religious toleration
Early modern europe economy + population
- population growth creates more workers + more consumers
- Price rev: inflation because of precious metals from new world
Rural life in early Modern time
- enclosure mvmt by wealthy gentry for personal use (before used by whole community)
- farmers poor, sometimes w/ state or church help
-enserfment in EE
Urban life early modern time
- specialization
- capitalist entrepreneurs
- econ troubles mean less children and later marriage
causes of Sci Rev
- discovery of new world
- printing press: recent sci discoveries
- nation state rivalry + rich leaders that could fund
- reformation: Bible readers make larger reading public
- Humanism: Classicism and sci texts
What was the state pre sci rev
-medieval scholasticism: sci revolved around god
- 4 elements of earth, 4 humours of body
- Ptolemaic view: everything revolves around earth
- all sci has alr been discovered
-heliocentric theory: earth revolves around sun
- priest
-telescope: records heliocentric theory
- condemned by Catholic church + executed
Isaac Newton
- Pricnipia: lots of ideas + gravity
- Will lead British royal society spreading sci experiemtns
Francis Bacon
- philosopher
- inductive reasoning, empiricism
- examine evidence from nature
French philosopher: deductive reasoning + rationalism
- question everything: no set beliefs besides your existence
it is better to wage on existence of God than not
William Harvey + Vesalius
- Vesalius: surgery
- Harvey: blood circulation
Thomas Hobbes
political philosopher
- man is bag
-Leviathan: ppl need strict leader to lead them
John Locke
political philosopher: man is good
- defends English rev + Bill of rights
- we are free but enter into social contract for wellness
- ppl can rebel oppression
- equality + education
Urbanization during sci revish time
- unemployed farmers move to cities for work in factories
- overpopulation: drunkards + prostitutes + dirty
- entertainment buildings like theaters + taverns
- Coffeehouse: alcohol to caffeine
- govs start slowly cleaning streets+ police dept.
1700s medicine + public health
- innoculation builds up immunity w/ doses
- less child mortality makes children not seen as disposable, but as valuable ppl in glorious period of innocence
difference btwn sci rev + enlightenment
- sci rev: laws of natural world
- enlightenment: laws of human behavior
French philosophes
- how the enlightenment started
-salons would discuss topics - Republic of letters to share thoughts
Hume + Voiltaire
enlightened questioning of religion
- Voltaire sees toleration in England
Deism: god made earth then stepped back
spirit of the laws
- separation of powers + checks and balances
Denis Diderot
wrote encyclopedia
- spreads enlightenment ideas outside of France
- Censored by Catholic Church
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
- social contract book
- individuals surrender to larger power so those without power have freedom
- glorified romanticism and against feminism
Mary Wollstonecradt
Vindication of the rights of women
- suffrage + political equality
Adam Smith
Scottish that rejected mercantilitsm
- laissez-faire + invisible hand will rnbegulate economy