United Airlines Intevriew Tech Panel Prep Flashcards
Four Core Traits
Safe, Caring, Efficient, Dependable
Seven CRM/TEM Skills
Situational awareness, Leadership Effectiveness, Planning and decision making, Communication, Monitor/Cross Check,
Workload Management,
Automation management
CRM Crew Resource Management
Utilizing technical and behavioral skills to effectively communicate, manage resources, and create a productive/safe crew environment
TEM Threat and Error Management
Managing of operational threats and human errors. TEM is used to mitigate potential errors from occurring, or consequences of errors. Promotes vigilance instead of complacency, implementing a continuous process of identifying and preventing errors at the earliest opportunity.
What are Threats
Operational events outside of crewmember influence, requiring increased attention to maintain safety.
What are Errors
Errors are Deviations from desired performance due to neglected or improper procedures.
Undesired Aircraft State UAS
A position, attitude, condition, or configuration of an aircraft that reduces safety margins. Usually a result of ineffective error management.
Min required LDG distance
5000 feet
Max endurance Speed
210 knots at 10,000 MSL
Planned Landing fuel for dispatch
6000 lbs
Normal fuel burn at cruise
6000 lbs per hour or 100 lbs per minute
United Threat Forward briefing concept
Threats, Fuel Plan, MX, Notams, Taxi/hotspots, RTO criteria, Evac duties, Departure Clearance, Departure SID review, Weather/WSHR, Takeoff Performance, EFP, Terrain/obstacles
3 to 1 rule?
3NM for every 1000ft descended at a 3 degree decscent
Distance required to descend from 360 to 180
18 x 3
54 Miles
Distance required to descend from 300 to 100
20 x 3
60 miles
Distance required to descend from 410 to 100
31 x 3
93 Miles
Distance required to descend from 150 to 100
5 x 3
15 miles
Temperature Conversion C to F
(C x 2) + 30
Temperature F to C
(F - 30) / 2
15C to F
15 x 2 = 30
90F to C
90 - 30
0C to F
0 x 2 = 0
0 + 30
30C to F
30 x 2 = 60
60 + 30