Jetblue Airlines OPV Flashcards
When you show up to the aircraft, you notice that the mechanic has
added an MEL that requires “Dispatch Concurrence” to the aircraft
logbook. This MEL is not reflected on the release. What is the
appropriate action?
Contact your dispatcher to receive an amendment to your release
Based on the following information, was an alternate required for
this release?
FLT 1494 /03JUL14 VERSION-1
STD-1910 STA-2154
ETD-1940 ETA-2224
AMD KHPN 031438Z 0315/0412 VRB04KT P6SM BKN015
FM031530 VRB05KT
No, because the weather is forecast to be above 2000 and 3 from 1 hr.
before until 1 hr. after the ETA. (However, it is OK that the dispatcher
listed an alternate as a precaution)
If an airport has two standard CAT 1 ILS approaches available
(each with minimums of 200 & ½), what is the lowest allowable
weather forecast which would qualify that airport as a legal
Ceiling 400 & visibility 1 sm
Sometimes the forecast contains conditional weather remarks
(TEMPO, PROB) that are below landing minimums. By listing a
second alternate (exemption 3585), we are still able to dispatch as
long as the weather in the __________ is above minimums, and the
weather in the remarks is no less than _____ the required
Main Body, 1/2
What are the steps to verify the logbook?
Ensure Correct Logbook is onboard
Review Logbook back to the Airworthiness Release
(All discrepancies must be resolved or deferred)
Compare MELs/CDLs in the Logbook to the Release
(All CDLs and “Dispatch Concurrence” MELs must be listed on the
Check MEL/CDL pages for recurring items
When must we have two alternates listed on the dispatch release?
When the forecast reports marginal wx (less than 600 & 2) at the
destination and first alternate
When we are dispatched under Exemption 3585
On the Operational Flight Plan (OFP), “TAXI OUT” fuel is based
Historical data; Dispatchers are able to amend…based on expected
taxi out conditions
First officers are required to maintain a _________ Class Medical
which must be renewed every ______ months until reaching their
60th birthday
First, 12
What is the reporting time requirement for submission of a Flight
Crew Irregularity Report (FCIR)?
24 hours from the end of duty on the date of the event, extendable to 72
hours with Chief Pilot notification
Under 10,000 feet who will perform all navigational entries in the
Pilot Monitoring (PM)
At the origination of a trip, you are required to report at least ______
prior to departure
1 hour
When a reroute is greater than _____ miles from the planned track,
more than ______ feet from planned cruise altitude, or is changing a
planned routing in WATRS airspace, dispatch must be notified.
100, 4000
When taxiing, if a task takes the First Officer’s attention away from
aircraft movement, what must he/she do?
Ensure you are not crossing an active runway or hotspot, then verbally
state “Heads Down”
At all times, JetBlue aircraft must remain within ___ hour(s) of an
adequate airport?
Do not reset or pull a circuit breaker unless explicitly directed to do
so by a procedure in the FOM, MEL, QRH or FCOM. (True/False)
Based on your current fuel burn you determine that you will be
below Minimum Landing Fuel at your alternate. What should you
Declare minimum fuel with ATC
When holding is assigned, Dispatch is to be notified with what
Holding Fix and Altitude
Fuel on Board and EFC
Reason for the hold
Refer to the image shown. Your position is
25 NM south of JANUD. ATC clears you
direct to JANUD and cleared for the
What altitude are you able to descend to?
6000’ until JANUD and then continue via
the arrival.
On initial contact with approach control, you are advised to expect a
Localizer approach. Since we are unable to fly a LOC Only
approach, what action should you take?
Ask the approach controller for an ILS or an approach with vertical
guidance (RNAV, GPS, or VOR)
When operating into areas of high terrain crews must…
Select Terrain for display on the moving map (ND/MFD)
When is a pre-takeoff contamination check required after de/antiicing?
When your holdover time has been exceeded or when heavy snow is
When completing Aerodata entries, what must be entered in the
The latest Dispatch Release version number
Unless directed by an AeroData EFP, Special Procedure, or SID
which depicts “As soon as practical,” turns after departure should
not be made before
400 Feet
Based on the TLR below, what is the Engine Failure Procedure
(EFP) when taking off of runway 26?
Left Turn to a heading of 170 degrees
How should you contact MedLink during flight?
Flight Crew will contact either ARINC via VHF/HF or JetBlue
Dispatch via SATVOICE. Three-way communication will then
be established between the Flight Crew, MedLink and
A quick way to locate Smoke/Fire checklists in the QRH is to…
Look for the red “S” section
Cruising at FL370, a loud boom occurs followed by a rush of air and
fog. What may have occurred and what actions need to be
A rapid decompression has occurred. While maintaining aircraft
control, both pilots should accomplish their memory action items
Where can Crewmembers access Safety Action Reports?
Safety Action Reports can be accessed through the JetBlue Event
Management System (JEMS) on on a desktop or
laptop computer, or on the JEMS App on the company issued iPads.
Which of these represents the “parked position”?
Image B
What is the likely reason that no ground returns are being painted at
the aircraft’s 1 O’clock position?
The weather at 1 O’clock is shadowing