unit4 Flashcards
tyranny meaning
oppressive exercise of power
husks meaning
dry external layer of certain fruits or seeds
crowns meaning
a foreign coin of certain value
duke meaning
a noble holding highest rank outside royal family
outlaw meaning
a person who has broken the law and remains a fugitive
subtly meaning
skilfull, ingenious, clever
high flown meaning
whetstone meaning
a piece of stone used for sharpening cutlery
pancakes meaning
flat cake of batter fried on both sides rolled up with sweet or savoury
unleash meaning
set free
knave meaning
dishonest man
knight meaning
a man who served his soverreigns
slander literary device
crime of making false spoken statemnet damaging a persons reputation
apparent meaning
able to be seen or understood
proclamations meaning
public or official announcements
piteous meaning
diserving pity
snuck meaning
scorned meaning
to express contempt
graces meaning
to bring honour or credit
mourn meaning
feel sorrow for a loss
misconstrue meaning
to interpret wrongly
malice meaning
desire to harm someone
conventional meaning
in accordance with beliefs
firm meaning
solid structure, reselient
boar spear meaning
a spear used for hunting bears
clownish meaning
humorously exaggerated
temperamental meaning
a persons unreasonable changes of mood
burrs meaning
rough edge left on an object by a tool
devious meaning
showing skillfull use of negative tactics to achieve goals
smudge meaning
messily smeared
swaggering meaning
parade with arrogance
modest meaning
tumult meaning
choristers meaning
singers in a choir
blithely meaning
without care
cadence meaning
rhythmic music
rapture meaning
extreme pleasure
amber meaning
brownish yellow
ebony meaning
a hard deep black
marauders meaning
sanctuary meaning
place of safety
homing meaning
going home
ballad genre
oldest form of poetry in a song form narrating a story in short stanzas
biography genre
life history of a person written by someone else
comedy genre
the term in any discourse or work generally inducing laughter
couplet literary device
a pair of successive lines of verse typically rhyming and of same length
elegy genre
poem of serious reflections, a lament for the dead
epic genre
long narrative poem in relation to the central heroic figure, becoming a part of history of a nation or race
folklore genre
traditional beliefs and customs or stories of a community passed through generations by word of mouth
haiku genre
a japanese poem of seventeen syllables in three lines of 5,7,5 evoking images of natural world
horror genre
literature intented to scare disgust or startle reader through feelings of terror and sometimes through supernatural elements
lampoon literary device
publicly criticize by ridicule or sarcasm
limerick genre
humorous five line poem with a rhyme scheme aabba
lyric genre
poetry expressing subjective or personal point of view
novel genre
fictitious long prose narrative of book length
novella genre
a short or a long short story
ode genre
a type of lyrical stanza elaborately structured poem praising an event or individual
romance genre
literature that aims to evoke strong emotions in the audience
satire literary device
use of humorous irony, exaggeration or ridicule to expose famous personalities
sonnet genre
fourteen line poem usuing any number of rhyme schemes
short story genre
story with a well developed theme, much shorter and less elaborate than a novel
villanelle genre
nineteen-line pastoral lyrical poem, with only two rhymes throughout and some lines repeated
connotation literary device
the feelings and associations suggested by a wod
hyperbole literary device
an exaggeration of something
imagery literary device
the creation of images using words
irony literary device
a difference or contrast
oxymoron literary device
phrase consisting of contradictory terms
paradox literary device
statement that at first appears contradictory but which on closer examination contains truth
what is a calligram
a visual representation of a word or poem, that reflects the meaning
what is stress in english
it is the emphasis given to select sounds or syllables in words. this means some words are pronounced louder than the others.
what is intonation in english
it is the way the pitch of a speakers voice goes up or down as they speak.