idioms Flashcards
what is an idiom
an established group of words, the meaning of which is not clear or understandable from the individual words
hang in there
dont give up
hit the sack
go to sleep
miss the boat
its too late
under the weather
comparing apples to oranges
comparing two things that cannot be compared
ignorance is bliss
you are better off not knowing
spill the beans
give away a secret
the ball is in your court
its your decision
throw caution to wind
take a risk
take a rain check
postpone a plan
green with envy
to be very jealous or envious
take the red eye
a late night flight that arrives early in the morning
tickled pink
to be extremely pleased
black as a skillet
used to describe something that is very dirty or black with dirt
blue collar
used to desribe men used as labourers, factory workers
browned off
to be bored or annoyed with someone or something
white wash something
to cover up our faith or wrongdoings
a yellow streak
someone who has cowardice in thier character
grey matter
brains, intelligence
in black and white
in writing, officially
black and blue
open a can of worms
create a whole new set of problems
the world is your oyster
you have many good oppurtunities in front of you
watching like a hawk
watching something very closely
mad as a hornet
very angry or furious
get your ducks in a row
organise things
hold your horses
slow down, stop
let sleeping dogs lie
leave it alone, leave something in peace
chicken out
to decide not to do something out of fear
make a bee line
go straight for something
until the cows come home
for a very long time
a lone wolf
someone who prefers to spend time alone and has few friends
monkey around with
to play or waste time with someone or something
as meek as a lamb
quiet, docile, meek
a dumb bunny
a stupid or gullible person
have a whale of time
to have an exciting and interesting time