Unit VII Flashcards
➢ It provides direction on the type of nursing care the individual/family/community
may need.
➢ Its main focus is to facilitate standardized, evidence-based and holistic care.
Nursing Care Plan
➢ A digital way of writing the care plan, compared to handwritten.
Computerized Nursing Care Plan
Components of a Care Plan:
a clinical management tool that helps medical care
providers coordinate the delivery of patient care for a particular case type or
Clinical Pathway
Critical Pathways is also known as
clinical pathway
multi disciplinary pathways
collaborative paths
care maps
Components of clinical pathways:
clinical practice guidelines
systematically developed statements to assist
practitioner and patient decisions about appropriate health care for specific clinical
Clinical Practice Guidelines
What do you call locally developed CPG?
internal guidelines
What do you call regionally or nationally developed CPG?
external guidelines
What are the stages of guideline development?
Detailed Literature Search
Guideline Construction
Guideline Testing
Guideline Review
Stages of Guideline Development:
It is essential that guidelines are based on the best available research evidence-done to identify evidence from research studies about the appropriateness and effectiveness of different clinical strategies.
Detailed Literature Search
Stages of Guideline Development:
takes place, usually through some form of small group work, with representation from as many interested parties as possible.
Guideline construction
Stages of Guideline Development:
Done by asking professionals not involved in the guideline development to review it for clarity, internal consistency, and acceptability.
Guideline Testing
What are the characteristics of clinical practice guidelines?
Cost effectiveness
Clinical Applicability
Clinical Flexibility
Representative Development
Meticulous Documentation
Scheduled review
Unscheduled review
Characteristics of Guidelines:
o Means that if a guideline is followed it should lead to the health gains and costs predicted.
o This requires that the guideline be rigorously developed and consistent with available scientific evidence.
Characteristics of Guidelines:
Means that the improvements in health care should have acceptable costs.
Cost effectiveness
Characteristics of Guidelines:
Means that given the same evidence, another guideline
development group would produce similar recommendations.
Characteristics of Guidelines:
Means that given the same clinical circumstances, another health professional would apply the recommendations in a similar fashion; both are more likely to occur if the guideline is developed in a systematic and rigorous manner.
Characteristics of Guidelines:
Guideline development should be undertaken by a group with representation from all key disciplines and interests, including patients.
Representative Development
Characteristics of Guideline:
the target population
should be defined in line with scientific evidence.
Clinical Applicability
Characteristics of Guidelines:
identifying exceptions and how patient preferences are to be taken into account in the decision-making process.
Clinical Flexibility
Characteristics of Guidelines:
Guidelines should be clear, using precise definitions and user- friendly formats.
Characteristics of Guidelines:
Guideline development process should include details of who took art, methods used, and assumptions made, and should link recommendations to the available evidence, which should be graded according to its method
Meticulous Documentation
Characteristics of Guidelines:
Guidelines should also be reviewed periodically and modified to incorporate new knowledge.
Scheduled Review
Unscheduled Review
Refers to the method by which guidelines are made available to potential users.
Means ensuring that users subsequently act upon the
periodicals that are made available as individual tittles via electronic medium, typically the World Wide Web (www).
What are the two formats a journal article can be downloaded into?
HTML format
Originally, they were distributed via email but now are available on the web and only alerts of new issues
are distributed by email. Access to this category of e-journals is free of cost.
Classic electronic journals
These are journals that are available both in print and electronically. Sometimes the electronic version may
differ from the print journal e.g., article may appear electronically before they are printed or the electronic version may have supplementary material on it.
Parallel electronic journals
Electronic version of print
articles reside in a centralized database maintained by the publisher and subscribers are given permission to access the database to locate and download articles.
Database model
software model
The full text of journals has been made available on CD-ROMs.
CD-ROM journals
These are e-journals where complete articles are available rather than just summaries or abstracts. Usually the whole of the journals is available
These are journals that are only available electronically, no counterpart likes print or CD-ROM is available of these types of journals.
Electronic only journals