Unit V Quiz Flashcards
What happened at Three Mile Island in 1979?
A nuclear reactor malfunctioned, causing radiation to spread into the area.
What happened at Three Mile Island in 1979?
A nuclear reactor malfunctioned, causing radiation to spread into the area.
What was Nixon’s Southern strategy?
To delay desegregation and integration efforts in the South
What is OPEC?
The group of countries that produce oil
What is inflation?
When prices on consumer items increase
After Nixon resigned, who took office?
Gerald R. Ford
What was “Silent Spring”?
A book by Rachel Carson about environmental issues
What was important about Nixon’s visits to China and Moscow?
China and Russia were Communist nations, and Nixon signed agreements settling disputes.
What was “The Saturday Night Massacre”?
Nixon fired two attorney generals who refused to fire Cox over the release of the tapes.
What is OPEC?
The group of countries that produce oil
Name the three environmental policies passed by Nixon
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Clean Air Act, Endangered Species Act
After Nixon resigned, who took office?
Gerald R. Ford
What was “Silent Spring”?
A book by Rachel Carson about environmental issues
What was important about Nixon’s visits to China and Moscow?
China and Russia were Communist nations, and Nixon signed agreements settling disputes.
What office was broken into in the Watergate Office Complex?
The campaign headquarters of the Democratic National Campaign
What was “The Saturday Night Massacre”?
Nixon fired two attorney generals who refused to fire Cox over the release of the tapes.
Who were Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein?
They broke the Watergate Scandal story in the Washington Post
What proved Nixon’s guilt?
The taped conversation between Nixon and Haldeman about covering up the role of administration in the Watergate burglary
What was New Federalism?
It was Nixon’s plan to decrease the size of government
What are the Helsinki Accords?
Agreements between the US and 35 other nations to cooperate with each other
What is stagflation?
The combined effect on the economy of high inflation and high unemployment that troubled the US in the early 1970s
What is Realpolitik?
The foreign policy philosophy put forth by Kissinger that promoted political realism
What are the Camp David Accords?
The peace agreement Carter helped form between Israel and Egypt to settle their disputes
Who was Khomeini?
The Muslim leader that took control of Iran in 1979
What proved Nixon’s guilt?
The taped conversation between Nixon and Haldeman about covering up their involvement in the Watergate burglary (obstruction of justice)
What was happening with industrial jobs in the mid-1970s?
They were declining
What did the US begin importing after 1971?
What has happened with service sector jobs since the mid-1970s?
They have increased
Who ran for president in 1976?
Gerald Ford (R) and Jimmy Carter (D)
Where did Islamic Revolution begin?