Unit V: Branches of Govt.: Legislative Flashcards
Legislative branch aka….
What article is the legislative branch in in the constitution?
Article I
How is congress organized?
Bicameral legislature
Define bicameral
2 houses
Name 2 houses of congress
House of reps & senate
How many reps for each state for senate?
2 from each state
How is # of reps in house of reps determined?
Based on state’s pop.
List 3 qualifications for house of reps
- 25 yrs old
- US citizen for 7 yrs
- Resident of state you represent
How long is term for rep in the house?
2 yrs
Is there term limits for house reps?
Why no term limits for House of Reps
- Share power
- Nation needs great leaders
- People could vote out bad leaders
Define incumbent
person who holds office
Define office
the political position
When is the term “incumbent” generally used?
During election/campaign time
What is the reelection rate for incumbents?
Why do incumbents have such a high chance of reelection?
- easier for incumbent to fundraise
- people don’t really like change, especially when everything is going well
How many reps are there in the house?
What is a state’s # of reps based on?
When do the # of reps per state change?
Every 10 yrs w/ the census
Each state is divided into what
If PA has 18 reps, how many districts does it have?7
18 districts
How many reps per district?
1 rep
How many reps do you vote for?
Just one - the rep of your district
Who is our rep for the House?
Mike Kelly (R)
What district are we?
3rd district
Define gerrymandering
Drawing districts to favor one political party over another
What’s deal with gerrymandering and Supreme Court?
Supreme Court has declared it to be unconstitutional, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they don’t get away with it
Define constituents
people who live in a district
Who is the House controlled by?
Who is the speaker of the house?
Rep. John Boehner
Is the speaker of the House one of the 235 reps?
Who is the Majority leader of the House?
Kevin McCarthy
Who is the Minority Leader of the House?
Nancy Pelosi
List qualifications for senate
- 30 yrs old
- US citizen for 9 yrs
- Resident of state you represent
How long is a senate term?
6 yrs
Is there term limits for the senate?
Why no term limits for the senate?
- Share power
- Nation needs great leaders
- People could vote out bad leaders
Are all 100 seats of the senate open at once for elections?
When are elections held for the senate?
Every 2 yrs - same time as House of Reps
How many senate seats are open every election?
About 1/3
How many senators make up the senate?
Who votes for senators?
Everyone in that state - regardless of districts
Who is the senior senator for PA?
Bob Casey Jr.
Who is the junior senator for PA?
Pat Toomey
Who is president of the senate?
Joe Biden
Who is the Majority Leader of the Senate?
Mitch McConnell
Is the majority leader of the senate democrat or republican?
Republican, therefore republican controls both House & Senate
Who is the Minority Leader of the Senate?
Harry Reid
Define censure
Formal disapproval
Define expulsion
Forced to leave office
How does one get expelled from congress?
2/3 vote of that house
Describe background on 27th Amendment
Congress controls all the money in govt - they control their own pay
What is the 27th Amendment?
If Congress gives themselves a pay raise, it does not go into effect until the next session of Congress (until after the next election)
Why is the 27th Amendment in place? (& why it works so well)
Bc if they give themselves a huge raise then the people won’t really like that & therefore they probably won’t get re-elected
Is it becoming easier or more difficult for congress to function effectively?
It is becoming increasingly difficult
Why is it becoming increasingly difficult for congress to function effectively?
- Size of Congress is increasing
- Complexity of issues
- Political partisanship
Explain what is meant by the complexity of issues
e.g. To use nuclear power or to not use? They didn’t have decisions like this 100 yrs ago
Explain political partisanship
Conservative vs. Liberal
- not willing to work together much / much less compromise
- more extreme
What is the significance with the increasing difficulty to function effectively in congress?
Strict rules…
- Senate is less formal - fewer members (therefore less rules)
- Ex. Can talk as long as you want in the Senate but the House has time limits
What is the goal of all congressmen?
Who fills the position of the president of the senate?
the Vice President
What’s the deal with the president of the senate?
It’s written in the constitution that the Vice President presides over the senate but he rarely does except in cases of a tie where he would be the deciding vote
Describe the President Pro Tempore
Honorary / little power
Describe the Majority Leader
- schedule the bills / assign to committies
* controls order that bills are taken care of - 1st to be recognized for debate
Describe the minority leader
works with the majority leader
Describe the Party Whip
- keeps trap of how members vote
- round up members to vote
- get members opinions
Describe the Speaker of the House
- most power
- schedule / plan / assign
Where is most of the work in congress done?
What are committees needed in order to do?
needed in order to handle the # & complexity of issues
What is the single most important part of congress?
Committees - bills must go through committees!! This is where they usually become dead
What are the 3 types of committees?
- Standing committees
- Select committees
- Joint committees
What is a standing committee?
Permanent committee which specializes in particular topic
What is the most important type of committee?
Standing committee
Are some standing committees more important than others?
Ex. Foreign relations more important than agriculture
Who are the members of standing committees?
- majority party could occupy all but usually take majority of seats & chairperson
- rest of seats go to minority part
Is there a limit to how many people can serve on each (standing) committee?
How are standing committees filled?
- Seniority
2. Political power
What are select committees?
groups appointed for a limited purpose and a limited time
What are joint committees? (& example)
groups with both Representatives & Senators
ex. Conference Committee – help House & Senate agree on the details of a proposed law
Describe the overall significance of committees
- Leadership carries more power in the House than the Senate
- Party Vote
- Role of Staffs
Describe how leadership carries more power in the House than in the Senate
size & rules
Ex. Restriction on debate
Describe the significance of the party vote
When majority of the Party vote the same on an issue
-the higher the %, the stronger the vote
Representatives –> most responsive to their constituents
-therefore less party votes
Describe the significance of the role of staffs
-has grown as issues have become more complex
Ex. 1935 –> 2 aides; today: House of Reps = 17, Senate = 40
Define appropriations
how the govt. spends money
List the congressional powers
- collect taxes
- borrow money
- regulate commerce (trade)
- regulate immigration/naturalization
- coin money & set its value
- create postal system
- issue patents
- create lower federal courts
- declare war
- create army/navy = armed forces
(also have power to draft troops) - ratify treaties
- approve nominations/appointments of govt. officials
- create laws
- propose amendments to Constitution
- controls appropriations
- House of Reps elects President if electoral college fails
- impeach federal officials
Describe the impeachment process
2 Part Process
- House –> impeachment
- Senate –> out on trial / verdict
Define impeachment
accuse govt. official of wrongdoing
Describe the significance of congressional powers
- Expressed / delegated powers
- written out in Constitution - implied powers
- Congress can increase their power but using the “necessary & proper” clause- allows Congress to make specific laws to carry out their vague powers
- Vague powers = expressed powers
- allows Congress to make specific laws to carry out their vague powers
By whom must a bill be introduced?
A senator or representative
How is a bill introduced in the senate?
formal announcement
How is a bill introduced in the house?
Drop in “hopper” (box)
How do presidents introduce a bill?
will usually ask a senator or rep to sponsor a bill w/ him
Does pending legislation carry over from 1 congress to the next?
Why are bills introduced?
- to help the country
2. to make politicians look good (so they can go back to district & say “look what I did”)
What is the most important step in the introduction process?
The work of committees
Does every bill to to a committee?
Yes every single one
How are committees assigned to bills?
- by appropriate topic in correspondence w the bill
- for political reasons (gets sent to a committee w/ a particular leader who will either crush or help the bill)
- assigned to multiple committees bc of complexity of bill