Unit Three- Civil War and Reconstruction Flashcards
What was Antietam?
Where Confederate army was defeated.
What was the Bull Run?
First major land battle of the armies in Virginia . 1861. First battle of the Civil War. Confederate army won and North lost , forcing them to prepare for a long war
What was the Battle of Vicksburg?
Viksburg surrendered after proonged siege operations . Led by Ulysses S. Grant.
What was the battle of Gettysburg?
fought in south-central Pennsylvania in 1863. Ended in a major victory for the North. Turning point of the war.
Why did Lincoln implement the Emancipation Proclamtion?
to turn the war from a political focus to a morally based focus slaves , and he hoped that the promise of freedom would cause revolts among Southern slaves and lead them to support Nouthern armies, freeing the slaves
What is the writ of habeas corpus?
court order to a person holding someone in custody to deliver the imprisoned individual to the court issuing the order.
What is a Total War and how did William Tecumseh Sherman implement this policy in his march through the south?
a war that is unrestricted in terms of the weapons used, the territory involved, or the objectived used
~Used the scorched earth policy
~~~a military strategy which involved destroying anything that might have been useful to the enemy
What was the Radical Republican’s Act of 1867 and was it strict?
reduced the secessionist states to conquered territroy , dividing them into five military districts , governed by Union general, martial law(keep peace and protect former slaves)
~It wasnt that strict
Why did the Radical Republicans disagree on the method of reconstruction?
They wanted to punish the Confederacy
What events led to the impeachment of Andrew Johnson?
Violated 1867 Tenure of Office Act
Violated the Command of the Army Act
What amendments were made to the U.S Constitution during reconstruction?
13th Amendment- abolished slavery
14th Amenedment- privileges clause, due proccess, and equal protection
15th Amendment- prohibited discrimination in voting rights of citizens on “race, color, or disabilty”
What is the Freedman’s Bureau?
helped former black slaves and poor whites in the South in the aftermath of the Civil War
~provided food, shelter, medical aid, stablished schools, and offered legal assistance
~by Congress