Unit Test Flashcards
This Act shall be known as the “Mental Health act
RA 11036
In a community mental health facility, the nurse
remarked that the patient’s voluntarily submitted himself for consultation. Based on this data, expects which
patient’s behavior:
A willingness to engage in the care and treatment plan
Magna Carta for Disabled Persons”, with mental health conditions.
RA 7277
SITUATION: Based on the study, half of all mental health illnesses begin before a person turns 14 years old. (WEFORUM,OCT .2018) Nurses would advised in Mothers class to:
Helping young people build mental resilience at an early age to cope with everyday challenges
Which is NOT highly recommended to help decrease incidence of suicide specially among adolescent age group?
Resolve conflict through escalation
One of every ten young adult had experienced severe depression, which foreseeable crisis could be significantly the contributing factor?”
Death of immediate family member
Which is characterized by the inability to persistently abstain from impairment and behavioral control or craving?
A patient diagnosed with terminal cancer says to the nurse “I’m going to die, and I wish my family would stop hoping for a cure, as a community Health Nurse in promoting mental health, these are interventions, except one
Sharing your thoughts and emotions with mentl health patient
SITUATION: Tesie, who uses Maryjane (Manjuana) and also drinks alcohol. Based on MbGAP, a person with substance withdrawal, overdose or intoxication are those with disorders related to
Substance abuse
What priority intervention should the nurse do about a patient who was forcibly brought into the Community Mental Health Facility?
Monitor closely for harm to self or others
Nurse Xena is assigned to an OPD mental health clinic, and one of the patients there appears messy, not groomed and also exhibits signs of anxiety. Nurse xena, she asked you if you could watch the patient because it appears that he was ov himsel, instead, vou choose to care for a patient who appears tidy and well-groomed. Which of the following attitudes do you exhibit?
Under A.O No. 2005-0014, all newborns in the Philippines is breastfeed within— after birth
1 hour
Public health laws with a focus on modifiable risk factors R A. 8172 is an act that requires
Addition of iodine in salt
The Blood Services Act promotes:
Voluntary blood donation
Which law includes AIDS as a notifiable disease?
Ministry circular no 2
The sale, administration, delivery, distribution and transportation of prohibited drugs is punishable by law in the Philippines according
RA 6425
The law PD 825 will penalize those who are:
Improperly disposing of their garbage
The state adopts rooming-in as a national policy. Which of the following are the components of ROOMING IN?
Encourage, support and protect the practice of breastfeeding
Establish bonding between the mother and the infant
The following are exception for breastfeeding practice, except:
Mother and babies without complication
The law RA 1082 mandated the government to create
Rural health units
The Mandates Compulsory Hepatitis B Immunization among infants and children less than 8 yrs old.
RA 7846
Food fortification law
RA 8976
A.O. No. 2006- 0015 defines the Implementing guidelines on:
Hepatitis b immunization for infants
Requires that all health workers shall identify and encourage the registration of all births within 30 days following delivery.
PD NO 651
The Code aims to transform local government units into self. reliant communities and active
RA 7160
The Code aims to transform local government units into self. reliant communities and active
RA 7160
The law PD 996 requires the compulsory immunization of all children below 8 yrs of age Against how many childhood immunizable diseases?
An act providing for mandatory basic immunization services for infants and children.
RA 10152
As a community health nurse, you keep in mind what the public health wants to attain. The following are the objectives of Public Health Law except
Ensure a tolerable risks to public health
Which law is about the comprehensive air quality management policy in the Philippines?
RA 8749
Rooming in and Breastfeeding Act of 1992
RA 7600
Which is Not the aims of Magna Carta of Public Health worker RA 7305?
Encourage those with proper qualifications and excellent abilities to join in government and be employed overseas
The National Telehealth Center with National Institute for Health and University of the philippines, Manila helped in the Implementation of Telemedicine. The original intention is to serve the
Remote areas
Selected pilot areas
Vulnerable populations
A component of eHealth which involve regulations on how health information is stored, accessed and shared across geographical and health sector boundaries is a component of?
Policy and compliance
In eHealth, standards and Interoperability promotes and enables exchange of health information across geographical area and health sector boundaries. This is through
Common messages and terminologies
It has a mandate to be the over-all technical authority that provides National Policy on ehealth?
So, which component of ehealth which requires services and applications that enable widespread access to healthcare services, health information, health reports, health care activities and exchange patient’s information in support of health system goals?
Ehealth solutions
Which of the following is included in the features of Wireless Access for Health EMR (WAH EMT)?
Reimbursement transactions
The Integrated Hospital Operations and Management Information System (IHOMIS) has Modules for the following areas in the hospital
Billing & Cashier
Emergency Room
Laboratory & Radiology
An Indicator reporting based system of diseases. and conditions such as Acute Viral Hepatitis, and Dengue?
A widely held belief among Filipinos is that the practic to dab your saliva on the baby’s forehead and say “pwera usog.” This is a indigenous form ol treatment known as:
Filipinos often attribute things that affect them to experiences or behaviors such as an ancestral retribution for unfinished tasks or obligations. Some believe that the soul comes out from the body and wanders, a phenomenon known as Bangungot or that having nightmares after a heavy meal may result in death.
Mystical causes
Based on Philippine culture, some Filipinos believe in Supernatural power of Healers or albularyos. As a nurse in health center, what would be your response to this belief?
Build trust and rapport with the patient
Mang Canoy has Tuberculosis. He is taking TB medication from the health center under the DOTS protocol. He enthusiastically takes his medication but easily loses enthusiasm on the fifth month until he stops taking meds totally. Mang Caloy has— and need a different approach in treatment.
Ningas kugon attitude
Based on Filipino health beliefs, what is the key element in restoring balance?
Emotional restraints
During prenatal checkup, the husband is T insisting that her pregnant wife will bear a baby boy. This is because of dark areas that corolor to his wife’s neck and abdomen during the course of pregnancy. The father is referring to
Filipinos have the ability to tolerate stressful situation, this refers to Filipinos?
Patience and endurance
The Nurse is preparing a meal plan for Renecitos, family who is a Roman Catholic. Based on your understanding of Philippine traction. Which of the following food items would be inappropriate to eat for Catholics during holy week or during Friday?
An elder said that he had his ulcer because of his excessive stress in his work. This health belief is in nature.
Filipino nurses find it uncomfortable to accept even a well-deserved compliment.
It is a Filipino belief that one can be ill if a person is exposed to hot then cold and vice versa.
A Nurse done a home visit to Dimapilis family, with a member of family with diabetes. Which of the following, Based on the filipino cultural orientation, could be the cause of the illness Diabetes), if the mother claims that it is caused by supernatural forces such as a witch or mangkukulam?
Personalistic causes
Pasma is manifested by symptoms of spasm or a trembling and sweaty hands. The concept of pasma is believed to be due to
Hot and cold
Bangungot is a phenomenon that the soul goes out from the body and wanders. This health belief is caused by:
Mystical cause
Altruism is characterized by?
Nurses concerns and advocacies for the patients welfare
Social Justice is exemplified by?
Moral, level related to health
Fair and equitable
Nurses during community visits and organizing, values the universally held principles anchors mainly on the belief in the worth and dignity of man. This refers to?
Human rights
Nurses must emphasized in the community it is a premised on the belief that people must not limit themselves to their own concerns but should reach out others in meeting common needs and problems.” This is?
Social responsibility
The primary goal of Community Health Nursing is
Enhancing capabilities of the people toward self-reliance to health