Unit Status Reporting (USR) Flashcards
What regulations cover Commanders Unit Status Report
AR 220-1 and DA Pam 220-1
What does the USR establish
Establishes the unit status reporting system
What does AR 220–1 in DA Pam 220–1 cover
Explains in detail what units are required to report
How reports or repaired
How reports are submitted
What are the objectives to the commanders unit status report (CUSR)
Provides current status of US Army units to
National command authorities
Organization of the joint chiefs of staff
All of the army chain of command
Provide indicators to HQDA that portray army wide conditions and trends
Identify factors which grade unit status
Identify differences between current personnel and equipment assets in units in for war Time requirements
What does DRRS Stand for
Department of defense readiness reporting system
Where do you submit the CUSR to
Department of defense ready reporting system DRRS
The CUSR Is intended to convey the
Commanders concerns and personal assessments to the chain of command in army resource managers
Unit Readiness is defined as
The ability of a unit to perform as designed
What are the 2CUSR reporting formats
Full report and abbreviated report
What is a full report
Extensive and detailed data and provides comprehensive Rena status report
What is an abbreviated report
Previously called deployed report
Known as short report
Minimum data necessary to portray readiness status
What is a regular report
Full report
Submitted monthly
As of date or RICDA of the 15th of the month
RICDA is not an acronym by a
GSORTS data field for “as of” date
What is a Validation Report
Intra quarterly report
Not mobilized
When can you not use a Validation Report
A change to an overall level:
Status level of any measured area
Command relationship with higher headquarter
What are the classifications for CUSR
What is the minimum classification based on for a CUSR for MTOE units
Number/Type of reporting units
Amount/Type of sensitive information
What is AMM-Level
Assigned Mission Manning Level
What is AME-Level
Assigned Mission Equipping Level
The “Three tier” rating scale (Y/Q/N) will be used by all measured units to determine And report their _______ Capability assessments
Mission Essential Tasks (MET)
The organization can accomplish the task to standard under the specified condition. Assessment should reflect demonstrated performance in training or operations whenever possible
Yes rating
The organization is expected to accomplish the task to standard but this performance has not been observed or demonstrated in training or operations
Qualified yes rating
The organization is unable to accomplish the MET to standard at this time
No rating
T/T-/P/P-/U Measures units_______ For its METL tasks
Training Proficiency
Y/Q/N capability assessment is intended to
Reflect a units actual potential to perform the task
What are the four measured areas of the USR
Personnel (P)
Equipment and supplies on hand or available (S)
Equipment readiness or serviceability (R)
Unit training level proficiency (T)
Explain the difference between C level and A level in unit status report it
C and A level Indicates how well a unit is resource than trained.
C-level Against the core functions in fundamental capabilities
A-level Against the assigned mission requirements
The CUSR is intended to be a
Commanders report
The CUSR is not
A performance report card
All Commanders at all times will submit
Accurate and complete reports
All commander reports will not
Exaggerates or mask units readiness deficiencies
No commanders expected to report brightness levels that are _______ With resources made available to the unit
ADCON Authorities at higher levels were a few reports to ensure that they
Comply with regulatory requirements