Unit One (Start) Flashcards
Independant while cooperating with each other
Confederal Government
One central government
Unitary Government
Dual sovereignty (each government rules different things)
Federal Government
Delegated/Enumerated Powers
federal government powers
powers kept for the states
Reserved Powers
powers held by states and federal government
Concurrent Powers
powers implied in the Constitution
Implied Powers
Constitution has supremacy (greater importance) over state laws
Supremacy Clause
What did McCulloch v Maryland establish?
Elastic Clause and Supremacy Clause
Justifies a broad understanding of implied powers.
Elastic Clause
Congress chartered a bank, then Maryland started taxing notes issued to that bank. McCulloch refused to pay. People questioned if Maryland could do that. Court decided that Congress could make a bank, but Maryland couldn’t tax that bank. What court case is this?
McCulloch v Maryland
Types of Vertical Federalism (state v government)
Dual Federalism and Cooperative Federalism
clear difference between state and national powers
Dual Federalism
responsibilities of national and state powers were mixed and mingled
Cooperative Federalism
government can regulate trade and transportation of goods
Commerce Clause