Unit One Review Flashcards
Refers to how the world has become more connected and interdependent economically, socially, politically, and culturally overtime
Individual Identity
The traits that make up a person’s sense of unique individuality
Involves making adjustments to allow for differences
- Inclusive approach that allows fore religious or ethnic groups to maintain their distinctive culture within mainstream society
The process by which cultures gradually lose their distinctive features into one blended culture
The process in which a minority culture is absorbed into the dominant culture
- Things that make cultures unique
Cultural Revitalization
To bring new life to identities and cultures
- A process through which cultures regain a sense of identity such as through promoting heritage languages or reviving traditions and customs
Global Village
The idea that that the entire world and its inhabitants are becoming one large community interconnected by technology
Collective Identity
Combination of beliefs, values, view of history, and language of a group of people
The incorporation of diverse minority groups into society
- Providing equal opportunity for precipitation for different groups in society
- Involves the mainstreaming of one’s original culture while engaging in daily interactions with other groups
The uniform global culture that results from homogenization (the result)
The pushing of a group to the “margins” of society, where they hold little social, political, or economic power; occurs when society fails to value the identity of a minority group
Canadian Radio-Television & Telecommunication Commission
- Purpose is to promote and revitalize Canadian Culture on TV and Radio
Pluralistic Society
A society in which a diversity of languages, beliefs, traditions, values, religions, and other aspects of culture are embedded as part of the foundations of the country
Media Convergence
Mergers of media companies into large media transnational corporations
Minority Language
A language spoken by a minority of people in a country
a political system in which the law applies equally to all people; that holds free, fair, and frequent elections of candidates from at least two parties; has independent courts system; and permits the press and other media to function free of government control