unit one. Flashcards
what is a microbiome
- not a closed system
- possible for organisms to move (air to water)
microscopic form of life bacteria and fungi
what are the types of microbiomes
- oceans
- soil
- human body
- atmospheric microbiome- air
- deep earth microbiome
roles of ocean microbiome
- creates foundation of all marine food webs
- through photosynthesis provides 50% of the oxygen gas we breath to stay alive
- controls atmospheric aerosols and cloud formation
- consumes 50% of dead plant matter
soil microbiome influences
- carry out 90% biochemical reactions occurring in the soil
- degrades pesticides and other synthetic pollutants
- provides plants with access to important nutrients
-recycles dead plant matter- returing carbon to the atmosphere
atmospheric microbiome
helps formation of raindrops and snowflakes
- effects chemical composition in the atmosphere
- influences wether conditions
deep earth microbiome
- degrades pollutants
- alters chemical makeup of minerals
human body microbiome
- each person has a unique microbiome specific to them- identical twins would be different
- human fetus is free of most microbes until birth, immediately after birth- populated with microbiomes ‘
Properties of living organisms
DNA for cell function and reproduction
Metabolism. DNA controls metabolism. Requires Uptake of energy
REPRODUCTION- genetic info replicated and passing on during cell devsuon
RESPONSE TO STIMULI- interact with environment by responding to stimuli
EVOLUTIONARY ADAPTION- changes over time provided- best suited to environment and best chance of survival.
Microbiology pioneers. Hooke
- used early microscope
- discovered cells “cells” (rooms)
Microbiology pioneers : Pasteur
What is there solution to souring of wine.
- trained as chemists
- focused his study on fermentation
- Yeast are living agents- not a chemical process- biological one
- mixing yeast in sugar- water solution (absence of air. Yeast multiplied. Converted sugar to alcohol)
- explained that wines and beans contained specific type of microorganisms
Sour wines contained bacteria cells— cause the souring
Solution. gently heat to kill bacteria cells but not alter the wines quality
Infections come from microorganisms in the environment
Microbiology pioneers. Leeuwenhock
Developed better microscope
- described hundreds of moving particles. Named them ANIMALCULES - first description of bacteria
Microbiology pioneers. Koch
Main focus. Anthrax causing germ- disease in cattle and sheep
Koch postulates. Formal standard for implicating specific germ with specific disease
Prokaryotes— unicellular
Have cell wall.
Food from environment. Make their own by photosynthesis
Described as bacteria.
Live in extreme environments