The environment of crop production can be classified into two dimensions, operating
separately or dependently:
Human and Material Environment
This includes economic policy, which determines quantities and
distributions, as well as absolute and relative prices of inputs and outputs.
Economic Elements
These are laws of the land, credit and marketing conditions,
contractual agreement, extension services, property right to land and water, as well as distribution and quality of goods, grading and taxation.
Institutional Elements
These include culture and customs within a community. They determine access that farmers have to capital,
source of credit or money and other production inputs, and the distribution of labor.
Social Elements
This is also called technical environment which consists of physical elements
of climate
Material environment
are important components of tropical farming systems. They occupy several niches and compete with crop plants for space, water, light and nutrients. They may be beneficial, neutral or harmful to plant growth.
Biotic Factors
has three main attributes such as quality, which determines tissue
differentiation, physiological processes and germination; Intensity which determines rate of dry maiier
accumulation; and Duration or Photoperiod which affects behavior and physiological functions of living
organism (plants and animals).
Light Attributes
The biotic factors comprise of
micro flora, micro fauna, macro flora and macro fauna.
include, bacteria, fungi,
actinomycetes, and algae
Micro Flora
include protozoa and nematodes
Micro Fauna
include burrowing animals such as moles, rats and rabbit, earthworms, arthropods such as mites, millipedes
insects, ants and termites; and gastropods such as slugs and snails
Macro Fauna
a include roots of herbs,
shrubs and big trees.
Macro Flora