Unit III week 1 Flashcards
Brainstem Function (3)
1) Conduit functions
2) Integrative functions
3) Cranial nerve functions
Conduit function of brainstem
transit and processing stations for ascending and descending pathways between cerebrum, cerebellum, and spinal cord
Integrative Functions of brainstem
“Keeps you alive” - integrative functions, consciousness, sleep-wake cycle, muscle tone, posture, respiratory and cardiovascular control
Cranial Nerve Functions of brainstem
home of cranial nerves 3-12 and their nuclei
Local signs
clues to where lesion in brainstem is based on the levels CNs exit brainstem
Long tracts = meridians of longitude, CNs are parallels of latitude
Can figure out lesion based on long tract deficits + CN deficit
Lesions in medial part of brainstem result in completely different deficits than a lateral lesion
Inferior cerebellar peduncle
conveys spinal cord information to cerebellum and interconnects cerebellum with vestibular nucleus and inferior olive
Carries contralateral inferior olive, ipsilateral spinocerebellar, and ipsilateral vestibular
Middle cerebellar peduncle
route by which information from cerebral cortex gets to cerebellum via pontine nuclei
carries info from contralateral pontine nuclei to dentate nuclei
Superior cerebellar peduncle
route by which the cerrebellum gets information back to the cerebral cortex via the thalamus
Carries info from dentate nuclei to contralateral thalamus
Cerebral peduncle
structures at the front of the midbrain which arise from the front of the pons and contain the large ascending (sensory) and descending (motor) nerve tracts that run to and from the cerebrum from the pons
Medial and lateral division of the spinal cord:
Alar vs. Basal plate
Visceral vs. non-visceral portion
Alar plate → sensory, more lateral basal plate → motor, more medial
Visceral portion: closest to sulcus limitans
Visceral motor → lateral to somatic motor, medial to somatic sensory
Non-visceral portion: lateral to visceral portion
Corticospinal tract review
Internal capsule → corticospinal tract in cerebral peduncles → split up in pons, separated by pontine nuclei, and then come together again to reform corticospinal tract → Medulla, corticospinal tract in pyramid → decussation at spinomedullary junction → ventral horn of spinal cord to a-motor neurons
Dorsal Column-Medial Lemniscus review
Sensory info comes in → Fasciculus gracilis (legs), Cuneatus (arms) → first synapses in medulla at nucleus gracilis/cuneatus → cross → pons, ML slips and forms a mustache (upper arms more medial), just below mustache is trapezoid body (crossing fibers of auditory pathway) → VPL of thalamus
Anterolateral (spinothalamic) review
Synapse in spinal cord dorsal horn, cross in spinal cord, and then doesn’t stop until it reaches the top → pain is more lateral than other tracts in medulla → spinothalamic tract is lateral to medial lemniscus thalamus
series of pressure waves of alternating compression (increased density) and rarefaction (decreased density) of air molecules
Tells us WHAT and WHERE (direction and distance)
increase of intensity in a sound is when the air is compressed more forcefully during peak compression each cycle → increased density of air
“Loudness” = pressure at peak of compression
dB SPL = decibels of sound pressure level
dB SPL = 20 x Log (P1/P2)
P2 = standardized reference pressure, 20x10^-6 (micro Pascals)
P1 = pressure of the tested sound
Sound above 120 dB → permanent hearing loss
number of times per second that a sound wave reaches peak of rarefaction (or compression)
Quantification of hearing loss
determining for each ear, and at different frequencies, the smallest dB SPL a subject can just detect
External ear
pinna, external auditory meatus, bounded by tympanic membrane
Function of external ear
Pinna collects sound, funnels it toward auditory meatus, provides acoustical cues to spatial location of sound source
Pressure waves then move tympanic membrane
Rarefaction → TM bulges out
Compression → TM presses in
Middle ear
ossicular chain (malleus, incus, stapes)
Moved by movement of tympanic membranes
Inner ear includes the _______ and _________
cochlea and semicircular canal
Acoustic impedance mismatch
Air-fluid boundary causes most acoustic energy to be reflected away, water → high impedance, air → low impedance
What allows us to overcome the acoustic impedance mismatch
Middle ear allows us to overcome impedance mismatch
1) P=F/A → Area of tympanic membrane 20x that of stapes → low amplitude vibrations falling onto large tympanic area concentrated into large amplitude motions of much smaller stapes footplate
2) Orientation of middle ear bones confer levering action resulting in larger force
→ almost completely overcomes air-fluid impedance mismatch problem
Impedance mismatch is a problem if fluid fills middle ear → otitis media
Sensorineural hearing loss
damage to or loss of hair cells and/or nerve fibers
involves cochlea
Common causes of sensorineural hearing loss (4)
1) Excessively loud sounds
2) Exposure to ototoxic drugs (diuretics, aminoglycoside antibiotics, ASA, cancer therapy drugs)
3) Age (presbycusis) - lose high frequency hearing, as we age
4) Genetic causes
Conductive hearing loss
degraded mechanical transmission of sound energy through middle ear.
Areas involved: external ear, tympanic membrane, middle ear
Common causes of conductive hearing loss (7)
1) Filling of middle ear with fluid during otitis media
2) Otosclerosis - arthritic bone growth impedes ossicle movement
3) Malformation of ear canal (swimmer’s ear, cauliflower ear)
4) Perforation/rupture of tympanic membrane
5) Interruptions of ossicular chain
6) Static pressure in middle
7) cholesteatoma (skin cyst that acts in tumor-like way)
How can you differentiate conductive vs. sensorineural hearing loss?
Can overcome conductive hearing loss by placing tuning fork against bone
Tonotopic map
frequency-wise arrangement of tones or frequencies along length of BM (and is preserved through the auditory pathway into the primary auditory cortex)
Key for determining IHC sensitivity at different spots along BM → each IHC will respond best to a certain frequency determined by mechanical properties of BM at that particular location
Sound FREQUENCY = primary stimulus attribute mapped along cochlea
BM at apex vs. base
BM more flexible, wider, and thicker at APEX
BM thinner narrower, and more rigid near oval and round window at BASE of cochlea
3 compartments of the cochlea
scala vestibuli, scala media, scala tympani
Basilar membrane (BM)
separates scala media and scala tympani
Mechanical properties of BM key for discrimination of sound frequency
IHCs attached to BM
Organ of corti
sits on top of BM and in scala media
Contains inner hair cells (IHC) attached to BM that transduce sound into electrical signals
Each cross section = 1 IHC and 3 outer hair cells (OHC)
hole in BM at apex of cochlea, connects scala tympani to scala vestibuli, relieves pressure → both have perilymph
How sound elicits movement of BM
1) Stapes hits OVAL WINDOW (during peak of compression) → oval window bulges into SCALA VESTIBULI = “traveling wave”
2) → downward movement of BM to relieve compression
3) → compress fluid in SCALA TYMPANI → ROUND WINDOW bulges out towards middle ear (pressure relief)
Opposite happens with rarefaction - round bulges in, oval bulges out
What is the “traveling wave”
generated by stapes hitting oval window - reaches max amplitude at certain location along length of BM
Particles itself are NOT traveling with wave, just going up and down
Hair cell:
sensory receptor responsible for detecting sound pressure and converting mechanical vibration into a membrane potential change (transduction)
16,000 hair cells per cochlea
Arranged in 4 rows - row of 3,500 IHCs, 3 outer rows with 12,55 OHCs
located on apical surface of IHC
Change membrane potential of hair cell
Bending of stereocilia → altered gating of transduction channels near tips of individual hairs
Connected by tip links
Resting potential of IHC, driving potential of IHC and mechanism of depolarization vs. hyperpolarization
Resting potential of IHC = -50mV, never “at rest”
Push stereocilia bundle in direction TOWARD longest stereocilia, pull trap door open with tip links → DEPOLARIZATION
Push stereocilia bundle in direction AWAY from longest stereocilia, slams trap door shut with tip links → HYPERPOLARIZATION
Driving potential of 130 mv (-50 → +80 mV)
K+ rich fluid filling scala media, bathes stereocilia on apical end of hair cells
Stria vascularis
epithelium on side of scala media, actively pumps K+ into endolymph to maintain high [K+] → ENDOCOCHLEAR POTENTIAL
(+80mV positive potential in scala media, endolymph positive with respect to perilymph)
MUTATION in gap junction subunit, connexin 32 causes what?
collapse of endocochlear potential, congenital deafness
ionic composition similar to blood (high Na, low K+), fills scala vestibuli and scala tympani
connect apex of stereocilia to shank of next (taller one) - key role in opening and closing of mechanically gated channels at tips of stereocilia
Tectorial membrane
Generates shearing force (between basilar and tectorial membrane) that results in bending of hair cells
Directly attached to outer hair cells
Auditory nerve fibers
afferent fibers located at basal end of hair cells
Cell bodies in SPIRAL GANGLION
Project to cochlear nucleus of brainstem
Hair cell depolarizes → open Ca2+ basolateral channels → synaptic vesicles release glutamate → excitation of afferent axon → AP sent to second order neurons in brainstem
Cochlear amplifier
Efferent innervation from central auditory system act upon OHCs to amplify movements of BM
OHCs respond to changes in voltage with a change in length = “Electromotile”
mechanism of cochlear amplifier
OHCs respond to changes in voltage with a change in length = “Electromotile”
Voltage sensitive PRESTIN protein → change length of OHC
→ OHC pulls BM toward or away from tectorial membrane → changes mechanical frequency selectivity of BM
→ Contributes 50 dB of cochlea’s sensitivity to sound
OHC enhances movement of BM in a frequency dependent manner
Medial olivocochlear neurons (MOC)
efferent neurons, innervate OHCs
Sense context of sound environment
Act as feedback control to change cochlear sensitivity via OHCs
*Use ACh
Adjust sensitivity of cochlea by changing properties of OHCs so you can function with correct auditory sensitivity in loud vs. quiet environment
Clinical importance of OHCs
Sensorineural deafness due to damage of OHCs
OHCs more sensitive to damage from abx and loud sound
Streptomycin, gentamycin → block transduction channel of OHCs and can kill OHCs, resulting in deafness
Spiral Ganglion Cells
aka auditory nerve (8th CN), innervates hair cells
Type I ANFs
innervate IHC, myelinated
Make up 95% of ANFs
10-30 ANFs innervate a single IHC
Type II ANFs
innervate OHC, not myelinated
1 ANFs innervate 10 OHCs
Frequency tuning curve
sound response of a single ANF where the number of APs fired per sec plotted vs. sound frequency
Characteristic frequency
sound to which fiber is maximally sensitive, dictated by place on BM
Fibers have specific frequency selectivity
Four properties of ANFs
1) frequency of sound encoded by place along cochlear BM where afferent fiber innervates an IHC (ANFs have topographic map of sound frequency)
2) Rate code
3) Phase lock
4) Temporal pattern of APs
Rate code property of ANFs
sound intensity encoded via increases in NT release and increases in rate neuron fires APs
Phase lock property of ANFs
neurons tend to fire APs only at particular phases of ongoing sound waveform, only LOW frequency sounds (below 1.5kHz)
Important for pitch perception
What two properties of ANFs are crucial for pitch perception?
pitch perceived by place of stimulation along basilar membrane and by phase locking (timing of APs with waves)
Auditory neuropathy
patients have normal hearing, but can’t hear with ambient noise
Normal OHC function, but absent/abnormal auditory brainstem response
Problem with neural transmission from IHC to ANFs or in ANF function
ANFs have lost ability to phase lock → deficit in discriminating/understanding speech
Temporal pattern property of ANFs
Temporal pattern of AP in ANFs determine pitch of sounds with frequencies below 1 kHz
otoacoustic emissions
outer hair cells also produce sounds that can be detected in the external auditory meatus with sensitive microphones
used to screen newborns for hearing loss
General pathway of the auditory system
Information proceeds from the _________ to __________ cells and the VIIIth nerve afferents in the ear
→ _________ nuclei
→ many cross in the ___________ to the ________ in brain stem
→ Then all ascending fibers stop in the _____________ in the midbrain and the _____________ in the thalamus
→ cortex in the ____________ gyrus.
*All auditory afferents synapse in cochlear nuclei and thalamus.
Information proceeds from the ORGAN OF CORTI to SPIRAL GANGLION cells and the VIIIth nerve afferents in the ear
→ COCHLEAR nuclei
→ many cross in the TRAPEZOID BODY to SUPERIOR OLIVE in the brain stem
→ Then all ascending fibers stop in the INFERIOR COLLICULUS in the midbrain and the MEDIAL GENICULATE BODY in the thalamus
→ cortex in the SUPERIOR TEMPORAL gyrus.
*All auditory afferents synapse in cochlear nuclei and thalamus.
Cochlear nuclei (2)
located where in brainstem?
position in pathway of auditory information
spiral ganglion cells bifurcate upon entering brainstem to innervate nuclei on dorsal and lateral aspects of INFERIOR CEREBELLAR PEDUNCLE of ROSTRAL MEDULLA
- -> Some then cross midline to trapezoid body
2) Branch innervates DORSAL COCHLEAR NUCLEUS (DCN)
- -> Some then cross midline to dorsal acoustic stria
After synapsing in the cochlear nuclei, the auditory tracts regroup as ________ and ascend to ________________
Tracts regroup as lateral lemniscus → ascend to inferior colliculus of midbrain
Inferior colliculus
receives direct projections from cochlear nuclei and multisynaptic input from pontine nuclei (superior olivary complex) = obligatory relay center of ascending auditory info
Right IC represents sound on LEFT side of body
Along the way up to midbrain, many axons terminate in various nuclear complexes in pons
These pontine regions are known as what?
Superior Olivary Complex
After synapsing in the inferior colliculus, auditory nerve fibers do what?
Inferior colliculus → ipsilateral medial geniculate in thalamus and contralateral inferior colliculus and medial geniculate
Medial geniculate → primary auditory cortex (A1)
Primary auditory cortex (A1)
- Part of superior temporal gyrus
- Cochleo-topic (tonotopic) map found on cortical surface
-gets input from the MGN of thalamus
Brodmann’s area 41
Tonotopic map
- Neurons responding to lower frequencies located anteriorly
- Neurons responding to higher frequencies located posteriorly
Unilateral lesions ROSTRAL to cochlear nuclei cause what?
Lesions CAUDAL to cochlear nucleus and those including the CN produce what?
Unilateral lesions ROSTRAL to cochlear nuclei do NOT produce unilateral deafness
CAUDAL lesions and those including the CN produce unilateral deafness
Sound localization
computed centrally in auditory system based on neural representations of spectral and temporal characteristics of acoustic stimuli arriving at the two ears
Three main acoustical cues for sound source localization
1) Interaural time differences (ITD)
2) Interaural level differences (ILD)
3) Spectral cues (monoaural spectral shape)
Interaural time differences (ITD)
physical separation in space of ears → different times of arrival of sound at two ears
Cue to horizontal location of sound
encoded in Medial Superior Olive
Interaural level differences (ILD)
ears separated by an obstacle (the head) → acoustic shadow for high frequencies
encoded in Lateral Superior Olive
Duplex theory of sound localization:
Low frequencies → ITDs
High frequencies → ILDs
Spectral cues - Monaural spectral shape
arise from direction and frequency dependent reflection and diffraction of pressure waveforms of sounds by pinna that result in broadband spectral patterns, or shapes, that change with location
Primarily for high frequency sounds
Medial superior olive (MSO)
ITDs encoded in Medial superior olive (MSO) - nucleus of superior olivary complex
MSO contains input from CONTRALATERAL ear (already crossed in trapezoid body), so projects IPSILATERALLY up to auditory midbrain
MSO receives excitatory input from both ears via cells of anteroventral cochlear nucleus (AVCN)
anteroventral cochlear nucleus (AVCN)
AVCN receive excitatory inputs from ANFs
AVCN organized tonotopically
sends output to MSO and LSO
3 properties of input to MSO neurons
1) Phase-locked neural responses of ANF/AVCN neurons carry timing info to MSO
2) MSO neurons = coincidence detectors
3) Axons of AVCN cells input to MSO form delay lines
MSO neurons as coincidence detectors
maximal response when AP from AVCN cells from L ear coincides with R ear
MSO and delay lines
Axons of AVCN cells input to MSO form delay lines due to differences in neural path length from AVCN to MSO → differences in neural conduction times to MSO
Projection to contralateral MSO = longer path length than ipsilateral MSO
These 3 properties of input to MSO allows for what?
All 3 → *Allows for a place code for the horizontal location of sounds in terms of timing between the two ears
Lateral superior olive (LSO)
ipsilateral vs. contralateral LSO inpus
ILDs encoded by Lateral superior olive (LSO) - nuclei of superior olivary complex
Ipsilateral ear input to LSO conveyed via ANF synapses with AVCN cells → ipsilateral LSO
Contralateral ear input to LSO conveyed from AVCN → across midline to neurons of medial nucleus of trapezoid body (MNTB)
calyx of Held
AVCN synapse onto MNTB = calyx of Held = LARGEST synapse in entire CNS
medial nucleus of trapezoid body (MNTB) neurons
Contralateral ear input to LSO conveyed from AVCN → across midline to neurons of medial nucleus of trapezoid body (MNTB)
AVCN synapse onto MNTB = calyx of Held = LARGEST synapse in entire CNS
MNTB neurons = glycinergic → inhibitory effect on LSO
Net result of LSO inputs…
ipsilateral excitation and contralateral inhibition of LSO neurons allowing computation of difference between intensity of sounds present at the two ears
Dorsal Cochlear Nucleus
what happens if you lesion this?
Spectral cues encoded in Dorsal Cochlear Nucleus → across midline to excitatory synapse on inferior colliculus
Lesion → can’t tell if sound is above or below you, but can still localize in horizontal plane
Inferior colliculus represents sound where?
IC represents sound in contralateral hemisphere, and MSO, LSO and DCN reconverge at contralateral IC
Unilateral lesions in IC or above → deficits in sound source localization for sources contralateral to lesion
Secondary auditory cortex A2
Brodmann’s area 42
Surrounds A1
Does not have tonotopic organization
Includes Wernicke’s Area → understanding and processing spoken language
→ Wernicke’s Aphasia = general impairment in language comprehension but not language production
Mental status exam includes:
1) Arousal and attention - level of consciousness, digit span, serial events
2) Memory - orientation, three words at 5 minutes, remote events
3) Language - fluency, comprehension, repetition, naming, reading, writing
4) Visuospatial function - clock drawing tests for hemineglect
5) Mood and affect - inquiries about feelings, observations of affect
6) Complex cognition - executive function, similarities, proverbs, judgement, insight
acquired disorder of language resulting from damage to brain areas subserving linguistic capacity
disorder of speech due to motor system involvement
disorder of voice related to laryngeal disease
impaired recent memory, with deficit new learning
Handedness and cerebral language dominance
Language is lateralized usually to LEFT hemisphere - 99% of right handers and 67% of left handers are left dominant → great majority of people are left dominant for language
Ambidextrous people may have mixed language dominance
Right hemisphere contributions to language
Automatic speech - expletives, angry outbursts
Prosody - inflection of speech with emotion
Music - subserved by right hemisphere > left
Humor, Metaphor
Recovery - mediated in part by right hemisphere - can rewire itself to become linguistically competent again
Assessment of aphasia includes assessment of… (5)
Spontaneous speech - nonfluency is characterized by labored, effortful speech and less than 6-word phrases
Auditory comprehension - poor comprehension is defined by performing less than 4 step verbal commands
Repetition - “No ifs, ands, or buts”
Naming - Common (e.g. pen) and less common (e.g. crystal of a watch) objects
Reading/writing - a short passage or sentence
All patients with aphasia have what kind of impairment?
All patients with aphasia have NAMING impairment - inability to name common items = most sensitive indicator of language impairment
Broca’s aphasia
repetition, naming, comprehension, and fluency
“non-fluent” aphasia
aphasia with nonfluent speech and good comprehension
Poor repetition and naming
Left hemisphere - Broca’s area
Wernicke’s aphasia
repetition, naming, comprehension, and fluency
fluent aphasia
fluent speech and poor comprehension
Poor repetition and naming
Left hemisphere - Wernicke’s area
Conduction aphasia
repetition, naming, comprehension, and fluency
where is the lesion?
loss of repetition and naming in presence of preserved fluency and comprehension
Left hemisphere - Arcuate fasciculus - white matter tract connecting Wernick’es and Broca’s areas
Global aphasia
repetition, naming, comprehension, and fluency
where is the lesion?
disabling disruption of all aspects of language
Left hemisphere - Perisylvian region
Panic Disorder
sudden overwhelming episodes of anxiety that include both somatic and psychic elements, along with worry about either the implication of the attack or about having future attacks
Can occur with or without agoraphobia (fear to leave the house)
Onset typically early adulthood, 2x more in females
Symptoms of panic disorder
palpitations, pounding heart, tachycardia, SOB, sensation of smothering, sweating, trembling/shaking, feeling of choking, chest pain/discomfort, nausea, dizziness, feeling faint, paresthesias, chills/hot flashes, derealization/depersonalization, fear of losing control or going crazy, fear of dying
Differential diagnosis - what else could be causing panic disorder?
Hyper/hypothyroidism Hyperparathyroidism Mitral valve prolapse, cardiac arrhythmias, coronary insufficiency Pheochromocytoma Hypoglycemia True vertigo Drug/alcohol withdrawal Cannabis intoxication
Treatments of panic disorder
Benzodiazepines Tricyclic antidepressants Monoamine oxidase inhibitors SSRIs, SNRIs Cognitive behavioral therapy
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
excessive worry and more generalized somatic symptoms of anxiety (worry, anxiety, tension)
75-90% comorbid with other psych disorders
Treatments of GAD
Benzos, Buspirone, TCAs, MAOIs, SNRIs, SSRIs, CBT
Social Phobia
overwhelming anxiety in situations where one would have to interact with others, be center of attention, or perform in front of others - NOT “shyness”
Treatment of social phobia
benzos, B-blockers, MAOIs, SSRIs, CBT
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Obsessions: recurrent, persistent thoughts, images, or impulses that are intrusive and cause anxiety
Compulsions: repetitive behaviors or mental acts that are performed in order to reduce anxiety
High comorbidity with Tourette’s Disorder
Pathophysiology of OCD
relative imbalance between direct and indirect basal ganglia pathways, with tendency toward greater direct basal ganglia tone
→ thalamic disinhibition → further activation of orbitofrontal cortex → push even more toward direct pathway tone
→ driven circuit which leads to “capture” of cognitions and behaviors
Treatment of OCD
Clomipramine, SSRIs, atypical antipsychotics, CBT, neurosurgery
Biological theories of anxiety (2)
Dysregulated sympathetic system - locus coeruleus, dysregulated noradrenergic function
GABA-benzodiazepine system - Decreased BZD receptor binding in hippocampus and prefrontal cortex
Neurocircuitry of fear in anxiety
1) Fear generation → amygdalo cortical interactions
Anxiety = fear generation is trigger happy
2) Fear extinction → orbitofrontal cortex and prefrontal cortex
Anxiety = fears never extinguished
Characteristic audiogram in conductive hearing loss
shows DIFFERENCE between air conduction line and bone conduction line** → how we distinguish a conductive hearing loss
Neural hearing loss
causes and areas involved
1) 8th nerve tumors - vestibular schwannoma (acoustic tumor)
- 6% of all intracranial tumors
2) Auditory neuropathy
3) Multiple sclerosis
Areas involved: 8th cranial nerve, central pathways
Neural hearing loss
Asymmetry of hearing between two ears, and reduced speech perception scores
Audiogram - what to look for, what is normal
0 = normal hearing threshold of a young adult
1) Should have normal bone conduction and air conduction
2) Should have good clarity at decibel level adequate for patient → if not, then probably something neural wrong (schwannoma, etc.)
3) Should have symmetry between ears
gradual, progressive, bilateral hearing loss caused by degenerative physiologic changes associated with aging
Decreased hearing threshold sensitivity
Decreased ability to understand suprathreshold speech
Central auditory process impairment
**most significant drop off is at high frequencies
Noise exposure causes what pattern on audiogram
baseline, then a drop, and then return to baseline at high frequency
are syndromic or non-syndromic mutations more common in congenital hearing loss?
non-syndromic (Connexin26/GJB2)
Endolymphatic hydrops
Pathologic condition, idiopathic
Expansion/distension of endolymphatic compartment of inner ear
Recurrent episodes of vertigo, sensorineural hearing loss, tinnitus, and aural fullness
Disordered inner ear fluid homeostasis
some causes
causes dysfunction of stria vascularis and loss of endocochlear potential
1) Vascular dysfunction and/or vasculitis
2) Systemic metabolic disorders: DM, hyperthyroidism, renal failure, arteriosclerosis
3) Immune system disorders: lupus, Cogan’s syndrome, sarcoidosis, Wegener’s granulomatosis, autoimmune inner ear disease
What are the two otolith organs?
- Utricle
2. Saccule
What are the sensory epithelia of the otolith organs?
Utricle location
Floor of vestibule
Saccule location
hangs vertically on lateral wall of vestibule
The utricle senses what?
portion of the head with respect to gravity
The saccule senses what?
linear acceleration in vertical direction
Maculae contain ___ cells and ____ overlaid with ___
contain hair cells and supporting cells, with apical surface overlaid with gelatinous mass (otolithic membrane)
Name of crystals that overlie hair cells in maculae and what are they composed of?
Composed of calcium carbonate
Maculae assist with ___ detection and ____ changes= “___” receptors
“static” receptors
Epithelia of utricle and saccule are oriented at ___ angles of one another
right angles
Therefore, they are activated buy different signals
Hair cell axes of polarity in utricle and saccule
Hair cell axes of polarity are opposite in utricle and saccule
→ maximum excitation (depolarized) of one group of hair cells, while opposing hair bundle orientations maximally inhibited (hyperpolarized)
Saccule hair bundles oriented facing ____ from _____ (central region of epithelium) while utricle hair bundles face ____
Function of Maculae
Detect linear acceleration (change in velocity) of head and position with respect to gravity