Unit III: Sins W/ Commandments Flashcards
- Speaking, acting, or thinking about God, Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, or the saints in a way that is irreverent, mocking, or offensive
- Against the Second Commantment
- Speaking disrespectfully about something that is sacred or treating it with disrespect
- Against the Second Commandment in regards to God
- Buying or selling something spiritual, such as a grace, a Sacrament, or a relic
- Violates the honor of God (1st Commandment)
- The denial of the existence of God
- Against 1st Commandment
- Attributing to someone or something else a power that belongs to God alone and relying on such powers rather than trusting in God
- Against the First Command
- The practice of seeking power or knowledge through supernatural means apart from the one true God
- Against the First Commandment
- The belief in supernatural power that comes from a source other than God
- Against the First Commandment
- An offense against God
- It is the abuse of a person, place, or thing dedicated to God and the worship of him
- Against the First Commandment
- The worship of other beings, creatures, or material goods in a way that is fitting for God alone
- Against First Commandment
Sin of Presumption
- Belief that you can save yourself from going to hell, or God will save you even if you aren’t committed to him
- Against First Commandment
- The sin of lying while under an oath to tell the truth
- Against the Second Commandment
- The conscious and deliberate rejection of a dogma of the church
- against first commandment
- Against the first commandment
- stop believing that God cares for us and he will not fulfill his promises to us
- against first commandment
- To disregard the truths of faith or to question them without seeking further understanding of them
Hatred of God (kind of Pride)
- against first commandment
- The denial of God’s goodness
- Presumes that we are somehow knowledgable enough to judge God & find him deserving of our hatred
The 8 Attributes of God
- Simplicity
- Perfection
- Goodness
- Infinity
- Ubiquity
- Immutability
- Eternity
- Unity
-Has no parts
-God is the fullness of being
-The greatest thing you could achieve
-God has no limits
-God is everywhere
-Doesn’t change
-Cannot divide in anyway
Deus Caritas Est
- “God is Love”
- Latin
Commandment 1
-I am the Lord your God; you shall not have any strange gods before me
How do we live the first commandment
- The theological virtues faith, hope, and charity
- Opposites: presumption, despair, hate
Nurturing a Relationship w/ God (1st Commandment)
- Sacrifice
- Adoration
- Promises/Vows
- Prayer
- acknowledge him as our creator, our savior, as never ending love
- the gift that provides us everything we need for salvation
- praise
- thanksgiving
- intercession
- petition
- meditation
- contemplation
-giving up things that the Church does not want us to do
Promises and Vows
- make promise through the sacraments
- take religious vows
- pay tithes.
Old Idolatry
- Context of the time: Everyone is worshiping false gods
- Examples:
- Baal & Ashrerah
- Everyone was doing it
- Cover their bases
- Baal & Ashrerah
- Permanently Monotheistic after Exile
- Examples:
Modern Idolatry
- Matthew 6:24
- Idolizing things over God
- Ex: Money, Power, Popularity
- When things start taking control/ affecting your relationships= when it is obsessive
Sins of Excess of Religion
- Superstition
- Magic/Divination
Sins of Irreligion
- Sacrilege & Simony
- Atheism
Commandment 2
-You shall not take the name of the Lord, your God, in vain
Ways we Fulfill Reverence to God
- In and of himself (God Himself)
- The creation that he gives
- Nature
- Human Person
Keeping Sacred Commitments
- “Most free after making a commitment” (said in the book)
- Ancient Oaths
- Covenants
- Modern Oaths
- Marriage
- Chastity, Obedience, Poverty (Ordination)
Sins against the 2nd Commandment
- Blasphemy
- Perjury
- False Oaths
- Misusing God’s name in Oaths
Commandment 3
-Remember to Keep Holy the Sabbath Day
- Sabbath originates with creation
- For Jewish people, it is the reminder of their liberation from Egypt
- Reminder of the Sacred Covenant
Basic Laws of the Sabbath
- Every Catholic is expected to keep the Sabbath by attending Mass on Sunday’s and other Holy Days of Obligation
- Precept of the Church- Abstain from working on Sunday’s and other Holy Days of Obligations
- Devote time on Sunday’s to rest and leisure, service and charity, spending time w/ family, prayer, silence, and reading
Jews vs. Christians Sabbath
- Jewish observance of the Sabbath begins at sundown on Friday and continues to sundown Saturday
- Creation story determines the day of the Sabbath
- God rested on the seventh day of creation= Saturday
- Now Sabbath is celebrated on Sunday due to Christ’s resurrection
- Why Sunday is the “Lords Day”
What to do on the Sabbath
- Go to Church
- Day of Rest
- Works of Charity and Service
- ” Take time to rest to remind us of God’s original blessing of creation”
Saint Justin Martyr’s Account of the Mass
- Mass back then was very similar to mass now
- All gather in one place
- Readings are read
- Prays are said
- Eucharist is distributed
- People give money to a collection
- Reminder of Jesus rising from the dead