Unit 4: Sins 4, 8, 7, And 10 Flashcards
Sins 4,7,8 and 10
- 4th: Honor your Father and Mother
- 8th: You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor
- 7th: You shall not steal
- 10th: You shall not covet your neighbor’s goods
What is the telos/purpose of the family?
- To the good of the spouses
- The procreation and education of children
Family and Society
- Family= the original cell (unit) of social life
- Trinity= as a communion of persons
Biblical View of the Family
- Multiple generations lived in close proximity
- Clearly defined social order
- Father (breadwinner, worked in his trade, head of family
- Mother (subordinate to the husband, head of the household, prep house for guests and such)
- Sons (Learned to help w/ father’s trade)
- Daughters (helped the mother w/ her housework)
- Slaves (subordinate to entire family, got instruction from father or mother)
Jesus and his Family
- Left Family trade (shifted his gaze from being the Son of Joseph)
- New wave of Brothers and Sisters
- Emphasized importance of family because obedient to family
- Ex: The Temple story (“and then he was obedient to them”)
Duties of Children
- Respect
- Gratitude
- Obedience
- Assistance
Duties of the Parents
- “This is for your own good”
- Provide for physical, emotional, and spiritual needs
- Natural progression to Freedom
Duty of Civil Authority & Citizens
- Respect for public live
- Public life vs. Political life
- Role of groups
- Promote natural law (natural affects everyone)
- What we do always affects community
- A perfect government?
- Obedience to legitimate orders
- When governments fail
- Roman’s 12:2
Role of the State
- “State exists for the good of its citizens”
- Basic physical needs are met (Food, water, shelter)
- Promote virtue and spiritual needs- Solidarity: Union of one’s heart and mind w/ all people
- Embraces common good
- Danger of totalitarian state
- Provide
- Basic freedoms
- Education
- Formation of associations/ groups
- Secure and peaceful society
- International Laws
- Solidarity: Union of one’s heart and mind w/ all people
Role of Citizens
- Examples:
- “If a particular law is morally wrong we are obligated not to follow it”
- Civil Disobedience
- Democratic Society
- “If a particular law is morally wrong we are obligated not to follow it”
Logical Syllogism
- What is true is also real (truth= reality)
- Creation is real (truth= creation)
- All reality has its origin in God (truth= origin in God)
- If God is the origin of all reality, then he is also the origin or the basis of all truth
Biblical Syllogism
-Light and dark (lack of light)- Can’t see the shadow of a flame
-God and evil (Lack of God)
-Truth and lie (lack of truth or twisting of truth)-Lying to someone or yourself
Ex: John 14:6
Natural Law
- By nature, we tend towards the truth
- Human’s “ could not live with one another if there were not mutual confidence that they were being truthful to one another
- Truthfulness: “Showing oneself true deeds and truthful in words” and rejecting Duplicity(2-faced)//Dissimulation(hiding your feelings)//Hypocrisy (words and actions don’t match)
“Honesty builds personal integrity and integrity builds trust”
People need to be motivated to lie:
a. Cover up
b. Avoid punishment
c. Make themselves feel superior
d. Avoid confronting someone with an uncomfortable truth
- Even hidden lies can wound others
- Ought to make reparations
- Self love becomes hard with lies
-Follow the Admirable Person (Role Model)
How do we follow the Admirable person?
- Conscience Development
- Conscience: God given internal sense of what is morally right and what is morally wrong
- Consistent with natural moral law
-What kind of people become the greatest witnesses for truth = martyrs
Seal of Confession
- Priest can’t reveal a person’s confession
- Expected to go to jail instead of ratting someone out
- Some have chosen to die rather than break the sacramental seal
Professional Secrets
- Political office holders, soldiers, physicians (doctors in general), lawyers
- Not to be divulged without a grave reason
-Those in charge of communication should maintain a balance between requirements of the common good and respect for individual rights
When is it morally permissible and necessary to break a confidence?
- Committed a serious crime and refuses to tell authorities
- Intends to cause serious physical or emotional harm to themselves or others
- In an emotional, physical, sexually abusive situation
- Some reason you knowing information makes you an accomplice
Public Lies (Sin Against Honesty)
- Public speakers have the responsibility to present things completely and accurately
- Public hearing or court when someone else’s freedom or reputation is at stake (perjury)
Sins against Reputation (Sins against honesty)
- Telling someone’s faults or failures (true) without any valid or necessary reason, detracts from another’s good name (detraction/ gossip)
- Telling a false story about someone to hurt their reputation (Calumny/slander)
- Assuming the worst about something a person says or does without knowing all the facts (rash judgement)
Sins of Flattery and Boasting (Sins against Honesty)
- Misuse of Flattery, praising someone for doing or saying something that isn’t true is wrong (adulation)
- Exaggerate to make them more praiseworthy, draws attention to ourselves at the expense of others (boasting/ bragging)
- Humiliate others: especially bad in teenage years
Responsibility of Media
- Society has the right to information
- One should not manipulate throughout with the lens of media
- Watch out because the lack of temperance when it comes to media/ social communication can lead to passivity
Responsibility of Art
- What is beauty
- A form of social media: to educate, inspire, entertain, cause to question or to wonder
- Sacred Art: Evoking and glorifying in faith and adoration, the transcendent mystery of God
- Subjective: eye of the beholder
- Objective: same for everyone
Old Law (7th and 10th Commandments)
1.God has given the earth and all its resources to the whole human race to care and enjoy it
2.Earth’s resources are mean’t to be shared
A. This does not negate private property
-The fundamental law in protecting someone else’s private property: Thou shall not steal
3.Yet all basic necessities should be met
4.The right to own property is not absolute
A.It is subordinate to the just distribution of earth’s resources and the common good
New Law (7th and 10th Commandments)
- Christ had a lot to say about wealth
- Ex: Zacchaeus & Rich Man
- Deeper meaning:
- 7th: The goods of the earth and the wealth that comes from human labor are to be distributed fairly and lovingly to all people
- 10th: Greed can consume you
Examples of New Law (7th and 10th Commandments)
- Rich Man
- Told that if he gives up all his possessions, he can enter the Kingdom of God
- Doesn’t give his possessions up (How hard it is for the rich to enter the Kingdom of God)
- Zacchaeus (Commutative Justice)
- Tax collector (hated cuz they came from that place, traitors cuz worked w/ Romans and stole money)
- Tried to change his ways and become a friend of Jesus Christ (made reparations/sacrifices)
Social Doctrine
A) Developed in the 19th Century when the Gospel encountered modern industrial society with its new structures for consumer goods B) Issues like: 1. Economic justice (worldwide trade) 2. War and violence (WWI and WWII) 3. Respect for life (contraceptives)
7 Basic Social Doctrine Themes
- The Life and Dignity of the Human Person
- The Call to Family, Community, and Participation
- Rights and Responsibilities
- The Option for the Poor and Vulnerable
- The Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers
- Solidarity
- Care for God’s Creation
The Life and Dignity of the Human Person
- Every human life is sacred (Most important)
- People more important than things
The Call to Family, Community, and Participation
- Social creatures
- Marriage and family are fundamental institutions
Rights and Responsibilities
-Safeguard rights of necessities (food, clothes, water, shelter
Options for the Poor and Vulnerable
- How are vulnerable treated?
- Rich and poor integrated to distribute goods properly
The Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers
-Fair wages, labor unions
-Interconnectedness of all of creation
Care for God’s Creation
-We response to the call to care for God’s creation (where Adam and Eve failed)
Labor Issues
-Work to live, not live to work
-Make sure goods and services are for the good of society & not its harm
-Modern Slavery
Ex: Human trafficking
Environmental Issues
-Ex:Pollution, Overgrazing, Over-planting, over-fishing, destruction of rainforests
International Issues
- Gap between richest and poorest countries
- Lay people have to be involved to help
- Ex: World hunger
Envy and Greed
- Primary sins against 10th Commandment
- Both capital sins (root of many other sins)
- Greed: desire to have more than we need
- Envy: The desire to have something someone else has
Are the feeling of Envy and Greed sins themselves?
-No a sin because we do not choose it, but if when we choose to pity ourselves then it is a sin
Virtues the Combat Envy
- Goodwill towards others
- Personal humility (know who you are)
- Trust in God’s Providence
Poverty of Heart & Vow of Poverty
- “Poverty of Heart”
- To put God above all material possessions
- Vows of Poverty
- Almsgiving (give clothes, money, food)
- Simple Lifestyle is subjective (different for everyone)
Works of Charity and Works of Justice
- Church is concerned w/ material and spiritual needs because people are body and soul
- Works of Service/Charity: Helping people survive their present crisis
- Works of Justice: Removing the cause of these problems