Unit I: Geo: Its Nature and Perspective: Vocabulary Flashcards
a map that is a diagram used to present statistical information
Chloropleth maps
a map which shows differences using colors
Cultural ecology
the study of the processes by which a society adapts to its environment
Cultural landscape
visible imprint of human activity on the landscape
Expansion diffusion
the spread of an idea through a population so that the number influenced grows continuously larger
Absolute direction
a compass direction such as north and south
Relative direction
directions such as left, right, up, down, etc. based on people’s perception of places
Absolute distance
the distance that can be measured with a standard unit of length such as a mile or kilometer
Relative distance
a measure of distance that often describes the amount of social, cultural, or economic connectivity between two places.
Distance decay
the diminishing importance of an idea with increasing distance from its origin
arrangement of features in space, including density, concentration, and pattern
Formal/uniform regions
a region marked by a degree of uniformity or hemogeneity
Friction of distance
a measure of the retarding or restricting effect of distance on spatial interaction (The greater the distance, the greater the friction, and the less exchange that takes place)
Functional regions
a region defined by the activities or interactions that occur within it
Geospatial data (census, satellite)
Information about a physical object that can be recorded by numerical values in a geographic coordinate system
Census: an official count or survey of a population
Satellite: something that is separated from or on the periphery of something but is nevertheless controlled by it