Unit I Flashcards
The main purpose is to protect the public by setting up the minimum acceptable level of safety for buildings, products, and processes.
Codes and Regulations
Policy of the State to safeguard life, health, property, and public welfare, consistent with the principles
of sound environmental management and control.
The National Building Code of the Philippines
PD 1096
The National Building Code of the Philippines
This code shall apply to the design and construction, repair, alteration, renovation, and use of any building and
other structures for human habitation and all other activities of human endeavor, including the architectural aspects of infrastructure projects such as roads, bridges, and the like.
Architectural Code of the Philippines
Establish minimum requirements for structural systems using prescriptive and performance-based principles provisions.
National Structural Code of the Philippines
The primary objective of the code is to establish basic materials quality and electrical works standards
for the safe use of electricity for light, heat, power, communications, signaling, and for other purposes
Electrical Code of the Philippines
Republic Act 9514
Fire Code of the Philippines
Policy of the State to ensure public safety, promote economic development thru prevention and
suppression of all kinds of destructive fires.
Fire Code of the Philippines
To ensure the unqualified observance of the latest provisions of the plumbing and environmental laws.
National Plumbing Code
PD 856
Sanitation Code of the Philippines
Improvement of the way of the Filipinos by directing public health services towards the protection and
promotion of the health of the people.
Sanitation Code of the Philippines
Executive Officer of the OBO appointed by the Secretary.
Building Official
A document issued by the Building Official (BO) to an owner/applicant to proceed with the construction, or other work activity of a specific project/building/structure
Building Permit
Head or Chief Executive Officer of DPWH.
The Executive Officer or Head of the NBCDO.
Executive Director
Office authorized to enforce the provisions of the Code and its IRR in the field as well as the enforcement of orders and decisions made pursuant thereto.
Office of the Building Official (OBO)
Serve as the technical staff of the Secretary
Shall be responsible for carrying out the provisions of the Code in the field as well as the enforcement of orders and decisions made pursuant thereto.
Building Officials