UNIT D4 FLASHCARDS: Changes in population
The science of classification according to relationships of the organism
Binomial Nomenclature
The naming of an organism using its genus and species. This method uses Latin and Greek and was created by Carl Linnaeus.
Lacking a membrane enclosed nucleus
Have a membrane enclosed nucleus
Dichotomous Keys
A dichotomous key is an important scientific tool, used to identify different organisms, based on the organisms observable traits. Dichotomous keys consist of a series of statements with two choices in each step that will lead users to the correct identification.
Phylogenetic tree
A phylogenetic tree,
also known as a
phylogeny, is a
diagram that depicts
the lines of
evolutionary descent
of different species,
organisms, or genes
from a common
This is a diagram used to
represent a hypothetical
relationship between groups
of animals called phylogeny.
Scientists use various
methods to compare the
relationships of ancestors.
Artificial Selection
The breeding of variations in populations to produce desirable traits.
Natural Selection
The process by which a population of organisms changes because individuals with certain traits can better survive the local environmental conditions and pass on these traits to their off spring
reproductive isolation
the existence of biological factors that impede members of two species from interbreeding and producing viable, fertile offspring
prezygotic barriers
block fertilization from occuring
post zygotic barriers
may contribute to reproductive isolation after the zygote is formed.
a slow gradual change in a species
the evolving of a species into one or two or more separate species
taxonomic ranking
behavioural adaptations
organisms hibernate or migrate to adapt to a changing environment
physiological adaptations
organisms alter hair colour or thickness to adapt to changing environments
anatomical adaptation
organisms contain certain structures that are adapted to different temps
diagram used to represent a hypothetical relationship between groups of animals called a phylogeny
indirect vs direct evidence
Direct evidence can be observed with our human senses. indirect evidence is observed when something affect something we can observe