Unit B/C1 Test: Reproduction & Development/Cell Division Flashcards
What is present in semen?
-Sperm: Male gonads
-Fructose solution: secreted from the seminal vesicles to nourish sperm
-Alkaline buffer: secreted from the prostate to protect sperm from the acidic vagina
-mucous fluid: secreted from Cowpers gland prior to ejaculation to clear urethra
What produces each part of the semen
-Cowpers gland: mucous
-Prostate: alkaline buffer
-Seminal vesicles: Fructose solution/ prostaglandin(stimulates uterine contractions O
-Testes: sperm
What are the four phases of the menstrual cycle?
-Flow phase: the beginning of the cycle, shedding of the endometrium lining(menstruation), progesterone/estrogen levels are low.
-Follicular phase: FSH stimulates the development of the follicle, Development of follicles within the ovary, follicle will secret estrogen
-ovulatory phase: LH will stimulate ovulation, secondary oocyte bursts from the ovary and follicular cell will become the corpus luteum, estrogen levels will drop
-luteal phase: corpus luteum forms and the endometrium lining thickens, corpus luteum secretes progestrone and estrogen, if fertilization does not occur the corpus luteum will disolve and the cycle will repeat
What days correspond to the four phases?
Days 1-5: Flow phase
Days 6-13: folicular phase
Day 14: Ovulatory phase
Day 15-28: Luteal Phase
What are the hormones doing in each of the four phases?
-Flow phase: low progesterone and estrogen levels signal the brain to secrete FSH and begin menstruation
-Folicular phase: FSH causes follicle to develop and secrete estrogen, estrogen will cause a decrease in LH and FSH levels until days 10-12 when it will cause LH and FSH production to ramp up (positive feedback)
-Ovulatory phase: A spike in LH will cause ovulation, follicle will no longer secrete estrogen so estrogen levels will drop
-Luteal phase: Corpus luteum will secrete progesterone and estrogen, causing those levels to rise
What are the male hormones and where are they secreted from? What is the function of these hormones and where do they target?
-Testosterone: Produced in the interstitial cells of the testes, targets most cells, responsible for stimulating spermatogenesis, causing muscle growth, increasing sex drive, and developing male secondary sex characteristics
-FSH: produced by the pituitary, targets the testes, stimulates the sertoli cells in the testes to help produce sperm in the seminiferous tubules
-LH: produced by the pituitary, targets the testes, stimulates the production of testosterone in the interstitial cells of the testes
What is the function of the placenta?
-Act as the lungs, kidneys and small intestine of the fetus. This is done via diffusion of important nutrients and gasses, along with wastes, from the maternal to the fetal blood across the placenta
What is the function of the amniotic sac?
Fluid filled sac that insulates and protects the developing fetus
What is the function of the umbilical cord?
allows the difusion between the meternal blood and fetal blood to take place
What is the general order of events in fetal development?
fertilization - zygote -3 to 6 days- blastocyst - implantation - gastrulation - embryonic development - Formation of Amnion, Chorion layers, yolk sac, and allantois - formation of placenta and umbilical cord - fetal development(CNS, Heart, Limbs, Ear, eyes, palet, teeth, genitals
What is the function of the chorion layer, and what two hormones does it secrete?
The chorion layer secretes HGC which supports the corpous luteum until the placenta developes. this keeps progestrone levels high
What two hormones does the placenta secrete and why?
The placenta secretes progestrone and estrogen to prevent uterine contractions and keeping the pregnancy
What do the two rounds of meiosis do?
Round 1: This is considered a reduction division because during this stage the chromosome number is halved (2n-46)-(2n=23)
Round 2: This round is considered an equational division because the chromosome number dose not change. This stage serves to separate the sister chromitids of the daughter cells in phase one so that final products are single stranded (2n=23)-(n=23)
What is produced from the ectoderm?
Skin, Hair, fingernails, sweat glands, nervous system, brain, lens, retina, cornea, inner ear, cochlea, semi-circular canals, teeth, inner lining of mouth
what is produced from the endoderm?
Liver, pancreas, thyroid, parathyroid, bladder, lining of digestive system, lining of respiratory system