Unit B Flashcards
Know what the most important day of school is and why.
The first day of school, because it sets the tone for the rest of their educational career.
According to Wong, what is the one correlation with success?
According to Wong, what are some ways he suggests that you can welcome students on the first day of school?
Organize the first day of school celebration, stand at the bus stop and welcome, stand at the front entrance of the school, bring out the school band to play at the curb or do you the entrance, if there’s no band, have a group of teachers, hang up a banner welcoming students, distribute the school newspaper, have guides in the hall, have your name and room number clearly visible along with your personal greeting, and let the first spoken message over the PA system be a welcome to school message.
Know that school is not a place but a concept and know your role in building that concept.
School is a concept because that is where the students are welcome and have the ability to enhance their life without fear of intimidation or harm, guided by hospitable and caring people and orderly environment. The teachers role in this is to create that environment that cultivates learning, rather than a place of worksheets and boredom.
When considering your professional appearance, you will be ______ as you are _________.
Treated; dressed
Know the five things teachers should do to enhance positive expectations.
- Name
- Please
- Thank You
- Smile
- Love
Be able to draw the diagram showing the 4 levels of invitation and be able to briefly describe them.
- Intentionally Disinviting-this is the bottom level; teacher deliberately demeans, discourages, defeats, and dissuades students.
- Unintentionally disinviting-teachers who are oblivious to the fact that they are negative people; they are chauvinistic, condescending, racist, sexist, etc.
- Unintentionally inviting-natural born teachers; generally well-liked and effective but are unaware of why they are effective.
- Intentionally inviting-professional attitude, work diligently and consistently, and strive to be more effective.
Know that the basis of being inviting is _________.
Building relationships
When concerning your attitude, know what students can refuse and what they cannot.
Words; invitational attitude
Know what Wong says about the heart of education.
The heart of education education of the heart. When you look at truly effective teachers, you will also find caring, warm, lovable people.
According to Wong, humans have a natural __________ towards success.
Know that when it comes to expectations, you will ________ what you ________.
Get; expect
Be able to identify the 4 main effects of your professional dress.
- Respect
- Credibility
- Acceptance
- Authority
Be able to give an example of positive and negative expectations.
Positive- “what we achieve it comes from how we work together.”
-“I believe that every child can learn and will achieve to their fullest potential.”
Negative- “you don’t understand the culture where I teach.”
-“these kids just don’t want to learn.”
What are the seven things that students want to know on the first day of school?
- Am I in the right room?
- Where am I supposed to be?
- What are the rules in this classroom?
- What will I be doing this year?
- How will I be graded?
- Who is the teacher as a person?
- Will you treat me as a human being?
The 3 Reasons for a Seating Arrangement
- Facilitates Roll Taking
- Aids Name Memorization
- Separates Potential Problem Students
Know what Bloom’s research said about when a person’s mature intelligence is developed.
Conception to 4: 50%
4-8: 30%
8-17: remaining 20%
What are the 7 Essentials of Encouragement?
- Set the Example
- Personalize Recognition
- Set Clear Standards
- Tell the Story
- Celebrate Together
- Paying Attention
- Expect the Best
Know what Bloom’s research said about when a person’s mature intelligence is developed.
Conception to 4: 50%
4-8: 30%
8-17: remaining 20%
What are the 7 Essentials of Encouragement?
- Set the Example
- Personalize Recognition
- Set Clear Standards
- Tell the Story
- Celebrate Together
- Paying Attention
- Expect the Best