Unit 9: Real Estate Contracts Flashcards
agreement entered into by 2 or more legally competent parties
express contract
oral or written contract which the parties state the contracts terms & express their intentions in words
implied contract
agreement of parties is demonstrated by their acts & conduct
bilateral contract
both parties to the contract are legally bound to act as promised
unilateral contract
one sided contract wherein one party makes a promise in order to induce a second party to do something
executory contract
something remains to be done by one or more parties
all parties have fulfilled their promises
valid contract
complies w/ all the essentials of a contract & is binding & enforceable to all parties to it
void contract
no legal force or effect b/c it does not meet essential elements of a contract
voidable contract
seems to be valid on the surface but may be rejected or disaffirmed by one or both parties
unenforceable contract
all elements of a valid contract but neither party can sue the other to force performance of it
competent parties
recognized by law as being able to contract w/ others (legal age & sound mind)
offer & acceptance
two essential components of a valid contract “meeting of the minds”
something of value that induces a person to enter into a contract
legality of object
essential component of a valid contract
agreement in writing & signed
contracts for sale of RE & leases for more that 1 year must be in writing to be enforceable
transfer in writing of interest in a contract, mortgage lease or other instrument
substituting a new obligation for an old one or substituting new parties to an existing obligation
breach of contract
violation of any terms or conditions in a contract w/o legal excuse, ex: failure to make payment
specific performance
legal action brought to compel a party to carry out the terms of a contract
liquidated damages
amount predetermined by the parties to an agreement as the total amount of compensation an injured party should receive if the other breaches contract
statute of limitations
law pertaining to the period of time which certain actions must be brought to court
new offer made as a reply to an offer received
equitable title
interest held by a vendee under a contract for a deed or an installment contract
earnest money deposit
money deposited by a prospective buyer as evidence of good faith, that is to be forfeited if the buyer defaults, but applied to purchase price if the sale is closed
right to purchase property w/in a definite time at a specified price
contract for deed
sales/ financing agreement under which the buyer purchase the sellers real estate on time
escrow agreements
contract used when a transaction is closed thru escrow, that sets forth duties of the escrow agent & requirements/ obligations of the parties to the transaction