unit 9 | equity securities: equity trading Flashcards
Cash Account
- Most basic type of investment account
- Buy and sell stock with your cash
- Not granted credit (they are not lent money) to purchase securities
- Must make full payment before settlement date
Margin Account
- The investment dealer/brokerage firm lends clients money to buy securities
- Client must contribute part of the full price; remainder is borrowed
- Interest is charged on the borrowed amount
Define Long Position
You own the security
“I am long RBC” → you own RBC shares
Short Position
Created when you sell the securities
Cash & Margin Accounts
When the margin (difference between market value & borrowed funds) falls below certain level:
- Client receives “margin call”
- Firm that has lent money requires more money from client
- If no funds are paid; securities are sold
- If securities increase in value → margin is created & can be used by client (to borrow more funds)
Short Sales
- Occur when an investor sells securities that they do not own
- They borrow the securities from an investor who owns them
- The investor who shorts the securities must buy them back in the future to settle the trade
- The investor receives proceeds when they short the security & must deposit a % of the market value of the securities
Market order
Executed at the best available price
Limit order [used often]
Executed only if a specific price can be obtained
Current price = $58; place a limit buy order at $55 → stock will only be bought if price declines to $55
Day order
Only valid for the current day (cancelled if not executed by the end of the day)
Open or Good Till Cancelled (GTC) order
Limit orders that remain open until executed or specific date
All or None (AON) order
Executed only if total # of shares can be bought or sold; alternatively, a min # of shares can be specified
Any part order
Opposite of AON order → accept any # of shares up to the total $ of shares in the order
Good through order
Remain valid for a specified period of time after which they are cancelled
Stop-loss order [used often]
Market order to sell if price drops below a certain price
Stop-buy order [used often]
Opposite of a stop-loss order → market buy order if price rises above a certain price
Professional (Pro) order
Order involving directors, management, shareholders or specified employees of investment dealer/brokerage