Unit 9: Democracy and Human Rights Flashcards
A planned and organised series of actions intended to achieve a specific goal.
The Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration and is a dispute resolution body established in terms of the Labour Relations Act. It is an independent body, does not belong to and is not controlled by any political party, trade union and business.
The legal status of being a citizen of a country
Means identifying with and being concerned about other people’s feelings and needs
Dishonesty and exploitation of position of power and responsibility
A system of government by the whole population or all eligible members of a state, through elected representatives.
Conversations in which people share information, ideas, experiences and opinions
To hold sacred. The Constitution enshrines the rights of all people in our country in a Bill of Rights and affirms the democratic values of human dignity, equality and freedom.
Establish an attitude, habit or relief so firmly that change is very difficult or unlikely
Freedom of Speech
The right to speak or act without restriction or fear.
Legal obligation
No one can be a responsible citizen without staying within the law. Laws exist to protect citizen, the communities they live in and their property.
A written request signed by many people demanding a specific action from an authority or government
A person or group of people demonstrating outside a building, a striker or strikers attempting to persuade people to support their cause.
Planned activity that have a specific purpose to improve something; usually taking place over a long time
The deliberate use of shocking or exciting stories and pictures in the media
Social obligations
Help communities and those who live in them
A person or organisation monitoring the actions of people and make sure that they stick to their promises, set acceptable standards and do not manage illegal practices
Hold and use, e.g. a dictator wields
Responsible citizenship
Being a responsible citizen results in a happy and harmonious community. These citizens act with respect for themselves and for other people. Being a responsible citizen implies people who obey rules and develop the legal, social and moral well-being of the community through their daily actions. They recognize and honor the democratic principles upon which their country was founded. Responsible citizens:
- Follow rules
- Become compassionate, sensitive and show respect for other
- Make good judgement
- Pay taxes
- Involved in the community
- Aware of the rights and responsibilities as contained in the South African Bill of Rights
Bill of Rights
Human rights are the basic rights that everyone has, because they are human. The list of human rights protected in South Africa is contained in the Bill of Rights that are dealt with in the South African Constitution. The Bill of Rights is the cornerstone of democracy in South Africa as it underlines the rights of all people in our countries and affirms the democratic values of human dignity, equality and freedom.
You have the right to:
- Equality and protection against discrimination.
- Human dignity
- Life
- Freedom and security of the person
- Slavery, oppression and forced labor are not allowed
- Privacy
- Freedom of religion, belief and opinion
- Freedom of expression
- Assembly, demonstration, picket and petition
- Freedom of association
- Freedom of movement and residence
- The freedom to choose your trade, occupation and profession
- To join trade unions
- A healthy environment
- The right to own property
- Access to healthcare, housing, food, clean running water, and old age pensions
- The opportunity to receive basic education
- Language and culture
- Access to government information
- The right to access courts to deal with legal issues
Children’s rights
Children under the age of 18 have special rights. These rights aim to protect all children up to the age of 18 years from harm, abuse, neglect and exploitation, and include the right to:
- A name and nationality from birth
- Family and parental care
- Basic nutrition, shelter, basic healthcare services and social services
- Protection from maltreatment, neglect, abuse, dignity and bodily integrity
- Protection from exploitative labor practices inappropriate for a child or a place that risks a child’s well-being, education, physical or mental health or spiritual, moral or social development.
- Protection against detention
- A clean environment and the responsibility to take care of their environment by cleaning the space they live in
- Food and the responsibility to not be wasteful
- Good quality education
- Quality medical care
Discrimination and Human Rights Violation
Discrimination is to show favour, prejudice or bias against a person on the basis of race, gender, sex, colour, sexual orientation etc.
According to CCMA, there are two types of discrimination in South Africa, namely fair and unfair discrimination. Unfair discrimination is when favor of bias is shown against people on the above grounds. Fair discrimination is generally allowed if it is based on affirmative action, based on inherent requirements of a particular job, compulsory discrimination by law and based on productivity.
The Role of Media in a Democratic Society
Many regard the media as the ‘mirror’ of modern society. The media inform people about current and new affairs and are in charge of information, education, entertainment, advertising and correlation of parts of society. It is the media that helps us form opinions and make judgement, it can also have a negative effect on a generation. The media has a responsibility to ensure true and honest communication and that it always acts in the interest of democracy. This way, citizens will be allowed to get the information they need and to make informed decisions.
Different types of media
Print media: Newspapers, publications, books, magazines and pamphlets.
Recordings: Records, cassettes, CDs and DVDs
Broadcast media: Communications delivered over mass electronic communication networks, e.g. radio and TV
Internet: Electronic media, social networks and hypermedia with hyperlinks
Mass media: All means of mass communications that enables many people to communicate at the same time.
Mass Media
Mass media has become more than just a way to communicate with people, it has become a powerful tool that can be used to persuade and influence large numbers of people. Freedom of speech is a basic and valuable characteristic of Western society but it can be very harmful if not used in a responsible way.
The Social Responsibility of Mass Media
The media has a key role in developing a culture pf peace and non-violence. it makes sure people get the right information, as well as acting as watchdog. This includes being fair, honest and reliable. Freedom of speech is an inseparable element of a democratic society. It is the responsibility of mass media to:
- Not mislead the public
- Be professional, seek out the truth and report it in an accurate manner
- Guide readers towards the benevolent way
- Make sure reports aren’t biased
- Accommodate the interests and needs of all citizens
- Report news according to facts
How the media can prevent breaking an individual’s reputation
- Respect the rights and reputations of others
- Explain issues withing being sensational
- Publish in the interest of nations security and public safety
- Publish for the prevention of disorder or crime
- Publish for the protection of health and morals
- Publish corrections they make mistakes
Media coverage of sports, personalities and recreation activities
Media coverage of sports had good effects, it generates income, educates people about sports and rules, inspires young people to work hard to reach their goals. The media should aim to be unbiased and report equally on famous sportswomen and sportsmen.