Unit 9: Baking Flashcards
The difference with chemical VS. Organic Agents
baking soda and power= chemical
yeast =organic
What does Grain, Sugar, & eggs each provide in baking?
Grain creates structure
Sugar creates browning, tenderness flavor
Eggs: structure and browning agent
What do Leavening agents, Liquids and fats provide?
Leavening agent= add air
Liquids= moistness
fat=tenderness and flavor
Flavoring has m…… & v……?
vitamins & minerals
What is lean Dough?
made with little to no sugar or Fat
ex. french hard rolls
What are Rich doughs?
(cake like structure after baking)
What are the two categories of yeast?
Lean dough & Rich dough
What two things does yeast need to survive?
sugar +warm water
What are the two primary methods of making yeast bread?
Straight dough: all ingredients are combined
and the dough is kneaded and set aside to
or Sponge dough: yeast is combined with part
of the liquid, flour and sugar to make a batter.
Let rise until light and bubbly, then add
remaining ingredients to make a stiff dough.
What is a straight dough
all ingredients are combined
and the dough is kneaded and set aside to
What is Sponge dough?
yeast is combined with part
of the liquid, flour and sugar to make a batter
What is Gluten?
What two methods create gluten?
Protein part of flour, when mixed
with a liquid, kneaded and
developed sufficiently, gives the
dough its framework and structure.
Mixing and kneading
DEFINE fermaertion ?
What is proofing?
is the production of
Carbon Dioxide.
The process by which carbon dioxide
is produced in a yeast dough and the
dough rises to double its original size.
What does Punching down do?
Punching down – expel gas pockets
what does salt does for yeast bread
controls rate of yeast growth