Unit 9: Annuities Flashcards
accumulation period
“paying in” money
interest grows tax deferred
annuity value belongs to the owner
annuitization period
“pay out” phase
income generated from accumulated money
money from the accumulation period or from inheritance, lottery winnings, or curt settlements
money belongs to the insurance company
parties to an annuity
contract owner:
- names the annuitant
- names the beneficiary
- can withdraw money
- can end the contract
annuitant (the insured)
- receives the income
- can be more than one person
- receives the accumulation value if owner dies
- may receive income payments if annuitant (insured) dies sooner than inspected
-issues the contract
annuities vs life insurance
______ = death
-premium buys a death benefit
premium used to :
-accumulate money
-provide an income while living
immediate annuity
benefit payments begin within 1 month of purchase (up to 12 months)
- purchased with a single premium (SPIA)
- has no or short accumulation period
deferred annuity
benefit payments postponed until retirement age
bought with single premium (SPDA) or flexible premiums (FPDA)
Has an accumulation period
Owner decides annuitization at later time
surrender or withdrawal
10% tax if withdrawn before 59 1/2
surrender period - waiting period
surrender fee -penalty for early withdrawal
also referred to as: straight life, pure life, or life-no refund
guarantees income for life regardless of how long
death stops payments (even if after one payment)
largest monthly check from life options
life - refund certain
cash refund or installment refund
income for life
death payments less than contract value
- balance to beneficiary
- lump sum or monthly payments
Life - period certain
income for life they live
choose period such as 10 or 20 years
-annuity will pay beneficiary if annuitant dies within that period
joint life and survivor
annuitants paid even after one dies
payments to survivor until their death
same or reduced
joint life
two annuitants paid until one dies
payments stop when first of two annuitants dies
factors affecting payment amount
!!! annuitants age annuitants gender length of payment guarantee assumed interest rate
fixed annuities
fixed, guaranteed payout
- general account
- long term low risk investments
- if annuitized-fixed income payments
- money guaranteed by company
- can lose purchasing power due to inflation
variable annuities
separate account
no guarantees by the company owner assumes the risk
premium buys accumulation units
if annuitized accumulated money buys annuity units
value can go up or down
must be licensed by the state and security regulators (SEC &FINRA)