Unit 8 - Upper/Lower Extremity Blocks Flashcards
The ______ _______ provides sensory & motor innervation to nearly all of the shoulder and upper extremities
bracheal plexus
the bracheal plexus orginates from ventral rami of cervical roots C__-T___
What is the pneumonic to remember the BP structural elements
Randy (roots)
Travis (trunks)
Drinks (divisions)
Cold (cords)
Beer (branches)
What are the 5 terminal branches of the BP
Musculocuatneous n.
Radial n.
Median n.
Ulnar n.
Axillary n.
There are several smaller non-terminal branches of the BP that innervate regions of the ______ & _______
Chest & back
What are the 3 non-terminal supraclavicular branches of the BP
Dorsal scapular n.
Suprascapular n.
Long thoracic n.
What are the 2 non-terminal infraclavicular branches of the BP
Lateral pectoral n.
Medial pectoral n.
The phrenic n. recieves contribution from _____
A field block may be required to block the _____________ nerve for upper extremity procedures
Intercostobrachial n.
A __________ describes an area of skin innervated by a dorsal (sensory) spinal nerve root
A __________ describes an area of skin innervated by a ventral (motor) spinal nerve root
An ________ describes bones & joints innervated by the dorsal (sensory) spinal nerve root
What volume of LA for interscalene block
What volume of LA for supraclavicular block
What volume of LA for axillary block
5mL per nerve