Unit 8: Section 4 Flashcards
Why do we need laws and justice?
- So people know what kind of behaviour to expect, without laws their would be chaos.
- If there were no laws about business deals and work, modern society could not operate.
- We need laws to protect the weak from the strong.
- In an advanced civilisation such as the UK, we need laws to keep things organised.
Why do some people say we don’t need laws?
- They restrict human freedom.
- Some countries that have experimented with removing traffic laws have found that there are fewer accidents.
Why does there need to be a connection between law and justice?
- If a law is unjust, people may feel it is right to break the law and will campaign against it, causing trouble in society.
- If some laws are unjust then they are not fulfilling their purposes.
- If laws do not create a just society then people will think the legal system is not working and may start a civil war.
What are the four theories of punishment?
- Deterrence - Putting people off.
- Retribution - Criminals should pay for their crime.
- Protection - Protects people by imprisoning criminals.
- Reform - Teach criminals not to commit crimes again.
What are the problems with deterrence?
- Punishments have to be very severe.
- Criminals think they won’t be caught, so aren’t deterred by the punishment.
- Poor people may steal to feed their families so the cause of the crime may need solving.
- It may not respect Human Rights.
What are the problems with retribution?
- Makes you as bad as the criminal as you are doing the same thing.
- May humiliate the offender.
- May not respect Human Rights.
- May cause the offender to become resentful.
What are the problems with protection?
- The offender may not change when released.
- There is no proof that it works.
- May cause the offender to become resentful.
- There are some crimes that are not dangerous to other people.
What are the problems with reform?
- It might not be seen as a real punishment.
- It might not work for dangerous criminals.
- Offenders may ‘pretend’ to be reformed.
- Reform methods can be expensive.
Why is justice important to Christians?
- God is just and will reward the righteous and punish those who sin.
- The Bible says people should be treated fairly and God wants the world to be ruled justly.
- The Christian Churches have made many statements about the need for Christians to work for justice.
- Christian Aid is an example of a Christian organisation working for justice in the world.
Why is justice important to Muslims?
- The Qur’an says God is just.
- The Qur’an says Muslims should treat people fairly.
- The Shari’ah is based on justice for everyone with everyone being treated equally.
- Islam teaches that it is unjust to charge interest because it takes money from the poor and gives it to the rich.
Why may non-religious people be for capital punishment?
- If people know they will die if they murder someone, they will be put off and there will be fewer murders.
- Murderers/terrorists threaten society, and the best way to protect society from them is to take away their lives.
- Human life is the most important and valuable thing, and the value can only be shown by giving those who take human life the worst possible punishment.
- It will ease the pressure put on prisons as they are filling up with criminals.
Why may non-religious people be against capital punishment?
- Someone may be wrongly convicted, and they could be released from prison but they could not be raised from the dead if they were executed.
- Statistics show that countries without the death penalty have a lower murder rate.
- Murderers who know they will be killed if they are caught are likely to kill more people to avoid being caught.
- Murderers often think life imprisonment as worth than death as some try to commit suicide.
Why may Christians be for capital punishment?
- The Bible gives the death penalty.
- The Roman Catholic Church has not cancelled its statement to say that capital punishment can be used by the state.
- The Christian Church itself has used the death penalty in the past for heresy (not believing official church teachings).
Why may Christians be against capital punishment?
- Jesus came to save/reform sinners, but you cannot reform a dead person.
- Jesus said ‘an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth’ is wrong for Christians.
- Christianity says that all life is sacred, if abortion and euthanasia is wrong then so is capital punishment.
- Most Christian Churches have made statements condemning capital punishment.
Why may Muslims be for capital punishment?
- It is a punishment set down by God in the Qur’an.
- The Shari’ah says capital punishment can be used for murder/adultery/rejecting Islam.
- Muhammad made several statements agreeing with capital punishment.
Why may Muslims be against capital punishment?
- It is recommended in the Qur’an, but is not compulsory.
- Some agree with the non-religious arguments.
- The Shari’ah says that the family of a murder victim can accept blood money from the murderer instead of death.
What are the UK laws on tobacco?
- Illegal to sell to people under 18.
- All tobacco packs must have large health warnings.
- All adverts/sponsorship for tobacco products are banned.
- You can not smoke indoors in public places, workplaces, football grounds or railway stations.
What are the UK laws on alcohol?
- You cannot give an alcoholic drink to a child under 5.
- Children under 16 can go into a pub with adult supervision but cannot drink. They can be banned if the bar has had problems.
- People ages 16/17 can drink beer/wine/cider with a meal if it is bought by an adult, and they are accompanied by an adult.
- People under 18 cannot buy alcohol.
What are the UK laws on illegal drugs?
- You must not possess a controlled substance unlawfully.
- You must not possess a controlled substance with intent.
- You must not supply or offer to supply a controlled substance.
- You must not allow your premises to be used for drug taking.
What are the social/health problems caused by smoking, drugs and alcohol?
- Smoking - Bad health effects and death from smoking can cause problems for families/employers.
- Alcohol - Liver disease and alcoholism. Also causes major social problems as people behave irrationally when drunk.
- Drug abuse - Addiction and death. Also causes criminal gang problems and stealing to fund the habit.
Why may people argue that alcohol, tobacco and drugs should not be controlled by the law?
- The Netherlands have decriminalised some ‘soft’ drugs such as cannabis and they seem to have fewer drug problems.
- Laws that banned alcohol in the past have caused problems with organised crime (e.g. in the US in the 1920s).
- It should be an individuals choice as to wether to use these, as they only effect the individuals body.
What do most Christians believe about alcohol and tobacco?
- The correct approach is moderation.
- The first miracle Jesus performed was changing water into wine.
- Paul said that Christians can drink in moderation.
- Jesus used bread and wine at the last supper and told his disciples to continue the tradition.
- Most Churches use alcoholic wine in their communion services, so Christians must be able to drink wine in moderation.
Why do some Christians not drink or smoke?
- Taking tobacco or alcohol is abusing Gods temple (our bodies).
- There are Bible passages warning against drunkenness.
- Many Christians from the Salvation Army are involved in working with alcoholics and know how they need support from others by refusing alcohol.
Why are alcohol and drugs not allowed for Muslims?
- The Qur’an says that intoxicants are a way Satan tries to keep people from God.
- Muhammad said every intoxicant is forbidden to Muslims.
- Muslim lawyers say drugs/alcohol is a form of suicide because you are harming your body and suicide is forbidden.
- Muhammad said Muslims must not drink/produce/sell alcohol.