Unit 8: Section 3 Flashcards
How can the UN stop any threats to world peace?
- Imposing sanctions on countries threatening world peace.
- Authorising the use of force by member states.
- Sending a UN peacekeeping force.
What factors caused the war in Darfur?
-Economic/environment - Years of drought have meant that food/water resources are scarce and expensive.
-Long-lasting ethic hatred - The people are divided on religion/ethnicity. The Sudanese government are accused of favouring Arabs.
-National Pride - Some people want the south of Sudan to become its own country, but the government wants Sudan to stay as one country.
-Remote Location - By the time other countries knew what was happening, thousands had already been killed and more displaced from their homes.
(South Sudan is now a separate country due to this conflict.)
How do religions organisations work for world peace?
- Organising meetings so people can learn about the horrors or war and vote for organisations working for peace.
- Going into war zones and supporting efforts to stop the war.
- Organising protests against the war, to change public opinion and therefore the governments policy.
- Organising/attending inter-faith conferences to help all religions come together to promote world peace.
- Trying to get economic justice and worldwide acceptance of Human Rights to remove the causes of war.
What are the conditions of the Just War theory?
- It is fought with the aim to bring peace.
- There is a reasonable likelihood of success.
- Civilians are not targeted.
- Methods must be fair/reasonable.
- The cause of war is just, e.g. resisting aggression.
- It is a last resort, after all non-violent methods of solving the aggression have failed.
- It has been agreed to by the UN.
What is a problem with the Just War theory?
Both sides may claim their cause of war is just, e.g. in WW2 when both Hitler and the Allies said they were right and just in what they fought for.
Why are Christians against war?
- Christian pacifist groups (e.g. Quakers).
- Jesus said we should love our enemies.
- The fifth commandment says ‘Do not murder’.
- Horrible things happen to civilians in modern wars.
- Peace can only come when people refuse to fight.
Why are some Christians for war in certain circumstances?
- It is the teaching of most Churches.
- Paul said that Christians should obey the orders of the government, so Christians should fight in wars ordered by the government.
- Jesus did not condemn soldiers, and even praised the faith of a Roman Centurion.
- If we need a police force to protect innocent people against criminals, we need armed forces to protect innocent states against criminal ones.
Why do some Muslims agree they should fight in wars?
- Under certain circumstances they should fight.
- The Qur’an teaches that Muslims should fight if they are attacked.
- Muhammad fought in wars.
- Muhammad made many statements stating that Muslims could fight in just wars.
- The Qur’an teaches that anyone who dies in a just war will go straight to Heaven.
Why do some Muslims believe they should not fight in wars?
- Peace and reconciliation is at the heart of Islam and is the teachings of the Qur’an.
- Modern weapons such as nuclear weapons cannot be used in a way that agree with Muslim rules on war, innocent civilians will always be injured/killed.
- Violence only leads to more violence.
What are most Christians attitudes to bullying?
- Using aggression without a just cause is sinful.
- People are a creation of God in his image, bullying is therefore mistreating his creation and is wrong.
- No Christian would bully Jesus, so they should not bully anyone.
- All Churches teach that Christians should protect human rights, and bullying denies the victim their human rights.
- Bullying has harmful effects on society, and Christians should always try to make society better.
Why do some Christians believe they should not try to stop bullying?
- It is more important to help the victims of bullying.
- Standing up to bullies could make them even worse as they may bully the person standing up to them.
- It is always better to use the forces of law to stand up to criminals, and bullies are criminals.
What are the main ways religion can cause conflict within families?
- Children wanting to leave their parents religion.
- Children wanting to marry a partner from a different faith.
- Children becoming more religious than their parents.
- Disagreements over moral issues.
How can religion create harmony within families?
- Brings families together as they worship and have a social life together.
- Children brought up in a religion are likely to believe it so it won’t bring conflict.
- Most religious parents respect their children’s right to religious freedom so will not cause conflict.
- Religious children are taught to respect their parents and parents should respect their children, so brings harmony not conflict.
Why do Christians believe in forgiveness and reconciliation?
- Jesus died on the cross to bring forgiveness and reconciliation.
- Jesus said that if Christians do not forgive others then they cannot be forgiven themselves.
- St Paul said Christians should try to live in peace with everyone.
- All Churches teach that Christians should use forgiveness and reconciliation to end conflicts.
Why do some Christians think they don’t have a duty to forgive others?
- Christians can’t be expected to forgive those who hate them.
- Christians should fight against evil and so should not forgive enemies.
- Christians are human and it is not natural for humans to forgive enemies/bullies.
- Christians should only forgive if the offender has said sorry and asked for forgiveness.
Why do Muslims believe in forgiveness and reconciliation?
- God is compassionate and merciful to sinners, so Muslims should also be forgiving.
- How can Muslims ask for Gods forgiveness on the Last Day if they are not prepared to forgive people?
- The Qur’an says that Muslims should forgive those who offend them.
- Muhammad said many times that Muslims should be forgiving.
- The only people Muslims should not forgive are those who work against Islam.