Unit 8 Section 3 Peace and Conflict Flashcards
When is a country at peace?
- people can live without fear
- nobody has to leave the country
- the army isn’t fighting
- there’s no conflict with other countries
Give 4 reasons why the United Nations is important for world peace:
1) impose sanctions eg. ban trade
2) authorise the use of force by member states to stop an aggressor
3) send peacekeeping forces to prevent conflict / stop it spreading
4) have an International Criminal Court
Where is Cyprus?
An island off the coast of Turkey.
Who was fighting in Cyprus and why?
The Turkish (North Cyprus) fought the Greek (South Cyprus) over who owned the island.
What did the UN do to stop the fighting in Cyprus?
- created a buffer zone to keep them apart
- brought both sides back in peace
Why was the end of conflict in Cyprus a good thing?
- People felt safe
- Money could be spent on healthcare and education
Give 4 ways in which religious groups try to make world peace:
1) Stop the causes of war - give people a good standard of living
2) Public statements - change public opinion
3) Public debates - people vote for peace
4) Inter-faith conferences - prevent religious differences
What are 4 causes of war?
1) Religion
2) Economics
3) Nationalism
4) Politics
Why is religion a cause of war?
- One country sees people of their religion being treated badly and start war
- People fight so their religion is the main one in a country
- Differences inside a religion eg. extremism
Why are economics a cause of war?
- Countries want what others have eg. oil
Why is nationalism a cause of war?
- People fight because of issues like race
Why are politics a cause of war?
- People fight for control
- People disagree with the way they’re being ruled
What makes a war just:
- It’s for a just cause
- The point is to make peace
- All non-violent solutions have been tried
- No innocent civilians are killed
Give 4 reasons why Christians are AGAINST wars:
1) Sermon on the Mount - love your enemies
2) Jesus stopped Peter using violence to protect him
3) 5th commandment - do not kill
4) The great Christian leaders said we should be pacifists
Give 4 reasons why Christians are FOR just wars:
1) Main churches teach just wars are okay
2) Jesus never condemned soldiers
3) St Paul said we must obey the government - they’re authorised by God
4) Innocent countries need protection
What is greater jihad and lesser jihad?
Greater jihad - the struggle to make yourself & society perfectly Muslim and not fighting
Lesser jihad - the struggle with forces outside of yourself by means of war
What is the Muslim attitude towards war and why?
If a war is just, Muslims must fight because:
1) Qur’an says Muslims must fight if attacked
2) Muhammad fought in wars
3) Muhammad made statements about fighting
4) Qur’an says anyone who dies fighting goes to heaven
Give 4 reasons why Christians are AGAINST bullying:
1) Bullying is mistreating God’s creation
2) Christianity regards violence as sinful
3) It’s a Christian’s duty to protect the weak
4) Churches teach that we should protect human rights, eg. right to live without fear
Give 4 reasons why Muslims are AGAINST bullying:
1) Islamic society based on rule of mutual respect between members of society
2) Muhammad - “Every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim”
3) All Muslims are members of Ummah and should have equal treatment
4) Muslims support human rights, eg. right to live without fear
Why might a child no longer wanting to be religious cause conflict within a family?
- Parents are supposed to bring children up in the faith
- Parents worry they’ll become immoral
- Parents worry they won’t see them when they die
Why might a child wanting to marry someone from a different faith cause conflict within a family?
- No religious wedding
- What religion will children be?
- Parents feel betrayed
Why might children being more religious than parents cause conflict within a family?
- Child may want to be a priest and not marry
- Child might criticise parents
- Child might force parents to be religious
Why may disagreements over decisions cause conflict within a family?
- Catholic might want to divorce
- Couple may decide to live together before marriage
- Christian may decide to have an abortion
Why do Christians AGREE with forgiveness?
1) Jesus died to bring forgiveness
2) Jesus said God forgives everyone
3) St Paul said Christians should live in peace
4) Churches teach that Christians should forgive and reconcile
Why do Muslims AGREE with forgiveness?
1) God is compassionate and merciful
2) Muslims can’t be unforgiving then ask for forgiveness on the Last Day
3) The Qur’an says Muslims should forgive
4) Muhammad said Muslims should forgive
Muslims shouldn’t forgive those who work against Islam
Why might Christians DISAGREE with forgiveness?
1) An eye for an eye
2) What’s the point in rules if you can break them eg. Decalogue
3) People may sin knowing they’ll be forgiven
4) You could follow the faith in all other aspects