Unit 3 Section 4 Community Cohesion Flashcards
Why have attitudes towards the roles of men and women changed in the UK?
1) During the World Wars, women proved they were capable of a lot of things men were
2) Equal rights in other countries made it hard to ignore
3) Women contributed widely to health and social care
4) Suffragette movement
What did women gain the right to do between 1882 and 1975?
- Keep their property separate from their husbands
- Vote in elections and become MPs
- Receive equal pay
- Sex discrimination act - nobody can be employed based on gender
Catholic attitude to equal rights for women (what and why)?
Men and women are equal but only men can be priests
1) Genesis 1 says men and women were made at the same time
2) Catechism says men and woman are equal
3) Apostles were all men
4) Jesus was a man
Traditional Protestant attitude to equal rights for women (what and why)?
Women shouldn’t speak in church and only men can be church leaders and teachers
1) St Paul said women shouldn’t speak in Church
2) Adam was created first
3) Jesus only chose men as his apostles
4) Tradition of the church that men lead
Modern Protestant attitude to equal rights for women (what and why)?
Men and women are equal and women can be priests and ministers
1) Genesis 1 says men and women were made at the same time
2) Paul says men and women are equal in some letters
3) Jesus treated women as his equals
4) Evidence of early women priests
Give 4 things prejudice and discrimination can lead to:
- Employers denying work
- Landlords preventing accommodation
- Teachers preventing progress
- Police discrimination
Give 4 effects of racism and discrimination:
- Groups feel alienated by society and work
- Disillusionment leads to crime
- Extremism leads to terrorism
- Rise of groups like the BNP and EDL
Give 4 benefits of living in a multi-ethnic society:
- Less chance of war
- More progressive - new people, new ideas
- Life is more interesting - more music, food
- Reminder that we are all part of one race
Why do Catholics promote racial harmony?
1) Treat others as you would like to be treated
2) St Paul taught that all races are equal
3) The Catholic Church has members of every race
4) Love your neighbour!!!
What has the government done to promote community cohesion?
- Race Relations Act - unlawful to be racist
- Crime and Disorder Act - severe punishments for offences involving racism
- Community Cohesion part of National Curriculum at school
- Racial and Religious Hatred Act - offence to use threatening words or behaviour due to racism
Why is community cohesion important for multi-ethnic and multi-faith societies?
- Different ideas can lead to violence
- People lose their sense of allegiance - 2005 London bombers
- People may be racist which is against the law
- Makes communication impossible
Give 4 ways the Catholic Church helps asylum seekers and immigrant workers:
1) Masses in other languages
2) Legal advice clinics
3) Office for Refugee Policy set up by the Church
4) Conferences over ways to help them
Give 4 reasons why the Catholic Church helps asylum seekers and immigrant workers:
1) Love thy neighbour
2) Golden Rule
3) Parable of the Good Samaritan says help those less fortunate
4) Jesus was a refugee
Give 4 benefits of living in a multi-faith society:
1) People learn about other religions
2) People think more about their own religion
3) People become more understanding and respectful
4) People think more about religious ideas in general
What is the idea behind Hick’s Mountain Paths?
Everyone reaches the same summit (God) through different mountain paths (religions)
Inclusive Christians (Catholics)’s attitude to other religions (what and why)?
Only Christianity has the full truth
- Teaching of the Catechism
- Jesus is the Son of God and he shows what God is like
- Teaching of the Bible
Exclusive Christians (Evangelical Protestants)’s attitude to other religions (what and why)?
Christianity is the only way to come to God
- Jesus said he was the only way to God
- Converting a neighbour to get them to Heaven would be loving
- Jesus said to convert all the nations
Religious Pluralists (Liberal Protestants)’s attitude to other religions (what and why)?
All religions are equal
- The Bible ISN’T the word of God
- God is a force discovered in different ways
- People of other religions live good lives
- Jesus said there are many rooms in Heaven
Why is it a problem when religions see it as a duty to convert everyone to their religion?
1) People argue it’s a form of prejudice and discrimination
2) Nobody has studied and compared them all
3) Can lead to arguments and violence
Why is children having religious freedom a problem?
1) Religious parents encouraged to bring children up religiously
2) Parents worry they won’t see their children after death
3) Pressure for families to maintain traditions
4) Children are easily tempted away from religious lifestyles
Why is inter-faith marriage a problem?
1) Often can’t be a religious ceremony
2) Which religion is child brought up in?
3) What will happen after death?
4) Relatives may feel betrayed
Give 2 solutions to inter-faith marriage (put in place by religious groups):
- Special wedding services for mixed faith couples
- Website offering help and advice
Give 2 solutions to bringing up children (put in place by religious groups):
- Upbringing in both faiths
- Faith schools agree to teach all main UK religions
Give 4 ways in which religions work to promote community cohesion in the UK:
1) Support with inter-faith marriage
2) Solutions to bringing up children
3) Working in special groups
4) Discovering similarities between different faiths
Give a way in which ‘Vicar of Dibley’ influenced peoples ideas on community cohesion in a positive way:
- Showed liberal protestant view that women can be vicars at the end
Give a way in which ‘Vicar of Dibley’ influenced peoples ideas on community cohesion in a negative way:
- Showed traditional protestant view that women shouldn’t be vicars
- Showed people encouraging others to go against human right of equality
- Made a mockery of women priests
Give 4 reasons why the government SHOULD NOT support community cohesion:
1) Forced cooperation might lead to fighting
2) The UK has always believed in multi-culturalism
3) It doesn’t matter as long as everyone obeys British laws
4) It’s impossible - everyone is different