Unit 8: Section 2 - Environmental and Medical Issues Flashcards
Definition of global warming
The increase in the temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere (thought to be caused by the greenhouse effect)
What are the different beliefs on the cause of global warming?
Many scientists believe that the burning of fossil fuels by humans increases the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere
Others believe the rise in temperature is natural and the climate has always been in a state of change
What are the effects of global warming?
Polar regions - ice melts, sea level rises = means some land may be submerged
Hotter areas - drought + rain and flooding = shortages of food then famine
Increase in extreme weather events = hurricanes + flash floods
Some animals and plants may die out = if they can’t adapt
What are some solutions to global warming?
Individually = turn off electrical appliances when not in use, walk rather than use vehicles
Government = Set laws for factories to reduce energy
Scientists = research into causes and consequences of climate change
What are the different forms of pollution and what do they cause?
Waste - increase in waste that is not biodegradable or recyclable. It spreads disease and releases dangerous chemicals
Land - land or soil pollution leads to poor plant growth and threatens animal habitats
Air - substances or chemicals that threaten the chemical balance of the air. They lead to acid rain and smog
Water - contaminated rivers, lakes, oceans and reservoirs It affects water quality and plants and animals that live there
What are the examples of causes for the forms of pollutions?
Waste = new technology products like computers
Land = littering, pesticides and radioactive waste
Air = vehicle fumes, CFCs, burning fossil fuels and waste from power stations
Water = fertilisers, eutrophication, sewage and oil
What are solutions to reducing/stopping these forms of pollution?
Create less waste = recycle, reduce packaging and reuse
Alternative energy sources = use renewable, clean sources such as solar power and wind power
Government Action = anti-pollution laws to limit amount of pollution and severe penalties if broken.
Alternative manufacturing = research ways of manufacturing that cause less waste
Definition of natural resources
Naturally occurring materials that can be used by humans
What are types of renewable sources?
Wind power Solar power Water power Wave power Fertile land
What are the advantages and disadvantages of renewable sources?
+ never run out
+ most produce ‘clean’ energy = cause pollution
- many are only effective in certain areas
- can be more expensive
What are types of non-renewable sources?
elements, materials and rocks
What are the advantages and disadvantages of non- renewable sources?
+ can be recycled
+ useful top humans for transport, electricity, buildings and everyday use
- scarce = once used up, they cannot be replaced
- many cause pollution
Definition of conservation
Protecting and preserving natural resources and the environment for future generations
Definition of environment
Surroundings in which plants and animals live and on which they depend to live
What are the issues with non-renewable sources for humans?
Humans are very reliant on non-renewable sources
If used at their current rate, they will run out
Not having them will have a huge impact on the planet and human life
What are the possible solutions to non-renewable sources?
- use renewable energy sources
- conserve electricity
- use products made from renewable sources
Definition of creation
The act of creating the universe or the universe which has been created
Definition of stewardship
Looking after something so it can be passed onto the next generation
What are the Christians beliefs on why they should look after the Earth?
Stewardship = God gave humans stewardship over the world - they must look after it for future generations
Authority or Dominion = God gave humans dominion over the Earth - they have a position of power and responsibility to care for God’s creation
Responsibility = Humans have a God-given responsibility to care for the world and environment for future generations
What are the effects on Christian attitudes to the environment?
Bible teaches they should:
Take care of the environment = it is a gift from God
Share resources more equally = Jesus taught Christians to love and help each other
Conserve Earth’s natural resources = for future generations
Reduce pollution = to help the environment
Care for animals and plants = they were created by God
Why is the reason for Christians belief on why they should look after the environment?
Christianity teaches that after death humans will be judged on how they acted on Earth = includes how they looked after the Earth
Bible = shows that God will be angry with those who have ruined or damaged the environment
What are the Muslim teachings on why they should look after the Earth?
Allah put humans in charge of his creation - Muslims should respect his gift
Adam was made as a khalifa (caretaker) of the Earth - all humans have this responsibility
All Muslims are part of the ummah (worldwide Muslim family) and should look after the world for future generations making sure all natural resources are shared equally
Animals are part of Allah’s creation - humans are khalifa and should treat animals with respect
On the Day of Judgement - Allah will judge everyone on how they have lived including how they have cared for the world
What are the effects on Muslim attitudes to the environment?
Islam teaches that they should:
Recycle + reduce energy loss
Support environmental organizations and charities
Planting trees and crops - using them for the good of others
Not overuse Earth’s resources
Avoid waste and pollution
Share Earth’s resources more equally
What are types of medical treatment for infertility?
Artificial Insemination
In-vitro Fertilisation
Artificial Insemination by donor
Egg donation
Embryo Donation
Definition of embryo
A fertilised egg in the first 8 weeks after conception
Definition of infertility
Not being able to have children
Definition of in-vitro fertilisation
The method of fertilising a human egg in a test tube
Definition of surrogacy
An arrangement where a woman bears a child on behalf of another woman OR where an egg is donated and fertilised by the husband through IVF and then implanted into the wife’s uterus
What are the issues with fertility treatments?
Treatments are very expensive
No guarantees that procedures will work and many attempts may be needed
Fertility drugs have uncomfortable side effects
Couple’s relationship may be put under strain
Can cause problems if the surrogate bonds with the child
Donor sperm or egg can cause conflict bonding with the child
What are Christian attitudes against fertility treatments?
No one has ‘right’ to have children if this is not God’s will
Treatments where fertilisation takes place outside of the womb involves masturbation which is a sin
Where embryos are created,usually those not needed are destroyed. Some feel this is murder
Against treatments where donated sperm and egg are used - seen as adultery
Most do not accept surrogacy
What are the reasons for Christians to be against fertility treatments?
God has a plan for everyone - should be respected
He intended for children to be created naturally through sex between man and woman
Surrogacy and donated sperm brings a third person into relationship - adultery
Destroying unused embryos is against the Christian principle - sanctity of life
What are Christian attitudes for fertility treatments?
Allows infertile couples to experience the joys of having children
Depends on the situation - may be more acceptable for married childless couples
God gave humans the knowledge to create children artificially
What are the reasons for Christians to be for fertility treatments?
Christianity teaches that God commanded humans to ‘be fruitful and multiply’
Fertility treatment is way of loving your neighbour - follows the Golden rule
What are Muslim attitudes against fertility treatments?
If Allah does not want a couple to have children they should accept it and not have treatment
Most disagree with using donor sperm or eggs
All believe surrogacy is wrong
What are the reasons for Muslims to be against fertility treatments?
Muslims must try to act in a way God wants
Donor sperms or eggs - seen as adultery + all children have the right to know their natural parents
Surrogacy - seen as adultery + believed that the woman who gave birth to the child is the mother
What are Muslim attitudes for fertility treatments?
In-vitro fertilisation and artificial insemination by the husband are permitted
What are the reasons for Muslims to be for fertility treatments?
Embryos destroyed in IVF are 14days old - Islam teaches that the soul does not enter the soul until 120 days old
Sperm and egg used are from the married couple
If treatment does not work then Muslims believe that this is the wish of Allah
Definition of organ donation
Giving organs to be used in transplant surgery
What are the advantages of transplant surgery?
Give people and their loved ones an opportunity to help others after their death
Offers relief to those who receive transplants and their loved ones
What are the ethical problems with transplant surgery?
Limited form of treatment
How is it decided who gets the transplant?
What are normal issues with transplant surgery?
There are not enough donor organs for those requiring organs
It raises questions about when a person is actually considered dead
It raises questions about who should get the organ when there are not enough and whether you should keep a person alive or let them die purely for an organ donation
Family members may feel pressured into donating the organs of a loved one
What are the reasons for Christians to be for transplant surgery?
Raises no problems in the afterlife - body is not needed in heaven
Organ donation is loving and charitable act - follows teaching of Jesus to love one another
Organ donation is matter of personal conscience
Some believe that organ donation is a positive action and are encouraged to be donors
What are the reasons for Christians to be against transplant surgery?
Goes against sanctity of life - people should not ‘play God’
Interferes with God’s plan for every human being
Organs are apart of a person -so it is wrong to replace part of God’s creation
Some believe organs shouldn’t be replaced if the person deliberately caused it to themselves. E.g alcohol
What are the reasons for Muslims to be for transplant surgery?
It is okay if done to save the life of others - it is what Allah would want
Live donations are less controversial. E.g people can survive with one kidney. So resurrection would be unaffected
It would allow living donor transplants to close relatives
What are the reasons for Muslims to be against transplant surgery?
Qur’an teaches that the body should be buried soon after death and should not be interfered with
Muslims believe the body will be resurrected on the last day and therefore organs will be needed
It goes against sanctity of life because only God should give and take life
What do Islamic authorities think about organ donations?
Muslim Law issued the following guidance:
The Council supports organ transplants to alleviate pain or save lives
Muslims may carry donor cards
In the absence of a donor card, the next of kin may give permission for the organs of a loved one to be used to save others lives