UNIT 8 Regional Flashcards
What are the 5 divisions of the spinal column, and how many vertebrae are present in each?
cervical: 7
thoracic: 12
lumbar: 5
sacral: 5 fused
coccygeal: 4 fused
know the anatomy of the vertebrae
spinous process connected via lamina to transverse processes
pedicles connect to the vertebral body
all surround the vertebral foramen
what are the anatomical borders of the facet joint?
formed by the superior articular process of one vertebrae and the inferior articular process of the one directly above it.
injury to the facet can compress the spinal nerve that exits the respective intervertebral foramina, causing pain & muscle spasm along the associated dermatome
order the 5 ligaments of the spinal column from posterior to anterior
supraspinous ligament interspinous ligament ligamentum flavum posterior longitudinal ligament anterior longitudinal ligamnet
what ligaments are penetrated during midline approach to the epidural space? How about the paramedian approach?
- supraspinous
- interspinous
- ligamentum flavum
- ligamentum flavum
list all of the structures & spaces b/n the skin and the SC as they would be encountered during a subarachnoid block
skin subcutaneous tissue muscle supraspinous ligament interspinous ligament ligamentum flavum dura mater arachnoid mater pia mater
what are the boundaries of the epidural space?
cranial border = foramen magnum
caudal border = sacrococcygeal ligament
anterior border = posterior longitudinal ligament
lateral border = vertebral pedicles
posterior border = ligamentum flavum, vertebral lamina
What happens when you accidentally inject LA into the subdural space during a SAB? How about during an epidural?
subdural space is a potential space b/n the dura and arachnoid mater
epidural dose injected into the subdural space –> high spinal w/ delayed onset (15-20mins)
spinal dose injected into the subdural space –> failed block
What is Batson’s plexus, and what is it’s significance?
the epidural veins
they drain venous blood from the SC. valveless. pass through the anterior and lateral regions of the epidural space.
obesity & pregnancy increase intraabdominal pressure = plexus engorgement. This is associated w/ an increased risk of needle injury or cannulation
What is the plica mediana dorsalis, and what is its significance?
while its existence remains controversial, many speculate that a band of connective tissue courses b/n the ligamentum flavum & dura mater
if it does exist, it could create a barrier that would impact the spread of medications w/in the epidural space.
it has long been considered the culprit for difficult epidrual catheter insertion as well as unilateral epidural blocks
what ligament covers the sacral hiatus? What is the significance of this?
sacrococcygeal ligament
this ligament is punctured during the caudal approach to the epidural space.
What is a dermatome, and which ones are important to know as you assess a neuraxial anesthetic?
dermatome = area of skin that is innervated by a spinal nerve
C6 = thumb C7 = 2nd & 3rd digits C8 = 4th & 5th digits T4 = nipple T6 = xiphoid T10 = umbilicus T12 = pubic symphysis L4 = anterior knee
compare and contrast the site of action for spinal vs. epidural anesthesia.
- primary LA action is on the myelinated preganglionic fibers of the spinal nerve roots
- LA also inhibit neuronal transmission in the superficial layers of the SC
- LA must diffuse through the dural cuff before than can block the nerve roots
- LA also leaks through the intervertebral foramen to enter the paraverterbral area, where they cause multiple paravertebral blocks
what factors do and do not contribute to the spread of LA in the subarachnoid space?
- baricity
- patient position
- dose
- site of injection
- volume & density of CSF
- barbotage
- increased intraabdominal pressure
- speed of injectin
- bevel orientation
- vasoconstrictor addition
- weight
- gender
what is the primary determinant of spread for epidural anesthesia?
discuss the differential blockade of spinal anesthesia
different types of nerves have different sensitivites to LA blockade
- autonomic first
- sensory second
- motor last
why is this important? autonomic blockade is 2-6 dermatomes higher than sensory block & sensory blockade is 2 dermatomes higher than motor block
How is differential blockade different w/ epidural anesthesia?
there is no autonomic differential blockade w/ epidural anesthesia
sensory blockade is 2-4 dermatomes higher than motor
compare and contrast nerve fibers in terms of subtype, myelination, function, size, conduction velocity, and block onset.
- heavy myelination
- skeletal m motor + proprioception
- largest
- fastest
- last for block onset
- heavy myelination
- touch, pressure
- second largest
- second fastest
- last for block onset
- medium myelination
- skeletal m tone
- medium size
- medium velocity
- second to last for block onset
- medium myelination
- fast pain, temp, touch
- medium size
- medium velocity
- second to last for block onset
- light myelination
- preganglionic ANS
- medium size
- medium velocity
- first for block onset
- no myelination
- postganglionic ANS, slow pain, temp, touch
- small size
- slowest velocity
- second for block onset
discuss the CV effects of neuraxial anesthesia
sympathectomy –> vasodilation in arterial & venous circulations, although predominantly affects venous capacitance vessels
- -> decreased preload, CO, and BP
- volume loading w/ approx 15mL/kg and vasopressors will minimize hypotension
bradycardia is caused by
- T1-T4 preganglionic cardiac accelerator fiber blockade
- bezold-jarisch reflex
- unloading of stretch receptors in the SA node
discuss the respiratory effects of neuraxial anesthesia
in healthy patients, there is negligible effects on MV, Tv, rr, dead space, and ABG
accessory muscle function is reduced + abdominal muscles (cough function impairment)
- particularly important w/ COPD
how does neuraxial anesthesia affect the neuroendocrine response to stress?
by inhibiting afferent traffic originating from the surgical site, it diminishes the surgical stress response.
this reduces circulating levels of catechols, RAAS, glucose, TSH, and GH
how does neuraxial affect GI function?
the gut receives PSNS innervation from CN V and SNS innervation from the sympathetic chain b/n T5-L2
- inhibition of the sympathetic chain allows PSNS function unopposed
- -> sphincter relaxation & increased peristalsis
how does neuraxial anesthesia affect renal & hepatic blood flow?
as long as systemic BP is maintained, HBF & RBF are unchanged
what is the risk of neuraxial anesthesia in the patient w/ coagulopathy? What lab values are considered contraindications to a neuraxial technique?
risk of spinal or epidural hematoma
platelet <100K
PT, aPTT, and/or bleeding time twice the normal value