UNIT 3 Cardiovascular Flashcards
define: chronotropy, inotropy, dromotropy, & lusitropy
chronotropy: HR
inotropy: contractility
dromotropy: conduction velocity
lusitropy: rate of myocardial relaxation
describe the function of the Na+ K+ pump
maintains the cell’s resting potential; separates charge across the cell membrane keeping the inside of teh cell relatively negative & the outside relatively positive
list the 5 phases of the ventricular AP & describe the ionic movement during each phase
0 = depolarization (Na+ influx) 1 = initial repol (K+ efflux & Cl- influx) 2 = plateau (Ca++ influx) 3 = repol (K+ influx) 4 = restoration of resting membrane potential (Na+/K+ pump)
list the 3 phases of the SA node AP & describe the ionic movement during each phase
4 = spontaneous depol (leaky to Na+) 0 = depol (Ca++ influx) 3 = repol (K+ efflux)
what process determines the intrinsic HR, and what physiologic factors alter it?
HR is determined by the rate of spontaneous phase 4 depol in the SA node
increase HR by manipulating 3 variables:
- rate of spont phase 4 depolarization
- threshold becoming more negative
- resting membrane potential becoming less negative
what is the calculation for MAP?
SBP/3 + 2DBP/3
[(COxSVR)/80] + CVP
what is the formula for SVR?
normal 800-1500 dynes/sec/cm^5
what is the formula for PVR?
normal 150-250dynes/sec/cm^5
describe the frank-starling releationship
relationship b/n preload (ventricular volume) & CO (ventricular output)
- increased preload –> increased myocyte stretch –> increased ventricular output
the increase in output d/t increased preload only occurs to a point
- after this point, overstretch occurs to the ventricular sarcomeres –> decrease in # of cross bridges that can be formed –> decreased CO
what factors affect myocardial contractility?
- SNS stimulation, catecholamines
- calcium
- digitalis
- PDE inhibitors
- myocardial ischemia
- severe hypoxia
- acidosis
- hypercapnia
- hyperkalemia
- hypocalcemia
- IA, propofol
discuss excitation-contraction coupling in the cardiac myocyte
myocardial cell membrane depolarizes
- during phase 2: Ca++ enters via L-type Ca++ channels in T tubules
- Ca++ influx turns on ryanodine 2 receptor, which releases Ca++ from sarcoplasmic reticulum
- Ca++ binds troponin C (myocardial contraction)
- Ca++ unbinds troponin C (myocardial relaxation)
- most of Ca++ is returned to sarcoplasmic reticulum via SERCA2 pump
- Ca++ binds a storage protein (calsequesterin) inside the sarcoplasmic reticulum
what is afterload & how do you measure it in the clinical setting?
afterload = the force the ventricle must overcome to eject it’s SV
we can use SVR/PVR
SVR = [(MAP-CVP)/CO]x80 PVR = [(mPAP-PAOP)/CO]x80
what law can be used to describe ventricular afterload?
wall stress = PR/thickness
- intraventricular pressure is the force that pushes teh heart apart
- wall stress is the force that holds the heart together
wall stress is reduced by
- decreased intraventricular pressure
- decreased radius
- increased wall thickness
list 3 conditions that set afterload proximal to the systemic circulation
- aortic stenosis
- hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
- coarctation of the aorta
use the wiggers diagram to explain the cardiac cycle
pay attention to the following:
- where systole & diastole occur
- 6 stages of the cardiac cycle
- 4 pressure waveforms
- how the pressure waveforms match up to the EKG
- how the valve position changes match up to the EKG
relate the 6 stages of the cardiac cycle to the LV pressure volume loop
- rapid filling (L lower baseline)
- reduced filling (later baseline)
- atrial kick (L lower corner)
- isovolumic contraction (R pressure increase)
- ejection (top slope)
- isovolumic relaxation (L pressure decrease)
how do you calculate ejection fraction?
measure of systolic function (contractility). % of blood that is ejected from the heart during systole
SV/EDV x100
normal 60-70%
LV dysfunction when EF <40%
can you calculate the SV and/or EF with a pressure volume loop?
SV = width of loop EDV = righ side of loop at X axis
what is the best TEE view for diagnosing myocardial ischemia?
midpapillary muscle level in short axis
what is the equation for CPP?
CPP = aortic DBP - LVEDP
what region of the heart is most susceptible to myocardial ischemia? Why?
LV subendocardium
- best perfused during diastole
- as aortic pressure increases, LV tissue compresses its own blood supply & reduces BF (this area has high compressive pressure)
what factors affect myocardial oxygen supply & demand?
decreased supply:
- decreased coronary flow (tachycardia, decreased aortic pressure, decreased vessel diameter, increased end diastolic pressure)
- decreased CaO2 (hypoxemia, anemia)
- decreased O2 extraction (L shift of HgB dissociation curve, decreased capillary density)
increased demand
- tachycardia
- SNS stimulation
- increased wall tension
- increased end diastolic volume
- increased afterload
- increased contractility
discuss the NO pathway of vasodilation
NO = smooth m relaxant –> vasodilation
NO synthase catalyzes conversion of L-arginine to NO
- NO diffuses from endothelium to smooth m
- NO activates guanylate cyclase
- guanylate cyclase converts guanosine triphosphate to cyclic guanosine monophosphate
- increased cGMP decreases intracellular Ca++ –> smooth m relaxation
- phosphodiesterase deactivates cGMP to guanosine monophosphate (deactivates NO mechanism)
where do the heart sounds match up on the LV pressure volume loop?
S1 = closure of MV & TV (right lower corner) S2 = closure of AV & PV (left upper corner) S3 = may suggest systolic dysfunction (L bottom baseline) S4 = may suggest diastolic dysfunction (R bottom baseline)