Unit 8- Real Estate Law Flashcards
Real estate code
What happens if your broker looses their license ?
Stop what your doing
You lose license
Can still close business in closing if approved
What are the exceptions to holding a license?
For sale by owner
Ancillary job to real estate
When did the RE commission start?
July 1 2002
How many people sit on the commission, for how long, and who appoints them?
5 people for 4 years appointed by governor with advice from the senate
Real estate fiscal year begins on what date?
July 1
30-40-22 penalties of violations?
1st violation 1-2000 and 90 days in jail
2nd violation $2-5000 and 1 year in jail
Sentence by a judge
WV RE clause 30-40-7 for violations?
Fines no less than 1k up to 2k per day per violation to the total amount
Fines by RE Commission
Antitrust laws(Sherman)
Laws designed to free enterprise of an open market
Two or more broker team up to bring down other brokers
Reduce patronage to reduce competition
Bringing two parties together for real estate transactions
Payment to a broker for service rendered
Statement indicating no legal responsibilities
Electronic contacting
Two enforcing bodies(acts): UETA & E-Sign (federal
Allowing electronic contracts to be legal
Internet Data Exchange- sharing data by RE professionals
Internet listing display policy
Allowing equal rights to data
Managing broker
The one broker - whop you work for
Minimum level of service
Fee for services
Must at least present and deliver contracts , offers, and counter offers
Multiple listing service
Sharing listings to find buyers homes quickly
Do not call
Can call up to 18 month after RE transaction
Can call up to 3 month after inquiry
Stop calling immediately if asked to
Price fixing
Anti trust law
Fixing prices to reduce competition
Procuring cause
Direct reason why something happens
Sale of a house
Ready willing and able buyer
Pre approval
Can deny showing if not pre approved
Act governing electronic contract
Transactional broker
Helps fill out forms
Not representing persons
How many days to answer to accused provisions?
20 days
How many days do you have to renew your license?
350 days or 50 weeks
$50 3 month late
$75 6 month late
$100 7 month late
Creation of agency types
Express and implied
Express agency
You have a contract
Written down
Binding in court
Implied agency
Verbal or action
Not in writing
Fiduciary duties are
Care Obedience Loyalty Disclosure Accounting Confidentiality
Types of agency relationships
3 types
Universal - sales powers as agent, just for one, POA
General - property manager, many jobs, related to business
Special - RE agent, set list of things todo, one specific act
Disclosure laws, notice of agency
Show who they are working for
Single agency
Working for one party
Seller representation
Principal and client you owe fiduciary too
Owner as the principal
Property manager, hired to rent lease and take care