Unit 8: control of gene expression Flashcards
what are mutations
changes in the sequence of nucleotides in DNA nucleotides
what are the different types of mutations
insertion/deletion mutations
what are insertion/deletion mutations and what are the effects of this mutation
where one or more nucleotide pairs are inserted or deleted from the sequence. this type of mutation alters the sequence of nucleotides after the insertion/deletion point, known as frameshift
3 effects of substitution
-formation of stop codon, which will stop production of the polypeptide prematurely, protein produced wont be functional
-formation of a codon for a different amino acid, polypeptide may differ in shape and be dysfunctional
-different codons produces the same amino acid because code is degenerate so the polypeptide produced is the same
what is a duplication and what is the effect of this mutation
one or more bases are repeated and therefore produces a frameshift
what is inversion and what effect does this mutation have
a group of bases become separated from the DNA sequence and then rejoin at the same position but in reverse order, this therefore affects the amino acid that is produced
what is translocation and what effect does this mutation have
a group of bases become separated from the DNA sequence on one chromosome and are inserted into the DNA sequence on another chromosome, this can often lead to significant effects on the phenotype
what is the effect of translocation on bases
leads to an abnormal phenotype
e.g. development of some cancers or reduced fertility
what is ‘frameshift’ mutation
a genetic alteration resulting from the insertion or deletion of nucleotides in a DNA sequence that is not a multiple of 3.
-it impacts all the base triplets downstream from the mutation, causing a shift in the reading frame and potentially resulting in different amino acids being coded
what are mutagenic agents and examples
factors that increase the rate of mutations occurring
e.g. radiation (UV), chemicals (benzene) and some viruses (HPV)
how can mutagenic agents increase the rate of mutations
deleting bases or changing their chemical structure so that they pair with bases that they wouldn’t normally do so.
-they can also change the structure of the dna itself, which can cause problems during dna replication
what are acquired mutations
mutations which occur after fertilisation
-if these occur in the genes that control mitosis, can cause uncontrolled cell division and hence may result in a tumor
benign tumors
non invasive
-usually grow slowly
malignant tumors
-grow rapidly
-invade and destroy surrounding tissue
-cells can break off and travel around in the blood or lymphatic system
what role do tumor suppressor genes have in the development of tumors
‘suppress’ cell growth
-slow cell division by producing proteins which will either stop cell division or cause the cell to self destruct
-if a mutation occurs, the protein will not be produced and the cells divide uncontrollably
what role do proto-oncogenes have in the development of tumors
a proto-oncogene is a gene that stimulates cell division by producing proteins that make cells divide. When a mutation occurs in a proto-oncogene, the gene can become overactive causing the cell to divide uncontrollably and resulting in a tumour (a mutated proto-oncogene is known as an oncogene)
hypermethylation of tumor suppressor genes
the gene is not transcribed or translated so no protein is produced to stop cell division
hypomethylation of proto-oncogene
not methylated enough
-can cause them to act as oncogenes
-this increases the production of cell division stimulating proteins causing uncontrolled cell division
how can increased oestrogen concentration lead to tumors forming
oestrogen stimulates breast cells to divide more frequently which increases the probability of mutation
-helps cancerous cells divide faster so tumor growth is rapid
-some research indicates that oestrogen can add mutations directly into the DNA of certain breast cells increasing the risk of them being cancerous
why can it be difficult to interpret data on the risk factors of cancer
-some cancers are polygenic- triggered by more than one gene
-some cancers triggered by many environmental factors- difficult to know which environmental factors are having the greatest effect
-can have a control group of lab animals but not people
why is understanding mutations and methylation levels important in preventing and treating cancer
possible to screen for certain cancers and look for a mutation to their DNA
new, more sensitive tests are being developed which will diagnose the disease earlier, giving a better prognosis#
mutations to a proto-oncogene can be treated with a drug that inhibits the enzyme produced by the mutation so the cells stop expressing it and the mutation does not spread, tumor does not grow
what are stem cells
undifferentiated cells which can differentiate into specialised cells
what are four sources of stem cells
embryonic, umbilical cord blood, placental, adult stem cells
embryonic stem cells
taken from embryos in early stages of development
-can differentiate into any cell
umbilical cord stem cells
taken from umbilical cord blood straight away
-similar to adult stem cells
placental stem cells
taken from placenta after birth
-can only specialise into specific cells
adult stem cells
body tissues of the foetus through to the adult and are specific to a particular organ/tissue within which they maintain and repair tissue through an organisms life
can divide and produce and type of cell
-during development, totipotent cells translate only part of their DNA, resulting in cell specialisation
-only occur for a limited time in early mammalian embryos
found in embryos
-can divide to form a limited number of different cell types
-can divide in unlimited numbers and can be used in treating human disorders
multipotent and unipotent cells
both found in mature mammals
-can differentiate into a few different types of cells
-only differentiate into one type of cell
unipotent cardiomyocyte heart cells may be able to replace old or damaged cardiomyocytes
induced pluripotent stem cells
(iPS cells)
-can be produced from adult somatic cells that are genetically altered to acquire characteristics of embryonic stem cells
-involves switching on certain genes within the cells to induce the expression of genes and transcription factors
transcription factors
proteins that control the rate of transcription
-their function is to regulate- turn on and turn off genes- in order to make sure they are expressed in the right cell at the right time
ethics of embryonic stem cells
-can become any type of cell
-has a right to life
-destruction of embryo that could develop into foetus in the womb
-however, an embryo not used in ivf would be destroyed anyway
ethics of adult stem cells
-does not destroy an embryo
-only becomes a limited number of cells
ethics of unfertilised egg stimulated to divide
no right to life involved as no embryo
-wouldn’t produce a foetus if implanted in the womb
benefits of stem cell therapy
-improve the quality of life for many people
-using a patients own cells to grow organs and tissues which elimates risk of rejection or requirement of immunorepresent drugs
-costly for the NHS
how do transcription factors work
-eukaryotic transcription factors move from the cytoplasm to the nucleus via diffusion
-each factor has a site which binds to a specific base sequence at the beginning of the gene (promoter)
-once bound, transcription of the DNA begins and mRNA is produced so the information can be translated into a polypeptide
-TSF control the gene expression by controlling the rate of transcription