Unit 8 Flashcards
relating to the most northern part of the world - مربوط به قطب شمال
- the Arctic island of Novaya Zemlya
the CONTINENT which is the most southern area of land on the Earth and is mostly covered with ice
a large area of land that has never been developed or farmed
- the Alaskan wilderness
close to or relating to the North Pole or the South Pole
- As our climate warms up, the polar ice caps will begin to melt.
time when you are not working or studying and can relax and do things you enjoy
- Most people now enjoy shorter working hours and more leisure time.
- Watching television is now the nation’s most popular leisure activity.
Bring about
to make something happen SYN cause
- How can we bring about a change in attitudes?
- A huge amount of environmental damage has been brought about by the destruction of the rain forests.
relating to the sea and the creatures that live there - دریایی
- the enormous variety of marine life
- the effects of oil pollution on marine mammals
a sharp increase, rise, fall etc happens suddenly and is great in amount SYN steep - تیز - تند
- a sharp increase in prices
- a sharp fall in unemployment
a period or process in which business activity, production etc is reduced and conditions become worse - رکود OPP upturn
- America’s current economic downturn
placed on or living on the land
- land-based animals
- land-based missiles (موشک)
easily broken or damaged OPP strong
- Be careful with that vase (گلدان), it’s very fragile.
- fragile bones
a plane or other vehicle that can fly
all-terrain vehicles are very strong with thick tyres and are suitable for use in many different conditions
- an all-terrain bike
a manager in an organization or company who helps make important decisions
- a marketing executive
- top/senior executives on high salaries
to become worse
- Ethel’s health has deteriorated.
- America’s deteriorating economy
an official rule or order
- There seem to be so many rules and regulations these days.
- new regulations on imports
a ship or large boat
- a fishing vessel
a large mass of land surrounded by sea - قاره
- the continents of Asia and Africa
on or towards the shore (ساحل) of a lake, river, sea etc SYN onshore
- Seals come ashore to breed.
- Several dead birds had been washed ashore.
to make a connection in your mind between one thing or person and another
- I don’t associate him with energetic sports.
to affect the way someone or something develops, behaves, thinks etc without directly forcing or ordering them - تاثیر
- Marx was strongly influenced by the historian Niebuhr.
- Several factors are likely to influence this decision.
a very bad situation that someone is in
- the desperate plight of the flood victims
- the country’s economic plight