Unit 8 Flashcards
To create an interactive visualization that allows a user to change the lag of one time series in order to compare it to a second time series, we create a calculated field such as “Lagged SOI” with the formula: Lookup(SUM([SOI]), [Lag (Months)]) and a parameter called “Lag (Months)”.
How do we add the control for Lag (Months)?
Right click Lag (Months) and select Show Parameter Control
Given the data below on a single hospital, if you just plot the Deaths variable you get the graph below which clearly shows that the number of deaths is increasing each year. However, this graph does not reflect changes in the number of patient visits per year. What is an effective method in Tableau to normalize the data based on the number of patient visits?
Define a calculated field “Deaths per 1000” with the formula [Deaths]/[Patient Visits]*1000 and replace Deaths in the graph with “Deaths per 1000”.
Yes. If you do this for the data above you will see that the rate is 4% of patient visits per year. The death rate does not change at all through the years shown.
Select the statement that best describes the difference between temporal event analysis and time series analysis
Time series analyses deals best with point events collected at regular time intervals, whereas temporal event analysis can deal with point and interval events collected at irregular times
Which of the following graphs represent multivariate time series analyses?
Lung Cancer Deaths Male, Female, and Total
Profit and Sales
Lung Cancer
Which of the graphs below show evidence of seasonality (a cycle that repeats every year)?
A - Cycle Plot Lung Cancer Deaths
C - Segmented Time Series by Year Superstore Sales
Indicate whether each dataset is an example of time series data or temporal event data
A dataset containing the time of ED Admission, time of ordering and administering antibiotics, time of ordering and obtaining a blood culture, time of reading and result of mean arterial pressure taken at varying intervals, and time of admission to the hospital. - Temporal
A dataset containing one blood pressure and one weight measure every day for a month for 100 patients
Time series
A dataset containing patient logs of approximate start and end times at which they exercised, approximate meal time and calories consumed, and blood pressure taken approximately once in the morning and once in the evening. There are 14 to 60 days of data for each patient.
Temporal Event Analysis
Which approach(es) would be effective for visually comparing the rate of change at which people in Ohio vs. Texas are being diagnosed with influenza like syndrome? Assume that we have data on number of diagnoses each week by state for August 2013 through February 2014. Select all that apply.
A line graph with one line for each state where each point plots the % difference from the previous months value
A line graph with one line for each state, where the y axis (showing number of diagnoses) uses a logarithmic scale
Select all of the questions below that are amenable to temporal event analysis
What proportion of patients who are suspected of having sepsis receive the appropriate sequence of care in the first three hours and of those who do not receive that sequence is there a common pattern of deviation? Note: The required sequence is A. Measure lactate levels; B. Obtain blood cultures prior to antibiotics; and C. Administer broad spectrum antibiotics.
Suppose you have data showing the number of patients arriving to an ED by day for 5 years. You are interested in understanding whether ED arrivals vary by day of week (e.g., are there always more on Monday or Friday throughout the years?) as well as whether there is any trend over the years for each day (e.g., did visits on Monday go up or down over the years?). If you could use just one graph, choose the most effective:
A cycle plot showing days (Monday through Sunday) and for each day the years on the X axis, and number of arrivals on the Y axis. Thus the graph has 7 lines, one for each day, where each line has 5 points, one for each year of data.
Select the most accurate statement(s) regarding time series
- For time series data collected at regular intervals with no missing values, line graphs are one of the most accurate and effective means of display
- For time series collected at irregular times, it is best to use a dot plot
?For time series collected at regular intervals, but with some missing data, it is best to use a line graph with missing line segments to indicate missing data
Which of the following statements are true about the color coding used in Graph A? Note that for Graph A all Target bars are green and all Units Using Process bars are Red. Select all that apply.
Color is a redundant code in graph A, because the bars are also labeled with the name of the variable
Graph A does not effectively …
Graph A may be somewhat misleading because green typically means good and red bad, so at a glance a user might assume that all the green bars mean good performance and the red bars bad performance
You have a number of units using a new quality improvement process for one year in three different hospitals. Each hospital has a different target number of units that were supposed to adopt the new process during the year. What is one way to normalize values in order to compare the hospitals’ relative performance toward meeting the goal?
Calculate the percentage of goal met by each hospital —- Yes, this normalizing all hospital performance metrics to a single comparable number.
The most direct way to display deviations is by calculating and plotting (such as on a bar chart) the difference between the comparative measure and the performance measure. For example, we could calculate and plot the target number of units - actual number of units. However, when we do this, the underlying raw data is not visible on the display. Which of the following are effective ways to supply this data? Select all that apply.
?For interactive visualizations, provide a tooltip on each performance measure and target that shows the raw performance and comparative measures.
- Use labels to overlay
Select all of the problems below that apply to the specific Pareto chart above.
Visual clutter from many small values
Handling values that vary greatly in magnitude
Based on the Pareto chart above, select the smallest number of diseases that account for over 60% of total insurer costs
Acid reflux