Unit 3 Flashcards
If Total Cost is a “discrete” measure containing decimal numbers of the form 245.15 and it is on the Columns shelf, which visualization will you see by default?
B Show total sum - This is produced when Total Cost is a discrete measure. Since Total Cost is a measure, Tableau, by default, aggregates all of its values using Sum. Since Total Cost is discrete, Tableau creates a label showing that sum.
If you need to graph the sum of “Population” for every “Country”, which statement is true in this case?
- Population is a dimension, Country is a measure
-Population is a dimension, Country is a dimension - Population is a measure, Country is a measure
** Population is a measure, Country is a dimension
If Total Cost is a “continuous” dimension containing decimal numbers of the form 245.15 and it is on the Columns shelf, which visualization will you see by default?
C (sum aggregate in rows)This is produced when Total Cost is a discrete dimension. Since Total Cost is a dimension, Tableau, will not aggregate its values. Since Total Cost is discrete, Tableau creates a label showing each value of Total Cost.!!!
What is the main advantage to a packaged workbook?
A packaged workbook creates a single file (with extension .twbx) that includes both the visualizations and the data.
When you drag a variable (what Tableau also calls fields) to the Rows shelf, Tableau will create row labels if the variable is
!!!NOT continuous -Tableau draws axes for continuous variables
!!!NOT Dimension
When you drag a variable (what Tableau also calls fields) to the Rows shelf, Tableau will not aggregate the values if the variable is
A dimension - If a variable is a dimension Tableau will not apply aggregation (such as Sum).
A spreadsheet has a column header “Total Cost” with the rest of the column containing decimal numbers of the form 245.52. When you connect to this spreadsheet, by default Tableau will treat the variable “Total Cost” as… A (Select all that apply)
*A measure
*A continuous variable
*A variable with type Number (Decimal)
When you drag a variable (what Tableau also calls fields) to the Rows shelf, Tableau will create an axis if the variable is
Continuous - Yes, axes are drawn for continuous variables
Select the most accurate statement about continuous and discrete variables
In the Data window, blue icons indicate discrete and green icons indicate continuous variables
Select the most accurate statement about Measure Names and Measure Values
!!!NOT Measure Names is a dimension that contains all the names of the measures in your data connection
If Total Cost is a “continuous measure” containing decimal numbers of the form 245.15 and it is on the Columns shelf, which visualization will you see by default?
If Total Cost is a “discrete dimension” containing decimal numbers of the form 245.15 and it is on the Columns shelf, which visualization will you see by default?
If Total Cost is a “continuous dimension” containing decimal numbers of the form 245.15 and it is on the Columns shelf, which visualization will you see by default?
If Total Cost is a “discrete measure” containing decimal numbers of the form 245.15 and it is on the Columns shelf, which visualization will you see by default?
When you drag a variable (what Tableau also calls fields) to the Rows shelf, Tableau will not aggregate the values if the variable is
a dimension
When you drag a variable (what Tableau also calls fields) to the Rows shelf, Tableau will create row labels if the variable is
When you drag a variable (what Tableau also calls fields) to the Rows shelf, Tableau will create an axis if the variable is
Select the most accurate statement about Measure Names and Measure Values
Measure Names and Measure Values are variables that are not defined in your data source
Measure Names is a dimension that contains all the names of the measures in your data connection
Measure Names and Measure Values should be used to display values from multiple measures in the same pane simultaneously.
Select the most accurate statement about filtering and highlighting
!!Filtering works best when you want to allow a user to focus on a subset of the data while still showing the remaining data for context
-Since filtering removes the other data it eliminates that data as context. Highlighting retains, but deemphasizes, the remaining data, so it is best to use highlighting to show a subset of data in the context of the entire data set
!!!A filter eliminates some or all of the data on a single visualization (worksheet) in a dashboard, but cannot be applied to multiple visualizations on the same dashboard
!!!If you filter a worksheet visualization on a dashboard it does not affect the visualization shown on the worksheet tab
!!!Highlighting allows you to call attention to marks of interest by coloring select marks and removing all others
Suppose you have the following line graph showing total cost of 12 diseases by age and you want to produce the second graph that has a separate line for each disease (stored in a discrete dimension called “Disease”). What do you need to do to the first graph to create the second?
Drag Disease to the Color icon in the Marks card
!!!NOT Drag Disease to the Columns shelf and place Disease just to the left of Age BECAUSE:
This will create a separate line graph for each disease:
If you want to send your Tableau workbook to someone else who also has Tableau, what is the best way to send both your visualizations and the data so that the recipient can easily open and interact with your visualizations?
Create a packaged workbook and send that
Select the most accurate statement about dimensions and measures
What can quick table calculations be used for?
Select the most accurate statement about table calculations
Select the most accurate statement about continuous and discrete variables
In the Data window, blue icons indicate discrete and green icons indicate continuous variables
Select the most accurate statement about dimension, measure, continuous and discrete.
Select the most accurate statement about Tableau Data Extracts (TDE)
A TDE is a local copy of a subset or entire data source that you can use to share data, work offline, and improve database performance
A scatterplot encodes age as the size of the marks and as the intensity of the mark’s hue. This is an example of an
an orthogonal coding
Yes, an orthogonal code is one that uses two or more visual features to encode different variables
You have an Excel spreadsheet with a column that looks like this:
DateJanuary, 2015February, 2015March, 2015
and so on through May, 2015.
When you connect to this data from Tableau, what data type will Tableau use for the Date field?
If you want a visual object to stand out and be easy to find you should
use a strong preattentive attribute for the target and ensure it is very different from all distractors
A __ supervisor suggests that, for branding reasons, we should use the __ logo colors to create a single palette that all __visualizations will use. What are some of the problems with this approach?
While it is useful to adopt standard palettes, several different types of well-designed palettes are needed for effective information visualization and some use cases may call for a custom palette. Developing a single palette around the discrete colors in the logo is therefore not appropriate
What is a major problem with using the HSV color model for information visualization?
It is not perceptually uniform