UNIT 8 Flashcards
Metabolism of Nutrients and Energy Balance
Gross energy food values
This is a method of determining the energy in foods by measuring the heat released after complete burning of a food sample
Physiological food values
Also called energy nutrients
This is a food value that encompasses the realities of human digestion. Meaning that there is a small amount of energy lost during digestion, absorption and metabolism processes
What are calories?
This is a measurement of food energy. It is the amount of heat necessary to raise the temperature of one L of water by one degree Celsius
What are the calorie per g for Fat, Carbs, and Protein
Carb: 4 cal/g
Protein 4 cal/g
Fat: 9 cal/g
Compounds other than the six nutrients that are present in foods and have biological activity to the body
nonnutrient compounds in plant-derived foods that have biological activity in the body.
Adipose Tissue
The body’s fat tissue.
Performs several functions: including the synthesis and secretion of the hormone leptin involved in appetite regulation.
How many calories in 1 pound of body fat
3500 calories.
Estimated Energy Requirements
The DRI recomendation for energy intakes, accounting for age, gender, weight, height, and phyiscal activity.
basal metabolism
the sum of all the involuntary activities that are necessary to sustain life.
This includes circulation, respiration, nerve activity, etc.
Thermic effect of food
the body’s sped up metabolism in response to having eaten a meal.
also called “diet-induced thermogenesis”
Basal metabolic rate
the rate at which the body uses to support its basal metabolism
What are the three components of energy expenditure
Basal metabolism
Voluntary Activities
THermic effect of food.
How are gross food values measured
Typically measured in a bomb calorimeter.
This determines the food value by measuring the heat released after complete burning of a food sample.
What is direct calorimetry
This is the measurement of energy as heat.
It is released in kilocalories.