Unit 8 Flashcards
Abut (V)
A bat’
To join at one end or be next to; to support; prop up
Attire (n) (V)
A tir’
(N) Clothes, apparel, garb
(V) TO dress, adorn or bedeck
Avail (V) (N)
A Val’
(V) To be of use or benefit to; to make use of; to take advantages of; to profit or benefit
(N) Use, benefit, or value
Crony (N)
Kro’ ne
A very close friend, chum, buddy
Cryptic (adj)
Puzzling, mystifying, or enigmatic
Divergent (adj)
Da var’ jant
Going in different directions; different from each other; departing from convention, deviant
Enmity (N)
En’ ,a te
Hatred, ill will
Fervent (adj)
Very earnest, emotional, passionate, extremely hot
Gaunt (adj)
Thin and bony, starved looking; bare, barren
Infiltrate (v)
In’ fil trat
To pass through or gain entrance to gradually or stealthily
Nullify (V)
nal’ a fly
To make of no value or consequence
Perceptible (Adj)
Per sep’ at bel
Capable of being grasped by the sense of mind.
Plummet (V)
Palm’ at
To plunge straight down;
Proclaim (V)
Pro Klam’
To declare public ally or officially
Proxy (N)
Prak’ se
An agent, substitute; a written permission allowing person to act in another place.